Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Last night was a coordinated event. Biden really is a senile old coot. But until last night, the establishment has been a loyal defender of his coot-ism.

Trump lied for 90 minutes. I don't call that winning.

Biden started lying right from beginning of the debate.

The pandemic are so badly handled, many people were dying. All he said was, it’s not that serious. Just inject a little bleach in your arm. It’d be all right.

That's obviously a lie. Trump never said anything of the sort.

Biden is a corrupt mouth-breathing retarded lying piece of shit.
Last night was a coordinated event. Biden really is a senile old coot. But until last night, the establishment has been a loyal defender of his coot-ism.

Who is throwing Biden under the bus?

He hauled in $25 million and got a bump in the polls.

Here you go. Knock yourself out. Then you can stop posting like you're a fucking imbecile.

Gaslighting by the same people who flat out lied to you for two years about how “credible” it was that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”. These clowns wouldn’t know the truth if it paid them.
Gaslighting by the same people who flat out lied to you for two years about how “credible” it was that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”. These clowns wouldn’t know the truth if it paired them.
Then go fuck yourself if you can't deal with reality. It's not my problem you're a mental case.
That's the 10th time you've repeated that excuse. The whole world saw it, there is no spinning what happened. Biden put in the worst debate performance IN HISTORY.
Yes, he didn't perform well. But we aren't interested in a performer. There is no situation where Joe Biden has to do the things as president that you have to do to run for president. He doesn't have to answer policy questions in under 2 minutes, as president. He isn't required, as president, to fact-check a psychopathic liar. So his "performance" isn't that important to people who want to save democracy and save America. We care about his performance as president. And that has been stellar.
Yes, he didn't perform well. But we aren't interested in a performer. There is no situation where Joe Biden has to do the things as president that you have to do to run for president. He doesn't have to answer policy questions in under 2 minutes, as president. He isn't required, as president, to fact-check a psychopathic liar. So his "performance" isn't that important to people who want to save democracy and save America. We care about his performance as president. And that has been stellar.
He's suffering from dementia, you fucking dumbass. It's a progressive incurable and terminal brain disease. His cognitive decline is palpable.
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Just as Nixon won over JFK when only the vocal transcripts of their comments were considered. JFK's Addison's disease made him look tanned and fit, while Nixon's face was sweaty and pale. The visuals gave JFK the edge with a politically uneducated audience.

Biden may have been 'doped down' by his handlers in a conspiracy to make him look unfit, for the purpose of torpedoing his candidacy.
If what you claim is true, why were all the talking heads show their disappointment in Joe's performance.
Even those at the table rgrowing ashes on themselves noted that Joe lost the debate hands down.

Trump DID say it's not that serious.
While he may have said something similar at first month or two into 2020, once he constricted travel in and out of our country in an effort to start containing spread of infection, you two-faced, forked-tongue nimrods started screaming he was being xenophobic, over-reacting, and insulting our foreign friends.

Now a few years later your irrational rant is Trump didn't do enough about COVID.

If you Lefturds actually had brains and intelligence you might not be such a danger to yourselves and our nation.
Trump DID say it's not that serious.
Fuck you. Biden opened up the debate telling a whopper and whenever he could manage a coherent sentence with his feeble voice he was telling another fucking lie.

Here's another whopper in his answer to the first question.

I come from a household where the kitchen table – if things weren’t able to be met during the month was a problem. Price of eggs, the price of gas, the price of housing, the price of a whole range of things.

Complete bullshit. Biden grew up in a rich household. Hell, his daddy gave him a brand new Corvette for his 16th birthday. They certainly didn't have to worry about the price of eggs.

Only LWNJ morons buy his "I was born a poor black child" routine.
Biden may have been 'doped down' by his handlers in a conspiracy to make him look unfit, for the purpose of torpedoing his candidacy.

I admire the ingenuity and the wish to approach the topic from all angles .

But yours is pure conspiracy . imho .

Not just because I disagree with it , but because there is no evidence to support the idea that such a strategy has ever worked in the past . Or is ever likely to work , based on common sense grounds .

Your conclusion is simply based on the idea that anything is possible and that miracles actually occur .

A great idea among bookmakers because that is the thinking that makes them guaranteed winners .

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