We have 198 people that are traitors to America and it's voting system.

To vote, at least, and that is what is important. Most new registration are probably at Drivers liscense and that gets you the "Real ID" I use for for getting on airplanes, as it does not seem appropriate to pull out my Concealed Carry Weapons Permit, though, that is what I use consistently for ID when I vote. I have a voter ID card, but it is useless, as it does not have a government picture, basically it shows where I vote, along with address and that I am an Independent. Independent does not matter here, either. I choose which primary (Rep or Dem) I vote in, based on either who it is important for me to vote for in the primary or who I want to vote against.
I don't think it's at all unreasonable to require some kind of solid proof that a person who is voting to be the person they claim to be. National elections are essentially a federal government franchise, and a franchise will have many across-the-board regulations to insure quality and accuracy.

And I'd bet that, if we assembled a group of reasonable Americans from across the political spectrum to figure out how to effectively do that, they could. Kinda like the way that large American businesses address challenges every freaking day.

And that, given our current condition, is where we shit the bed. We're just not willing to do that. We don't even fucking CONSIDER it. We could do that on any number of issues, but no. Okay, but that's a self-inflicted wound, as usual.
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Whenever the criteria is raised for voting it always disenfranchises legal voters

Those that for various reasons cannot fulfill the new criteria
Come on now. I honestly do not believe you are that dumb. Please rethink it and give us one example in which a legal citizen voter was disenfranchised in any way by preventing illegals from voting. Or if you cannot do that, give us a reasoned argument for why non citizen migrants should be allowed to vote.
Come on now. I honestly do not believe you are that dumb.

I do. :p

I believe the evidence of my eyes and ears.

Please rethink it and give us one example in which a legal citizen voter was disenfranchised in any way by preventing illegals from voting. Or if you cannot do that, give us a reasoned argument for why non citizen migrants should be allowed to vote.

Yeah. Still waiting for even ONE example.
The worst thing is that apportionment is determined by population (legal or not). So the fact of the matter is, places like NYC, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia gain more representatives in those blue shitholes and they are voted in by demofascists. This is an end run around the electoral college.
Perhaps with a GOP majority in both Houses we can how the next census is taken.
To only include U.S. ciizens and Green Card holders.
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I don't even understand how anyone regardless of political affiliation would be against requiring an ID to insure that each American is voting in American elections and not non American citizens.

If voting is supposed to be our holiest of American institutions then why don't they want to preserve and protect a sacred right bestowed on all Americans?

Isn't voting supposed to for citizens? Fair? Secure? And equal for all Americans? I don't understand how any politician could be against having an ID to vote.

How does requiring ID jam up anything? It makes things easier. You show your ID and you vote, that's it.

Xenophobic? It's elections in America, voted for by americans. By her logic every other person in the world should be able to vote in our elections because if some guy in Syria can't vote in our elections it's xenophobic.

Because voting is a right. I'm not opposed to ID, but I can see the argument.
Come on now. I honestly do not believe you are that dumb. Please rethink it and give us one example in which a legal citizen voter was disenfranchised in any way by preventing illegals from voting. Or if you cannot do that, give us a reasoned argument for why non citizen migrants should be allowed to vote.
There is no reasoned argument.

It's time to call these leftards out on their bullshit.

Righties can not sit idly by while leftards destroy their world.

There is a time for all things. This is the time to fight back. And I do mean fight, if that's what it takes.

This is no time to be civil with leftards. This is the time to pound their lying stinking bullshit into the ground where it belongs.

You'll notice I've become considerably more forceful in my presentation lately. I do this everywhere, not just on message boards. I do it at work, on stage, in restaurants and bars, even at the grocery store.

No compromise, and no quarter. Leftards don't stand a chance against parents and people who work for a living. It's time to let them know we care. Righties need to accept the fight, and embrace it. Unless you want your children to grow up in a leftard world.

Remember that commies are murderers and thieves. They won't hesitate to cut your throat and steal your land. They're trying to do it the soft way right now, but it won't be long before things get harder. Be ready. Be vigilant. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Trust your eyes and ears. Keep them open.

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