How do we get 155 million people to stop voting for the ‘duopoly’ / ‘uniparty’?

One of two things needs to happen to loosen the death grip of two-party dominance.

Voters need to wake up. The "privilege" of choosing between two abysmal candidates is not a worth having. We need to vote honestly rather than strategically. Voters need to care more about their country than their party. This is very unlikely to happen. The "lesser-of-two-evils" conceit, combined with 24/7 fear mongering, keeps the rubes in line.

The other way out is RCV. It does away with the spoiler effect and lets voters express their honest preferences without worry about supposedly helping a candidate they really don't like. This is actually working, at local and state levels, in party primaries and other elections that can fly below the radar of the national propaganda machines of the Ds and Rs. The majors are starting to notice, however, and are now aiming their fear mongering directly at RCV. We'll see if the movement survives, or if the country survives long enough to reap the benefits.
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Trump is a better Candidate than ( Nixon) ( Ford ) ( papa Bush ) ( Dole ) ( W) ( Viva Juan McCain ) ( Mittens ) so what are you so called Conservatives & Republicans lookin For In a Candidate ?
Like I said oh dumbest of asses

Yo0u can call yourself a MAGAT all day long.
You can have a badge printed with your face and MAGAT printed in big letters.

But there's no reason to put that on the ballot EXCEPT to ensure the two party and only two party system is preserved.

So I guess that makes you part of the problem.
Like we didn't know that.

Again, why diminish the information people have about the candiates?
Again, why diminish the information people have about the candiates?
It is NOT information about candidates
It is a built in advantage for the GOP and DEM parties.

Does having the REP next to his name tell you
Trump is a lying sack of shit?
Does it inform you of his criminal acts?

No, all it does is give the party the advantage with the hopelessly ignorant.
definitely why you're defending it.
It is NOT information about candidates
It is a built in advantage for the GOP and DEM parties.

Does having the REP next to his name tell you
Trump is a lying sack of shit?
Does it inform you of his criminal acts?

No, all it does is give the party the advantage with the hopelessly ignorant.
definitely why you're defending it.

It is information about the candidates. More information is better than less.

You calling people ignorant is comical. and sad.
O.K. Who is next.

Let's assume Trump wins in 24. Who do we run in 2028 ?

At this time a lot of people don’t yet hate DeSantis? so him I guess? If he does 4 yrs as VP even better.

He seems willing to endure the MSM destroying his life.
One of two things needs to happen to loosen the death grip of two-party dominance.

Voters need to wake up. The "privilege" of choosing between two abysmal candidates is not a worth having. We need to vote honestly rather than strategically. Voters need to care more about their country than their party. This is very unlikely to happen. The "lesser-of-two-evils" conceit, combined with 24/7 fear mongering, keeps the rubes in line.
It's not a privilege you Snowflake, it's just the political reality that you find yourself in. We don't care about the country in the same nor do we agree on what the right path forward should be so why would I stop voting how I want to to instead vote how you want me too? Why don't you dumb Bingos of the Libertarian party understand you have to convince people to vote for you? And not by crying like a little bitch about the duopoly but you know, actually offering solutions to things people care about?
It is information about the candidates. More information is better than less.

You calling people ignorant is comical. and sad.
Does having GOP next to his name tell you \
Trump is a rapist?
That he sold his country out to Russia?
That his daughter accepted a $2B payoff from the Saudis?

No, you NEED your voters ignorant and having that Rep/Dem next to their names guarantees an advantage for those parties.

An calling you ignorant?
I'd never do that.
You're not smart enough to qualify, MAGAT.
Does having GOP next to his name tell you \
Trump is a rapist?
That he sold his country out to Russia?
That his daughter accepted a $2B payoff from the Saudis?

No, you NEED your voters ignorant and having that Rep/Dem next to their names guarantees an advantage for those parties.

An calling you ignorant?
I'd never do that.
You're not smart enough to qualify, MAGAT.

Rant Rant Rant, TDS, Rant Rant Rant.
You have never been on topic, ever.
Off topic dumbass and a liar to boot.

We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
Well, it ain't gonna happin when the other choices are Jill Stein, Cornell West, a Penthouse Executive, or an RFK Jr. fruitcake. Who should we vote for? I refuse to vote against the "duopoly" just to vote against them. I need someone to actually vote for. That's the trouble with third parties. All they offer is a protest vote for someone you don't really want to be president. Give me someone to actually vote for and I'd consider it. By the way, I actually gave some thought to RFK until he picked a totally inexperienced left wing activist whacko as his VP.
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You have never been on topic, ever.
The topic is how to stop the voters from voting for the "duopoly."

You say that having all elections be non-partisan is "unconstitutional"
A violation of YOUR first amendment rights.


doesn't the Constitution place responsibility for this with the States?
Don't all states have non-partisan elections for some offices?
Generally judges, but sometimes city/county offices as well.

Funny, I've never seen a case where these elections are declared "unconstitutional," perhaps you could provide a link?

Further, let's say you and I belong to the GOP.
We run in the primary and you win
You go on the ballot with a big fat "Rep" next to your name.
I run in the general and go to court DEMANDING a big fat "Rep" next to my name.

According to you I should win BECAUSE the State denying my big fat "Rep" violates my 1st Amendment rights.

Even the tiny minded can see how ridiculous this is.


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The topic is how to stop the voters from voting for the "duopoly."

You say that having all elections be non-partisan is "unconstitutional"
A violation of YOUR first amendment rights.


doesn't the Constitution place responsibility for this with the States?
Don't all states have non-partisan elections for some offices?
Generally judges, but sometimes city/county offices as well.

Funny, I've never seen a case where these elections are declared "unconstitutional," perhaps you could provide a link?
View attachment 943276

Further, let's say you and I belong to the GOP.
We run in the primary and you win
You go on the ballot with a big fat "Rep" next to your name.
I run in the general and go to court DEMANDING a big fat "Rep" next to my name.

According to you I should win BECAUSE the State denying my big fat "Rep" violates my 1st Amendment rights.

Even the tiny minded can see how ridiculous this is.
View attachment 943278

How about instead of the concept of "stopping voters", maybe other parties should do the fucking ground work to win at local and State levels first.
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
I'd say a good start would be cleaning up the voter rolls! It'd sure enough reduce that 155 million real quick! :04:
The topic is how to stop the voters from voting for the "duopoly."

You say that having all elections be non-partisan is "unconstitutional"
A violation of YOUR first amendment rights.
It's not a question of rights. It's just dumb. Do you really think that if adopted this policy that voters wouldn't know that Trump is a Republican and Biden is a Democrat?

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