This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

Oddly after Republicans claimed that you can’t even consider a nominee for the SC in the last year of an administration… they replaced Ginsbur n what… November of Trump’s fourth year?

Do not look for consistency or honesty from Republicans
No LUSH. That was YOUR side's rule. The BIDEN rule he invoked on Bush. Republicans had no such rule. Merely held your side to your own rules.
So it’s only a rule when Republicans use it against Dems?

Sure buddy
YOUR boy invoked it. Republicans had nothing to do with it. It was YOUR party's rule, not theirs. And as always, you got bitten on the ass in the end. Cry harder.
Oddly after Republicans claimed that you can’t even consider a nominee for the SC in the last year of an administration… they replaced Ginsbur n what… November of Trump’s fourth year?

Do not look for consistency or honesty from Republicans
"Elections have consequences"-Barry Hussein Obama.

Cry more. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
YOUR boy invoked it. Republicans had nothing to do with it. It was YOUR party's rule, not theirs. And as always, you got bitten on the ass in the end. Cry harder.
“Republicans had nothing to do with it”

That’s one of the stupidest statements made on a very stupid board by a very stupid poster
Democrats are "nice"? Are you serious? Bitter? Angry? Entitled? You don't have a nice bone in your body, Jbander!
Not for you and your type. It is very simple I hate all my country's enemy's all patriots do. you are left with a group that hate everything, peoples color, women, the constitution, Immigrants, the poor, every non white. Your group tried to destroy our democracy and country, all good Americans hate you and yours. Like I said we are patriots and your group are bottom feeding scum.
Liberals are such spoil brats. The moment they don’t get what they want they throw a tantrum. Every time the SC doesn’t something they don’t like, they act like the sky is falling. They are just worried about consolidating their power ahead of the election.
No what I'm saying is that you, your party,your court has to go. and should be pushed off the road and side walks and spit on in passing. We have the right to keep scum away from our children and we have the right and the duty to get rid of traitors to this great country ,people who sold out this great country. So I've designated you a spittoon and your only responsibility in the country is the same as a spittoon , a receptacle for spit. Try walking past me or any other patriot in this country. You will get drowned as you should
No what I'm saying is that you, your party,your court has to go. and should be pushed off the road and side walks and spit on in passing. We have the right to keep scum away from our children and we have the right and the duty to get rid of traitors to this great country ,people who sold out this great country. So I've designated you a spittoon and your only responsibility in the country is the same as a spittoon , a receptacle for spit. Try walking past me or any other patriot in this country. You will get drowned as you should
ZIEG HEIL BIDEN and your one party leftist dictatorship.
Will that vote remain if Trump wins in four months? Does he get to "appoint" the 13 new ones? Duh?
Its just not your hate party court that has to go, it is your traitorous hate party as a whole. Like I said we have the right to protect our children from scum. I believe that is right in the constitution, I know they have the death penalty for you traitors to this country. I support that completely. I believe that anyone who tries or supports the overthrow of our government, its constitution and democracy. Are traitor and should be put to death as the constitution prescribes.
ZIEG HEIL BIDEN and your one party leftist dictatorship.
There is no Dem who will even consider to be a dictator they live and die believing in democracy , not like the traitorous scum in your party who tried to overthrow this country and it's democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. No democrat has ever tried to pull that one off. There has never been a party in our history closer to the Nazi party then MAGA and there has never been a American politician more like Hitler then TRump ever ever ever.
There is no Dem who will even consider to be a dictator they live and die believing in democracy , not like the traitorous scum in your party who tried to overthrow this country and it's democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. No democrat has ever tried to pull that one off. There has never been a party in our history closer to the Nazi party then MAGA and there has never been a American politician more like Hitler then TRump ever ever ever.
You would be good at filling hot air ballons. Demrats and their blind followers like yourself want a one party demrat state, used lawfare to go after political opposition so take a long walk off a short bridge,,head first.
Will that vote remain if Trump wins in four months? Does he get to "appoint" the 13 new ones? Duh?
Trump will die of old age in jail getting humped by some fat old white guy, you know like in his party. Many lifers in jail have put a bid on Trump many have already named trump , his new name is Stormy and his expertise will be golden showers. Those prisoners have a sense of humor.
No what I'm saying is that you, your party,your court has to go. and should be pushed off the road and side walks and spit on in passing. We have the right to keep scum away from our children and we have the right and the duty to get rid of traitors to this great country ,people who sold out this great country. So I've designated you a spittoon and your only responsibility in the country is the same as a spittoon , a receptacle for spit. Try walking past me or any other patriot in this country. You will get drowned as you should
Thank you. That is really a fine specimen of who liberals are. I’m going to keep your comment forever.

Get your fruitcakes away from our kids first. Until then, get fucked.

Let’s remember how we got here.
Scalia died leaving a seat open almost a year before the 2016 election.

Republicans refused to even consider appointing the Justice that Obama proposed claiming that you can not appoint a Justice in the last year of a Presidential term.

Total bullshit as we will see in a minute.

Trump quickly appointed Gorsuch (picked from a list of Federalist Society judges provided to him). In order to ram his appointment through that “nuked” the SC filibuster making all appointments going forward much more partisan.That held the court at 5-4 to the right instead of 5-4 left.

Then… in 2020 RBG died and Republicans slammed another Federalist Society pick into that seat just weeks before a presidential election. According to the “Gorsuch rule” mentioned above… that appointment should have been made by Biden after winning the election and approved by a Dem Senate.

The Court SHOULD be 5-4 or 6-3 to the left… but Republicans managed to game the system (essentially pack the Court) to a 6-3 right wing majority

And that’s how we got Dobbs/Roe and Presidential immunity among other really bad right wing decisions
Sometimes your plans just don’t work out. That’s a bummer.
Thank you. That is really a fine specimen of who liberals are. I’m going to keep your comment forever.

Get your fruitcakes away from our kids first. Until then, get fucked.

Good bye, time for you to move on, I have no responsibility to keep the scum here. in fact my responsibility to get rid of the people who don't contribute or try to hijack the thread. So this gumdrop has to go.
Not for you and your type. It is very simple I hate all my country's enemy's all patriots do. you are left with a group that hate everything, peoples color, women, the constitution, Immigrants, the poor, every non white. Your group tried to destroy our democracy and country, all good Americans hate you and yours. Like I said we are patriots and your group are bottom feeding scum.
You're not a patriot, Jbander! You want to abolish the Constitution and pack the Supreme Court!
This thread has been a joy, much has been accomplished and I like the outcome. We moved to a better position and made it clear that them trying to overthrow our country and democracy to force a piece of shit in a s a dictator has consequences . Them trying to take over this country with the NAZI ways has its consequences and the court will put trump and his people in jail some for the rest of their lives. That's called consequences ,all of these case will be decided by juries , now Shitpants selected these justices to do as they are told and they will try but this country won't let them. They won't save Trump from jail. By the time this is done Trump/Dusty will spend the rest of his life in jail and when the his court tries to save him the people won't allow it. and it will be made clear to everyone how evil and corrupt these Judges are. They will do anything to get rid of them at that point, anything.

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