This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

You don't exist in this thread , go start your own. Rules you have to contribute and you can't try to hijack the thread/ Just move on, I don't want to have you wasting bandwidth on my thread
IT is his topic. My suggestion is he does not want a discussion. He wants just approval. Fuck that jack. I want him done and finished.
And when the next Republican gets into office he adds 15 Conservative judges.

you morons never think things thru jbander
These knuckleheads think that they can prevent another republican from ever getting into office, otherwise that's how confidant they are in what they've done over the years by using all platforms and technology to do it.

They've subdued the college students in a large way, and they've brainwashed parents to allow or convince their children that they might not be in their right minds or bodies, and then they've moved onto the k-12 public schools in hopes to indoctrinate the youth there as well.

They've infiltrated hollyweird by getting themselves positioned in the higher authority to control the programming, the influences, the messaging etc. They've infiltrated government in hopes to gain power enough to control or put down any resistance to their agendas.

It's truly amazing what is going on in this nation, and everyone sees it, but the lies are over riding common sense as if the event's are somehow prophesy and signs of the times written over thousands of year's ago now.
These knuckleheads think that they can prevent another republican from ever getting into office, otherwise that's how confidant they are in what they've done over the years by using all platforms and technology to do it.

They've subdued the college students in a large way, and they've brainwashed parents to allow or convince their children that they might not be in their right minds or bodies, and then they've moved onto the k-12 public schools in hopes to indoctrinate the youth there as well.

They've infiltrated hollyweird by getting themselves positioned in the higher authority to control the programming, the influences, the messaging etc. They've infiltrated government in hopes to gain power enough to control or put down any resistance to their agendas.

It's truly amazing what is going on in this nation, and everyone sees it, but the lies are over riding common sense as if the event's are somehow prophesy and signs of the times written over thousands of year's ago now.
It as if we are the Founders of this country and they represent the King George of England all over again.
Fact, Dems are to nice, it may cost us the country. It is simple to me you try to bring down my government and force in a piece of shit for a dictator and you are my enemy and I will treat you like the enemy and traitor you are, as should everyone.
And what does this post of yours mean ? Is it a declaration of war being declared by you and your ilk ??? Already we see leftist getting super stupid by calling for the assassination of Trump openly. Talk about long jail terms about to go down. Unbelievable craziness..

If the moderate Democrat's had any sense, they will separate themselves from the radical left residing within the Democrat party now, and they will work to revamp the party by getting rid of the radical side through a separating from those who are openly engaging in domestic terrorism ("threat rhetoric"), that is now emerging in the D-party over Donald Trumps candidacy.
It as if we are the Founders of this country and they represent the King George of England all over again.
There's definitely signs of many event's unfolding that will determine the direction of this nation and possibly the direction of the world over the next 5 year's.
Mainstream America has had it up to its eyeballs with whiny-bitch Woke Leftists who want more justices on SCOTUS.

Whiny bitches who pi$$ and moan when THEY don't hold the Majority on the Court and who try to move the goalposts.

The goalposts aren't moving anytime soon... the number of justices on the US Supreme Court will remain at Nine.

And, given the toilet-flushing that seems to lie ahead for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and his bunch, no change is forthcoming.
It was set at 9 in 1869 when the population of the USA was 38 million. Your population is ten times that number now and the SC is hardly representative of the population.
The US Supreme Court is NOT a "representative body".

The job of the US Supreme Court is merely to interpret the US Constitution.

Nine is a number big enough to ensure some diversity of opinion on the bench.

Nine is a number small enough to be manageable with regard to processes and logistics and outcomes.

The next time there is a vacancy and you have the power to elevate your candidate then you will add another voice.

Until then... wait your turn... just like everybody else does. :47:

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