Who are the Israelis?



The Temple Institute has published a call in search of a composer to compose melodies for the singing of the "Shir Shel Yom," the specific psalms sung by the Levitical choir on weekdays and on Shabbat and holidays in the courtyard of the Holy Temple. The Institute promises a modest financial reward to the composer with the hope of performing the winning tune in the future rebuilt Temple.


Some 40 years ago, Rabbi Ariel founded the Temple Institute, and since that time the Institute has been engaged in raising awareness of the Holy Temple among the public in Israel and throughout the world. Among the well known innovations of the Temple Institute are the restoration of the Temple vessels and their public exhibition in the Old City of Jerusalem, importing red heifers from abroad, under the supervision of Rabbi Azaria Ariel, the son of the Institute's founder, in cooperation with other rabbis trained in the laws of the red heifer.
Many generations of school children and Yeshiva students have passed through the Temple Institute and seen with their own eyes the Temple vessels in their true size and shape as they were at the time of the Holy Temple.
Currently the Temple Institute is focusing on its latest project, the establishment of the Levitical Choir, preparing for the musical aspect, essential to the service In the Holy Temple. Having already mastered the singing of the Hallel psalms of praise, the Temple Institute is appealing to music composers throughout Israel to write appropriate melodies for the "song of the day" psalms - the daily psalm sung by the Levitical Choir during the daily service of the Holy Temple, while standing upon the duchan raised platform in the innermost courtyard of the Holy Temple.
The compositions will be examined by a special committee.


In the ad published by the Institute, it is written that they are inviting musical composers to take part in the revival of the Levitical song and to compose the hymns to be performed by the Levitical Choir. The Institute clarifies that the compositions will be examined by a special committee which will select the appropriate melody and award the composer a modest monetary award.

The Temple Institute also left precise instructions for the composer. For example, not to repeat words, to be careful with the correct pronunciation of the words, and also, that the melody should be divided into three parts to allow for a trumpet blast at the end of each section.
The Temple Institute is also looking for Levites for the fulfilling various tasks in the Holy Temple.
The Temple Institute established a school for Levites where the Levites learn to sing the songs sung by the Levites in the Temple.

Once every two weeks, on Friday, dozens of Levites from all over the country gather regularly at Petach Tikva for rehearsals of the songs to be sung in the future Temple. To this end, renowned music directors of the first rank were recruited who teach the Levites voice development, complex and harmonic singing, new arrangements of the songs are being written, and in the next stage they will also write new melodies, all this alongside the orchestra consisting of many musicians who work hard to learn and practice the accompaniment of the Levites' singing with natural musical instruments.

Reminding all that about a year and a half ago after the arrival of red heifers from abroad to Israel, Rabbi Azaria Ariel of the Temple Institute was interviewed by "Kippa News" and reassured, "The Temple Institute believes in patience, my father founded the institute in 1984 and it has been active for forty years. Let it be understood that we are not standing with a stopwatch in our hand."


Gaza's Jewish History - Hebrew Love Poetry

Ydidi Ro'i Mekimi is a poem composed by Rabbi Yisrael Nagarah (1555 Safed - 1628 Gaza). The piyyut expresses the longing of the Jewish people in exile to their G-d as a flock that yearns for the guiding and supportive hand of the shepherd and for redemption.

Rabbi Yisrael Nagara was the rabbi of Gaza, buried there in an ancient Jewish cemetery, considered one of the greatest Hebrew poets of all times.

My beloved shepherd who raises me up
From being run over people of vanity

Tell me now, to whom have You abandoned a few of the herd
Return to gather Your remote, for they are seed of Your beloved

And see the peace of Your brothers and the peace of the flock

Graze me in the beautiful grass, give pasture over all the blessings
By Your hand, gather the lamb, and carry the young of the herd

Say please my redeemer my rescue, till when is my injustice
Govern me, graze me, the Shepherd of my vanity
And Abel (vanity) was a shepherd

Gather thousands, cover them and rescue them
From the hand of the hater, hasten the redeemer

Also the herd shall pass, and build the Temple and the Hall
And send the messenger of Israel, to say "redeemer came to Zion"
Rachel (ewe) comes with the flock


The Lament of Be'eri - Yagel Haroush
with the Jerusalem orchestra

Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?

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Ester Rada - BaMidbar (In The Desert)

Dazzling lights appear as repentance
Through captive eyes everything looks for the better
Every sad reaction looks like love,
What does it matter everything goes in flames.

We've danced till the end jumping without thinking
All the mess someone will pick it up
Everyone a genius, at least a philosopher
A seam waves and pride that left no shore

Lost in a desert, till something breaks
We have been there before, changed nothing
Looking at the Mount, rejoice when it ascended
Swore tomorrow we start all anew

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Again, nothing but bullshit from you. The Jewish state the UN recommended, and that Israel declared would have had 400,000 Arabs and 500,000 Jews and been committed to being a liberal democracy, so it posed no threat to any Arab who wanted to live in peace with the Jews.

In it's declaration of Independence, here is Israel's response to the Arabs threat of genocide:

THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

THE STATE OF ISRAEL is prepared to cooperate with the agencies and representatives of the United Nations in implementing the resolution of the General Assembly of the 29th November, 1947, and will take steps to bring about the economic union of the whole of Eretz-Israel.

WE APPEAL to the United Nations to assist the Jewish people in the building-up of its State and to receive the State of Israel into the comity of nations.

WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.

The Arabs weren't afraid of how they would be treated by the Jews in this new state; they were angry that they would no longer be able to treat the Jews as second class citizens as they had for so many centuries.

THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?

Well, should all fish return to the sea? Yes, unless there is a positive & temporary purpose for them being there. Jews and the Land of Israel have an eternal soulmate connection, and even if some Jews have a fiery relationship with this place, they will never be able to escape being forever linked to it.

So, should all Jews move to Israel physically? All Jews should move to Israel mentally, ideologically, and spiritually, knowing who they are, where they are from, and what they are meant to do, regardless of their ultimate decision of living in their house or in a hotel.


Son of slain couple: 'Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the best life there is'


Matan, the eldest son of Noa and Nir Barnes who were killed on Tuesday in a rocket strike on the Golan Heights, eulogized his parents: 'I have accepted the responsibility to watch my siblings'

18-year-old Matan, the eldest son of Noa and Nir Barnes who were killed on Tuesday in the Golan Heights when a Hezbollah rocket struck their car, bit farewell to his parents in an Instagram post.

"Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the best life there is. You taught me so many things so now I am strong because of them. I know that you are proud of me up there, and you are certainly sitting and saying 'Wow, what a family we had.' I wanted to apologize if I hurt you, you are like oxygen to me. Pure people, in body and soul. Good people, who always helped everyone, funny people who every minute with them was happy and funny. I miss our inside jokes, I will always remember that Barnes is a moniker. In one word: thanks."

Before his parents' funeral in Netanya, Matan addressed the press: "We are not alone, and every time they write that we were orphaned, we are really not orphans. We have our parents' family and friends who are with us. I want to tell my parents that they are amazing parents, amazing, amazing, and I will never forget that.

"They gave me everything and they gave me the best life. Now they gave me the responsibility to watch over my siblings, and I think that they gave me this honor. And that's it. I am ready to accept this decision. I have people with me who will always help me. Thank you for all your concerns and those who write, it's very warming. Thank you."

Bezalel Smotrich: "For 30 years, what I've said was correct, isn't it time to start listening?"

Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?

Arutz Sheva accompanies Olim: 2,000 Jews to immigrate to Israel amid war

In addition to the expected wave of new OIim this coming summer, nearly 1,800 North Americans have made Aliyah since October 7th. Nefesh Bโ€™Nefesh has also noticed a substantial increase in requests to open Aliyah files since the onset of the war, with approximately 10,300 requests received โ€“ an astounding 76% increase compared to the same period last year.

This surge reflects the growing interest in Aliyah, driven primarily by Zionist ideals and expressions of solidarity with the Jewish State, with 47% of applicants citing this as their main motivation. Israelโ€™s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration is closely monitoring this data, with Minister of Aliyah and Integration, MK Ofir Sofer leading discussions to ensure effective preparation for the integration of these Olim.


Yishai EDUCATES Piers on Israelโ€™s Future

Yishai Fleisher and Piers Morgan discussing policies for Gaza and Israel in coming years on Morgan's show "Uncensored".

Bezalel Smotrich: "For 30 years, what I've said was correct, isn't it time to start listening?"

Turns out - military pressure works, who knew?


This Israeli Was IMPRISONED For Opposing The Occupation. Please Listen To Her​


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