peace proposal : 50% of Palestinian lands conquered by the Israelis given back, and halting of the settlement expansion.

The Arab villages were evacuated by Israeli troops because they lay in the path of the advancing Egyptian army and it is a matter of record that Israel accepted UN 194 as a condition of UN recognition of the news state of Israel which according to the UN included the land these villages had been.

The controversy arises from different interpretations of 194, which says only those Arabs willing to live in peace in Israel should have a right to return. Israel took this to mean this was an individual right to return and each Arab who wanted to return had to apply to the new state of Israel and be vetted to ascertain if he or she was willing to live in peace in Israel.

What controversy? again, here's more from Wikipedia:

Israel was thus admitted to the United Nations in May 1949 on condition that it "unreservedly accepts the obligations of the UN Charter and undertakes to honour them from the day when it becomes a member of the UN."[26] But Israel didn't comply with the right of return as reaffirmed in resolution 194.[26]

Not complying sounds like not accepting to me.

So please address this, why did you say "it is a matter of record that Israel accepted UN 194"? What do you actually mean? Israel certainly didn't vote on the resolution because it wasn't a UN member at the time, so what official act constitutes this "accepted" you speak of?
A solution to what? All the information we have indicates the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are unwilling to live in peace with Israel
and why is a 2-state solution not viable?
Because in order to link Gaza and the West bank together you have to cut Israel in half and if Israel returned all the land parts of it's border would be less than 6 miles wide. They would be incapable of defending itself without being on constant war footing and maybe not even then. But that is what you really want isn't it?
and why is a 2-state solution not viable?
It isn't viable because the Israelis, Zionists do not want it and never ever have. From day one they have been opposed, when they appear willing to they are lying, when they claim Arabs cannot live peacefully as their neighbors they are disguising their own internal opposition as being external opposition, caused by external factors.
It isn't viable because the Israelis, Zionists do not want it and never ever have. From day one they have been opposed, when they appear willing to they are lying, when they claim Arabs cannot live peacefully as their neighbors they are disguising their own internal opposition as being external opposition, caused by external factors.
The Palestinians are lying when they say they want a two state solution when what they really want is Israel weak so they can push them from the river to the sea into the sea.
Because in order to link Gaza and the West bank together you have to cut Israel in half and if Israel returned all the land parts of it's border would be less than 6 miles wide. They would be incapable of defending itself without being on constant war footing and maybe not even then. But that is what you really want isn't it?
you're throwing up random obstacles, claiming they're show-stoppers, but you fail to use your creativity.
the corridor between gaza and the west bank should be nothing more than a bi-directional 2-lane highway.
with a secure intersection (tunneled/bridged) for the Israelis..
you're throwing up random obstacles, claiming they're show-stoppers, but you fail to use your creativity.
the corridor between gaza and the west bank should be nothing more than a bi-directional 2-lane highway.
with a secure intersection (tunneled/bridged) for the Israelis..
not doable. it splits them up in a way their military forces will be divided and therefore weakened.
It isn't viable because the Israelis, Zionists do not want it and never ever have. From day one they have been opposed, when they appear willing to they are lying, when they claim Arabs cannot live peacefully as their neighbors they are disguising their own internal opposition as being external opposition, caused by external factors.

The Palestinians are lying when they say they want a two state solution when what they really want is Israel weak so they can push them from the river to the sea into the sea.
ok so according to you two (and what can be seen on TV and in demonstrations), neither side wants peace.
how about we impose a police state on the Palestinians, using the UN and the Israelis as leaders?
clearly the violence has to end, for the sake of the children.
The Palestinians are lying when they say they want a two state solution when what they really want is Israel weak so they can push them from the river to the sea into the sea.
Depends which Arabs you ask. It is clear the Arabs never wanted two states back in 1947 because they refused to accept the partition plan.

Imagine all the immigrants coming over the Mexican border, formed an organization seeking to create a new state that overlapped Texas and New Mexico and Arizona, and lobbied the UN to approve, draft out a partition plan. Do you really believe the American people, especially those living n TX, NM and AZ would "accept a two state solution"?

What ARE you smoking!
What controversy? again, here's more from Wikipedia:

Not complying sounds like not accepting to me.

So please address this, why did you say "it is a matter of record that Israel accepted UN 194"? What do you actually mean? Israel certainly didn't vote on the resolution because it wasn't a UN member at the time, so what official act constitutes this "accepted" you speak of?
Israel accepted the UN's recognition of it as a member state which included accepting 194, which it interpreted as containing an individual right for Arabs to apply to return if they were willing to live in peace with Israel. Some claim 194 provided a collective right to all Arabs who left during the war to return without recognizing the new state of Israel or agreeing to live in peace, and these people claim Israel did not comply with 194. Under Israeli law, individual Arabs still have the right to apply to the state of Israel to immigrate and seek citizenship on the same basis as any other non Jew.
you're throwing up random obstacles, claiming they're show-stoppers, but you fail to use your creativity.
the corridor between gaza and the west bank should be nothing more than a bi-directional 2-lane highway.
with a secure intersection (tunneled/bridged) for the Israelis..
During the Oslo negotiations, the US proposed an overpass controlled by the PA to link Gaza and the West Bank, and Israel raised no objections. If the Palestinians had ever been willing to live in peace with Israel, there would have been a Palestinian state before the turn of the century.
Israel accepted the UN's recognition of it as a member state which included accepting 194, which it interpreted as containing an individual right for Arabs to apply to return if they were willing to live in peace with Israel. Some claim 194 provided a collective right to all Arabs who left during the war to return without recognizing the new state of Israel or agreeing to live in peace, and these people claim Israel did not comply with 194. Under Israeli law, individual Arabs still have the right to apply to the state of Israel to immigrate and seek citizenship on the same basis as any other non Jew.
Israel did not comply, how can one accept something yet refuse to comply? Only one way this can be reconciled, they are liars.

That resolution and many others too have been passed that reaffirm the right of return. Furthermore Israel continues to build illegal settlements creating more refugees.

Israel often "interprets" things differently, that's why things have reached the stage where the ICJ have now issued their advisory opinion on Israel's illegal occupation, basically fuck Israel, we will interpret this for the bastards.
Israel did not comply, how can one accept something yet refuse to comply? Only one way this can be reconciled, they are liars.

That resolution and many others too have been passed that reaffirm the right of return. Furthermore Israel continues to build illegal settlements creating more refugees.

Israel often "interprets" things differently, that's why things have reached the stage where the ICJ have now issued their advisory opinion on Israel's illegal occupation, basically fuck Israel, we will interpret this for the bastards.
Again, only those who claim 194 provided a collective right for Arabs to return to their former homes without recognizing the new state of Israel and without agreeing to live in peace with Israel claim Israel did not comply with 194.
ok so according to you two (and what can be seen on TV and in demonstrations), neither side wants peace.
Palestinians want Israel to stop their illegal occupation, stop arresting and imprisoning Palestinians without charge, stop demolishing Palestinian houses when one of the kids throws a stone at a tank, stop giving citizenship to Israel in a way that advantages Jews, stop creating more and more illegal settlements, stop making hundreds of Palestinian homeless every few months.

Israel has been instructed to do this hundreds of times by majority votes in the UN and only the US stands in the way, it always vetoes any resolution that Israel asks it to, can't you understand? Israel can literally do almost anything it wants, it doesn't give a fuck.

how about we impose a police state on the Palestinians, using the UN and the Israelis as leaders?
clearly the violence has to end, for the sake of the children.
Israel already does that! Far better for sanctions to be applied to Israel as they were to South Africa, sanctions that include no more weapons imports, no access to markets, freezing Nazinyahu's bank accounts.

If that doesn't work then make it clear a coalition will devise a new resolution that will allows "all necessary means" to be used to FORCE Israel to comply, if they continue to procrastinate then bomb their military bases, bomb their shipyards, bomb their air defenses like was done to Iraq when it invaded Kuwait.

This should have already happened, years ago, if the UN actually worked for the good of the human race.
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Palestinians want Israel to stop their illegal occupation, stop arresting and imprisoning Palestinians without charge, stop demolishing Palestinian houses when one of the kids throws a stone at a tank, stop giving citizenship to Israel in a way that advantages Jews, stop creating more and more illegal settlements, stop making hundreds of Palestinian homeless every few months.

Israel has been instructed to do this hundreds of times by majority votes in the UN and only the US stands in the way, it always vetoes any resolution that Israel asks it to.

Israel already does that! Far better for sanctions to be applied to Israel as they were to South Africa, sanctions that include no more weapons imports, no access to markets, freezing Nazinyahu's bank accounts.

If that doesn't work then make it clear a coalition will devise a new resolution that will allows "all necessary means" to be used to FORCE Israel to comply, if they continue to procrastinate then bomb their military bases, bomb their shipyards, bomb their air defenses like was done to Iraq when it invaded Kuwait.

Palestinians want Israel to stop their illegal occupation, stop arresting and imprisoning Palestinians without charge, stop demolishing Palestinian houses when one of the kids throws a stone at a tank, stop giving citizenship to Israel in a way that advantages Jews, stop creating more and more illegal settlements, stop making hundreds of Palestinian homeless every few months.

I want Ana de Armas to show up at my house naked with a bottle of tequila in her hand.

That's not gonna happen either.
I think Palestinians are illegally occupying Israel.
Then why not watch this documentary, produced by John Pilger twenty years ago and using the Israeli historian Ilan Pappe as historical advisor, here's a brief write up about it before you start watching it:

Pilger's documentary Palestine Is Still the Issue was released in 2002 and had Ilan Pappé as historical adviser. Pilger said the film describes how an "historic injustice has been done to the Palestinian people, and until Israel's illegal and brutal occupation ends, there will be no peace for anyone, Israelis included". He said the responses of his interviewees "put the lie to the standard Zionist cry that any criticism of Israel is anti-semitic, a claim that insults all those Jewish people who reject the likes of Ariel Sharon acting in their name".[49] Its broadcast resulted in complaints by the Israeli embassy, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and the Conservative Friends of Israel that it was inaccurate and biased.[50] Michael Green, chairman of Carlton Communications, the company that made the film, also objected to it in an interview with The Jewish Chronicle.[51][52]

The UK television regulator, the Independent Television Commission (ITC), ordered an investigation. The ITC investigation rejected the complaints about the film, stating in its report:

The ITC raised with Carlton all the significant areas of inaccuracy critics of the programme alleged and the broadcaster answered them by reference to a range of historical texts. The ITC is not a tribunal of fact and is particularly aware of the difficulties of verifying 'historical fact' but the comprehensiveness and authority of Carlton's sources were persuasive, not least because many appeared to be of Israeli origin.[53]
The ITC concluded that in Pilger's documentary "adequate opportunity was given to a pro-Israeli government perspective" and that the programme "was not in breach of the ITC Programme Code".[53][54]

Such a program could never be made in the United States let alone be shown on American evening TV.

Please feel free to point out any factual errors you happen to notice while watching it. I mean that too, don't interpret the documentary, don't approve or disapprove of it just yet, but do point out any factual or historic errors you notice.
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Here's a tiny bio of Pappe who served as historical advisor in the making of Pilger's documentary:


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