peace proposal : 50% of Palestinian lands conquered by the Israelis given back, and halting of the settlement expansion.

On the contrary I read it and the sources it cites did nothing but attack BtS, they did not examine any of the testimonies in detail, they basically spent several pages "showing" how BtS as a source itself, is not to be trusted and that therefore by implication every single testimony can be dismissed without further ado.
well, are they right??
well, are they right??
Well this is what lies buried in the article:

Friedman does not question that some of the incidents described in the report occurred.

And their site has lots of videos, interviews etc

These are the truly brave Israelis, not the dehumanized butchers who shoot and bomb people to the tune of now almost 40,000.
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oh so quick to point the finger.
but how many of those Palestinian casualties really had any say in the way Hamas ran it's "foreign policy"??
very few. only the hamas fighters, in fact. and those are valid targets indeed.
but there has -again- been too much (if you ask me) collateral damage generated by the Israelis, also after Oct 7th.

but how many of those Palestinian casualties really had any say in the way Hamas ran it's "foreign policy"??

How many of those Japanese casualties really had any say in the way Tojo ran it's "foreign policy"??
Can you cite a source for the claim "It was unilaterally given to Arabs"?

You speak of ceasefires, lets take a look at the history of those shall we:

View attachment 981045

Israel is a serial violator of ceasefires.

but how many of those Palestinian casualties really had any say in the way Hamas ran it's "foreign policy"??

How many of those Japanese casualties really had any say in the way Tojo ran it's "foreign policy"??
unlike the Japanese, the Muslims are not Atheists. they have Divine orders to continue their violence, and are most willing to let that be echoed by their religious-militant governments.
View attachment 981046

This man too I suppose has hate in his heart? he grew up in Nazi Germany and knows first hand, the way of the Nazi, he wasn't fooled, you obviously have been, but Meyer did not hate Jews.
I guess when you learn to read, we can continue this but as it stands, your language skills and reasoning skills aren't on a level that allows conversation to be fruitful. Meter did not say anything like I was labeling but you just can't grasp that.
I know you do, you're a flat earther to all intents and purposes. You see I don't care whether you accept or reject or agree or disagree, I am here to show others that the Zionist mantra can be readily exposed as fiction, make believe, nothing but mind games.

Here's some of the villages that Arabs were driven out of and are now Jewish settlements

Al-Imara - 46 people expelled
Al-Muharraqa - 673 people expelled
Huj, Gaza - 940 people expelled

Here's a bit of info about Huj:

I could go on for hours, Israel has been so very very bad. But look - Why are you, why is anyone, suprised to see 75 years later, the families of those who were expelled, fighting back against the foreigners from Europe who stole their land, destroyed their houses and made them refugees?

The lies the Zionists need to tell are so huge that no sane person will take them seriously, that's why the lies are always accompanied by the psychological weapons of antisemitism, the holocaust and cries of eternal victimhood.
The Jews are God’s chosen people but they are still human

Meaning not perfect

They did to the Pals what the Pals tried to do to them

If you could turn back the clock to 1948 would you now accept the UN 2-state solution?
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This man too I suppose has hate in his heart? he grew up in Nazi Germany and knows first hand, the way of the Nazi, he wasn't fooled, you obviously have been, but Meyer did not hate Jews.
I guess when you learn to read, we can continue this but as it stands, your language skills and reasoning skills aren't on a level that allows conversation to be fruitful. Meyer did not say anything like I was labeling but you just can't grasp that.
the totality of who i am.
but people like you like to judge on face value.
you're hopeless.
How do I know any totality? I know what I see here and now. You just don't like being called out for saying hateful things. Pitiful.

Oh that? So you chose to describe the withdrawal of illegal occupiers from Gaza as Gaza being "given to Arabs", that's how a Zionists sees the world, malevolence is actually benevolence to them.
Oh that? So you chose to describe the withdrawal of illegal occupiers from Gaza as "given to Arabs", that's how a Zionists sees the world, malevolence is actually benevolence to them.
Yes, the phrase "given to Arabs" is oh, so horribly malevolent. How evil of Israel to leave Gaza unilaterally. And when Israel ceded the Sinai that was also evil. Brilliant.
I guess when you learn to read, we can continue this but as it stands, your language skills and reasoning skills aren't on a level that allows conversation to be fruitful. Meyer did not say anything like I was labeling but you just can't grasp that.
Please answer the question: Did Hajo Meyer have hate in his heart when he condemns the Zionists as being Nazis?
Yes, the phrase "given to Arabs" is oh, so horribly malevolent. How evil of Israel to leave Gaza unilaterally. And when Israel ceded the Sinai that was also evil. Brilliant.
It is so typical of the Zionists, the subtle use of language, Orwellian almost. You didn't even have the strength of character to say "returned to the Arabs" even that is not acceptable to you.
You know we can go back to the argument that the Arabs has 50 states they can allow the Jews to have 1. especially since it has all the Jewish religious sites documented in their Talmud and the Christian Bible.
I don't know the man.
That's a shame, here's some more from him:

It is so typical of the Zionists, the subtle use of language, Orwellian almost. You didn't even have the strength of character to say "returned to the Arabs" even that is not acceptable to you.
And you can't admit that I gave you information which satisfied what you were asking for.

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