Who are the Israelis?

Gee...the MEMO or the NIH?

I'll stick with the NIH. Feel free to use the MEMO as your source. The Muslim Brotherhood needs sheep.

Ancestry.com isn't an Israeli startup?

David Duchovny learns about the Jaffa massacre

Gee...the MEMO or the NIH?

I'll stick with the NIH. Feel free to use the MEMO as your source. The Muslim Brotherhood needs sheep.

Kind of blows a hole in the old "ancestral homeland" fantasy doesn't it. To think 750,000 Palestinians were expelled 70 years ago and 40,000 killed this year and hundreds of "settlements" (dontya love that word) created all because of a Zionist lie.
Kind of blows a hole in the old "ancestral homeland" fantasy doesn't it.
You don't know the meaning of the term "ancestral homeland" do you? What you just wrote makes that painfully clear. I'm sorry, I thought I was engaging with someone who understood the terms he used. Once you learn some basics you can come back and laugh at your own inanity. Then you will also see how your statement doesn't at all follow the post to which you are responding.
To think 750,000 Palestinians were expelled 70 years ago
oooh...no, not really.
and 40,000 killed this year
oh, so close but, no.
and hundreds of "settlements" (dontya love that word)
Yeah. Why wouldn't I love that word? How do you feel about the word "chifforobe."
created all because of a Zionist lie.
So far the only one to be demonstrate as having a deficient hold on the truth is you.
I'd never heard of that so thanks for bringing it up. I did a tiny bit of digging and found this (Azzam's words in red)

The article you cited also says that original text could be traced to that newspaper, Oct 11 edition. But it also said that "An examination of the original article readily confirms the quote's authenticity, laying to rest one of the longest running historiographical debates attending the 1948 war" but the Wikipedia article's quote does not the term "extermination" but "elimination".

The text of the newspaper and the article itself is here:

View attachment 971809View attachment 971813

Here's the full image here.

Perhaps an Arab speaker here can read this text, translate it accurately for us...
Whether the word is translated as extermination or eradication or elimination of the Jews, the fact is the Arabs were threatening to kill all the Jews because in the new state of Israel they could no longer be treated as second class citizens the way they have been by the Arabs for centuries, and you clearly find this ample justification for genocide.
Who are the people making 'Aliyah this summer?


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