I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Yes. Joe is only a couple of years older than trump. Can you HONESTLY say that if trump received that same call, he wouldn't consider how he could use the situation to make money for himself instead of what was good for the country?
Unequivocally YES!

Proof of that is that it cost President Trump billions the first time he was in office.


No Biden voter should be dissuaded from doing so because of his performance in Thursday's "debate." Whether he is replaced or not (I don't think it can happen), whoever has the large D on his/her back in November will seek to further the same Leftist policies as Biden, with equal ineptitude. Whatever Democrat it is, should they win the election, will be equally scorned and ignored by world leaders.

Vote on policy.
No they wonn't be scorned. Trump is already scorned. He's hated by other world leaders.
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!
Partisans gonna partisan. You guys are fucking the country blind.
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!

There's often that one, lone delusional cheerleader left standing on the field, all alone, long after the game has ended, in the rain, who simply doesn't get it that the scoreboard up there saying home team 0 - Visitors 43 means they lost.

But hey....delusions got you this far so keep going.
Nice little chart. Now, if you could just come up with any proof that any of it is true.
There's lots more. I realize your news sources have kept all this from you for years. Perhaps you should do some of your own research instead of listening to what the far left feeds you.

There's lots more. I realize your news sources have kept all this from you for years. Perhaps you should do some of your own research instead of listening to what the far left feeds you.


"President Biden - Making America Normal Again" So they said (The Left)

They are in denial now and trying to regroup.
Their insanity laid open for all to clearly see.

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