I've written this several times... but no one seems to refute my comments...WITH THE FACTS!

NOT ONE link! NO substantiation!

Prove this total LIE Stealing from cancer kids. PROVEN IN COURT. Fact. Trump is lucky it was a civil court and not a criminal one.
I guess I should not be surprised you cultists are kept unaware of the fact Trump stole from cancer kids.

Here you go, dipshit:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

You're reading that correctly. Trump stole money from cancer kids, along with several other charities.

Read some more, dipshit:

The Trump Crime Family stole donors' money intended for cancer kids and other charities.

They are no longer allowed to operate a charity in New York without close adult supervision.

This is a FACT!
."I don't like Trump personally".
I can't stand his braggart, idiosyncratic, narcissistic among his personality.
So I agree with many of you with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

Seek help. Leave the country. Nobody wants a fragile pusseee floating around. We don’t want an idiot on the team.
Seek help. Leave the country. Nobody wants a fragile pusseee floating around. We don’t want an idiot on the team.
Once again... read a little further as you see I think Trump not being a politician but an executive gets things done! People like you he has a problem with in that YOU jumped to conclusions before seeing all the elements, which an executive like Trump does is review all options and then makes conclusions.
YOU definitely aren't smart enough to be of any help to Trump.
I guess I should not be surprised you cultists are kept unaware of the fact Trump stole from cancer kids.

Here you go, dipshit:

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

You're reading that correctly. Trump stole money from cancer kids, along with several other charities.

Read some more, dipshit:

The Trump Crime Family stole donors' money intended for cancer kids and other charities.

They are no longer allowed to operate a charity in New York without close adult supervision.

This is a FACT!
NOT according to the authorities FACT:
There also was no part of the state’s lawsuit that dealt with allegations that the Trump Foundation “stole from a kids cancer charity,” as the posts claim.
So the President of the USA tells the world that he guarantees that he'll "rid fossil fuels"!
What an ignorant and tremendous excuse for the oil companies TO RAISE THEIR PRICES!!!
What a rational, logical human would have said is this (my words!)...
"Fossil fuels are a very important component of our country. We depend on fossil fuels for 60% of our electricity. Americans use nearly 146,000,000,000 (billion!) gallons a year of gas. So it is important that we help the fossil fuel industry working with the USA and world organizations in helping them reduce CO₂ emissions. So far, CO₂ emissions in the U.S. have reduced by more than 17 percent when compared to 2005 levels.
And we are working on doing better. So getting rid of fossil fuels is NOT a priority with our administration. But helping the fossil fuel industry to reduce CO₂ is our objective."

He never said he would get rid of fossil fuels. He said he guaranteed fossil fuels will be replaced with renewable energies by the year 2050.

It's quite telling how you refuse to stop lying about this even though I've showed you the uncut video where he said this.
He never said he would get rid of fossil fuels. He said he guaranteed fossil fuels will be replaced with renewable energies by the year 2050.

It's quite telling how you refuse to stop lying about this even though I've showed you the uncut video where he said this.
NO you haven't you are a liar! I've never seen an uncut video where he said by 2050!
THAT is a lie!
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

Watch again and tell me where there was ANY MENTION in the video of
" Biden’s plan to eliminate net carbon emissions by 2050."

The Administration is advancing a three-pronged approach that prioritizes innovation, demonstration, and deployment to scale the technologies the United States needs to achieve its goals of a carbon pollution-free electricity sector by no later than 2035 and a net-zero emissions economy by no later than 2050.

NEW CASTLE, N.H. (AP) — Joe Biden is looking voters in the eye and promising to “end fossil fuel.”

The former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate made the comment Friday after a New Hampshire environmental activist challenged him for accepting donations from the co-founder of liquified natural gas firm.

Biden denied the donor’s association to the fossil fuel industry before calling the young woman “kiddo” and taking her hand. He said, “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. We’re going to end fossil fuel.”

The activist, 24-year-old Rebecca Beaulieu, later said she appreciated that Biden took her question seriously, but that he was not satisfied with Biden’s plan to eliminate net carbon emissions by 2050.

She also said she found Biden’s use of “kiddo” patronizing.

WITH all absence of any reality people like you exhibit, at least YOU tell me that these numbers are wrong!
Today 26 years from 2050...
The USA will have to have replaced the following 3,400 fossil fuel plants:
Of the current 11,925 power plants, over 3,400 are fossil fuel-fired power plants that generate
60% or 2,505,000,000,000 kWH of the nation's total 4,240,000,000,000 kWh.

It costs $7 billion to build a nuclear power plant to replace a fossil fuel plant:
3,400 X $7,000,000,000 equals $23,800,000,000,000 (23 Trillion!)
Where will that money come from AND more importantly it takes It takes, on average, 6 to 8 years to build a nuclear reactor.
And we currently have only two nuclear reactor power plants being built in the United States..TODAY!

These are the facts. REALITY is that replacing 3,400 fossil fuel plants with 3,400 nuclear power plants will take at least $23 trillion or from YOURs and mine and 127 million other households to pay for the $23 trillion either directly (our electric bill) OR indirectly for goods and services.
Do you have $7,000 a year for 25 years to pay for it, added to your cost of living?

That's the reality of the costs.
Now the reality of building 3,400 nuclear power plants just in getting rules and regulations approval:
The NRC issues license applications for new reactors in various stages of review. The NRC application review process can take up to five years to complete

So with all the pollyannish whistles while you work, the sky is blue, FANTASY... REALITY is
in 24 years... the American household will be facing $187,000 additional costs for electricity AND face or more and more blackouts.

OH and by the way... you obviously like millions of uninformed people have no idea of what the Artificial intelligence computer systems AND cryptocurrency will add to electricity demand, so here is a projection for just one state:
By 2026, this figure will range between 620 and 1,050 terawatt-hours, depending on the future deployment of these technologies.
NO you haven't you are a liar! I've never seen an uncut video where he said by 2050!
THAT is a lie!
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

Watch again and tell me where there was ANY MENTION in the video of
" Biden’s plan to eliminate net carbon emissions by 2050."

The Administration is advancing a three-pronged approach that prioritizes innovation, demonstration, and deployment to scale the technologies the United States needs to achieve its goals of a carbon pollution-free electricity sector by no later than 2035 and a net-zero emissions economy by no later than 2050.

NEW CASTLE, N.H. (AP) — Joe Biden is looking voters in the eye and promising to “end fossil fuel.”

The former vice president and Democratic presidential candidate made the comment Friday after a New Hampshire environmental activist challenged him for accepting donations from the co-founder of liquified natural gas firm.

Biden denied the donor’s association to the fossil fuel industry before calling the young woman “kiddo” and taking her hand. He said, “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. We’re going to end fossil fuel.”

The activist, 24-year-old Rebecca Beaulieu, later said she appreciated that Biden took her question seriously, but that he was not satisfied with Biden’s plan to eliminate net carbon emissions by 2050.

She also said she found Biden’s use of “kiddo” patronizing.

WITH all absence of any reality people like you exhibit, at least YOU tell me that these numbers are wrong!
Today 26 years from 2050...
The USA will have to have replaced the following 3,400 fossil fuel plants:
Of the current 11,925 power plants, over 3,400 are fossil fuel-fired power plants that generate
60% or 2,505,000,000,000 kWH of the nation's total 4,240,000,000,000 kWh.

It costs $7 billion to build a nuclear power plant to replace a fossil fuel plant:
3,400 X $7,000,000,000 equals $23,800,000,000,000 (23 Trillion!)
Where will that money come from AND more importantly it takes It takes, on average, 6 to 8 years to build a nuclear reactor.
And we currently have only two nuclear reactor power plants being built in the United States..TODAY!

These are the facts. REALITY is that replacing 3,400 fossil fuel plants with 3,400 nuclear power plants will take at least $23 trillion or from YOURs and mine and 127 million other households to pay for the $23 trillion either directly (our electric bill) OR indirectly for goods and services.
Do you have $7,000 a year for 25 years to pay for it, added to your cost of living?

That's the reality of the costs.
Now the reality of building 3,400 nuclear power plants just in getting rules and regulations approval:
The NRC issues license applications for new reactors in various stages of review. The NRC application review process can take up to five years to complete

So with all the pollyannish whistles while you work, the sky is blue, FANTASY... REALITY is
in 24 years... the American household will be facing $187,000 additional costs for electricity AND face or more and more blackouts.

OH and by the way... you obviously like millions of uninformed people have no idea of what the Artificial intelligence computer systems AND cryptocurrency will add to electricity demand, so here is a projection for just one state:
By 2026, this figure will range between 620 and 1,050 terawatt-hours, depending on the future deployment of these technologies.

NO you haven't you are a liar! I've never seen an uncut video where he said by 2050!
THAT is a lie!

Dayum, you're even more senile than Joe Biden. :cuckoo:

I myself showed you that uncut video, that you now deny ever seeing, here...

AND here...

Grow up Skippy

The entire world realizes oils days are numbered
Even Big Oil realizes it
Just Conservatives live in the dark ages
FACTS that dummies like you are so totally bereft of comprehension! So these are for more intelligent people that YOU!

In 2021, CO2 emissions in the transportation sector were 6 percent less than they were in 2005. The decline in emissions from transportation has contributed to a drop of about 20 percent in total CO2 emissions in the United States since 2005;
most of that overall reduction has come from the electric power sector.

Hey DUMMY!!! Are you aware that fossil fuels are more than fuels?
6,000 items will cost more because if we don't work with the fossil fuels industry to either
develop ways to reduce CO2, which by the way the U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions declined by 3% in 2023. And we help the fossil fuel industry develop alternative fuel sources, Nuclear,etc. U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis

ARE YOU so dumb you aren't aware of this FACT???
Several non Co2 emissions contributors to the world's temperature INCREASING ...AGAIN!
There are 455,601 square miles of concrete in the world.
Urban heat islands"
occur when cities replace natural land cover with dense concentrations of pavement, buildings, and other surfaces that absorb and retain heat.

Biden negotiated with Republicans on a bipartisan border bill that Trump forced Republicans to drop

Biden has added 15 million jobs while Trump LOST three million

Biden has expanded NATO while Trump urges Putin to attack it

Biden supports Ukraine while Trump supports Putin

Biden has passed a $1.2 trillion Infrastructure bill that Trump failed to do.

Biden has expanded healthcare access while Trump has tried to dismantle it
Pretending I'm rightwinger with no substantiation, no facts!

rightwinger sucks Democrats' dogs to completion.
rightwinger gets paid to write stupid uninformed comments.
rightwinger is an illegal migrant.
rightwinger hasn't paid any taxes in 20 years.
rightwinger is basically a transgender.

I could go on but while you rightwinger don't understand, the rest of the readers KNOW my
statements are just as believable as yours, i.e. NO LINKS... NO proof... JUST GUESSES!
Pretending I'm rightwinger with no substantiation, no facts!

rightwinger sucks Democrats' dogs to completion.
rightwinger gets paid to write stupid uninformed comments.
rightwinger is an illegal migrant.
rightwinger hasn't paid any taxes in 20 years.
rightwinger is basically a transgender.

I could go on but while you rightwinger don't understand, the rest of the readers KNOW my
statements are just as believable as yours, i.e. NO LINKS... NO proof... JUST GUESSES!
Nice diversion Skippy

You guys do that when you don’t want to face reality
Nice diversion Skippy

You guys do that when you don’t want to face reality
OK... so what you post without any links or substantiation is "reality"? Wow wonder people have a hard time believing what you write, i.e. YOU NEVER SUBSTANTIATE!
NO you haven't you are a liar! I've never seen an uncut video where he said by 2050!
THAT is a lie!

Dayum, you're even more senile than Joe Biden. :cuckoo:

I myself showed you that uncut video, that you now deny ever seeing, here...

AND here...


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