I've written this several times... but no one seems to refute my comments...WITH THE FACTS!

BLS Statistics

Biden has added over 15 million jobs while Trump LOST 3 million jobs while President

If you want to blame Biden for inflation and rising gas prices due to COVID and Ukraine you have to give him credit for job gains since becoming President.

You can’t have it both ways

You can’t claim”Trump lost jobs because of COVID.
Then blame Biden for inflation and rising gas prices due to COVID
Let me ask you as I guess someone who may have some minor grasp of supply and demand.
Assume you are the CEO of a oil company in an industry that In 2022, petroleum products accounted for about 90% of total U.S. transportation sector energy use.
that is guaranteed to be eliminated by the government and you heard this:

Biden "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,
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Let me ask you as I guess someone who may have some minor grasp of supply and demand.
Assume you are the CEO of a oil company in an industry that In 2022, petroleum products accounted for about 90% of total U.S. transportation sector energy use.
that is guaranteed to be eliminated by the government and you heard this:

Biden "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

Oil companies around the world realize their days are numbered
It is a dirty fuel that is being limited globally and not just the US

If they are not expanding their energy base, they will go out of business

And it has nothing to do with Biden
Oil companies around the world realize their days are numbered
It is a dirty fuel that is being limited globally and not just the US

If they are not expanding their energy base, they will go out of business

And it has nothing to do with Biden
AND I agree with you regarding CO2 emissions from fossil fuels! So why then though destroy the entire industry that provides RIGHT NOW 90% of the fuel for transportation, 70% for electricity generation?
How stupid.
Now this should have been what Biden SHOULD have said that would NOT cast him as the destroyer of fossil fuel industry that is 8% of our GDP!

"we need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!
6,000 items will cost more because if we don't work with the fossil fuels industry to either
develop ways to reduce CO2, which by the way the U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions declined by 3% in 2023. And we help the fossil fuel industry develop alternative fuel sources, Nuclear,etc.

By the way most idiots aren't aware of the 6,000 items that USE fossil fuels to make the 2 billion tires made every year from 300 million barrels of oil OR that 94% of roads in America use asphalt which use 1.4 Billion barrels of oil. Products made from petroleum | Ranken Energy Corporation

But Biden stupidly continues to antagonize people (especially those of us that do a little research!!) ...
INSTEAD of working WITH the fossil fuel industry!
First of all WHERE IS YOUR PROOF??? NO links. No experts. JUST your plain uninformed comment!

Now for the FACTS!!!

American Action Forum and a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, told us, noting the more than 20 million jobs lost in April 2020. “That’s 10 times more than we have ever lost in a single month.” That wasn’t “Trump’s fault.”

FACT CHECK: Did President Biden Create 13.5 Million Jobs Since Taking Office?​

Yet, again he trotted out a discredited claim about the number of jobs he has created while in office. In a Philadelphia speech before a largely union-member crowd, President Biden noted:

“Nearly 13 million 500 thousand jobs just since you got me sworn in — in January of 2020 [2021]. Eight hundred thousand new manufacturing jobs. But you wouldn’t know it from all the negative news you hear. But we’re getting through: This one of the greatest job creation periods in American history. For real. That’s a fact.”
False. Completely make believe.

Cumulatively, somewhere around 13.5 million jobs have been added since January 2021. However, most of those were recovered jobs in that they returned after pandemic closures and restrictions came to an end. Across industries, people were rehired when their shuttered workplaces were reopened or after remote workers began to return to their offices. According to congressional analysis, that amounted to a whopping over 70% of the jobs in 2021.

An unprecedented 20 million jobs were lost in the first days of the pandemic alone.

. President Biden wants to take credit for the latter while blaming his predecessor for the former. That is disingenuous at best.

According to you nothing is Trump's fault.
According to you nothing is Trump's fault.
And you don't seem to remember... I don't LIKE Trump! He's a braggart.. Loudmouth, narcissistic and
like a few bosses I had GETS THINGS DONE even though I didn't like them personally i.e. TRUMP!
But evidently I love America, Americans more than people that look at Trump's personality as the ONLY characteristic. So totally uninformed and frankly CHILDISH attitude.
I can give you over 300 actions taken by Trump in 4 years that some haven't been done for 60 years.
Only 2 presidents have done what Trump did with his donations of $1.6 million of his salary to charities.
Or it's been 60 years since the USA was energy independent.
OR when was the last time a President signed an act that brought back $1 trillion from offshore
paying taxes on it, and the remaining billions.. used to hire people, build factories, and yes pay dividends but I'm sure you never knew that those dividends are double taxed! You have no idea what that means!
And you are so wrong that I think nothing is Trump's fault! But evidently unlike people like you I'm a little more aware, maybe because I'm 81 and having voted for the last 10 presidents I'm a little less concerned about my disliking Trump's personality and MORE concerned that presidents like Biden who have said and here is just one of his dumb ass statements:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Made in September 12th 2019 democrat debate.

As a consequence over 9.2 million people some of whom ARE TERRORISTS... you think I'm kidding?
In fiscal year (FY) 2023 alone, 736 individuals with matches to the terror watchlist were encountered at land border ports of entry and between ports of entry.

Biden negotiated with Republicans on a bipartisan border bill that Trump forced Republicans to drop

Biden has added 15 million jobs while Trump LOST three million

Biden has expanded NATO while Trump urges Putin to attack it

Biden supports Ukraine while Trump supports Putin

Biden has passed a $1.2 trillion Infrastructure bill that Trump failed to do.

Biden has expanded healthcare access while Trump has tried to dismantle it
NOT ONE FACT!!! Who the hell are you to think your unsubstantiated statements are believable?
Prove to me that for example Biden added 15 million jobs!
These were NOT brand new jobs BUT as the experts call them "RECALLED".
NOW for the fACTS with LINKS!!!

It is true that in January 2021, when Biden took office, 142.9 million people were employed, and that number rose to 157.8 million for the month of February 2024, according to preliminary figures from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, whose figures are revised regularly.
This represents an increase of 14.9 million jobs. This number, however, is a bit misleading.

Pre-Pandemic Employment Levels​

In February 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic reached the U.S., 152.3 million people were employed.
Two months later, that number had dropped by 21.9 million, to 130.4 million.
By the time former President Donald Trump left office, more than half of those jobs had been recovered.

It took 17 more months, until June 2022, for the U.S. economy to recover the remaining 9 million jobs lost during the pandemic. From that perspective, the actual net gain during the Biden administration was 5.5 million jobs as of February 2024, not 14.9 million. This is based on our calculations using numbers from the BLS.

Why do idiots like you continue to prove how truly DUMB you are! NO links no proof... GUESSES and being led by the nose ring by the BIASED MSM that donated 90% to Biden in 2020 election!
First of all WHERE IS YOUR PROOF??? NO links. No experts. JUST your plain uninformed comment!

Now for the FACTS!!!

American Action Forum and a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, told us, noting the more than 20 million jobs lost in April 2020. “That’s 10 times more than we have ever lost in a single month.” That wasn’t “Trump’s fault.”

FACT CHECK: Did President Biden Create 13.5 Million Jobs Since Taking Office?​

Yet, again he trotted out a discredited claim about the number of jobs he has created while in office. In a Philadelphia speech before a largely union-member crowd, President Biden noted:

“Nearly 13 million 500 thousand jobs just since you got me sworn in — in January of 2020 [2021]. Eight hundred thousand new manufacturing jobs. But you wouldn’t know it from all the negative news you hear. But we’re getting through: This one of the greatest job creation periods in American history. For real. That’s a fact.”
False. Completely make believe.

Cumulatively, somewhere around 13.5 million jobs have been added since January 2021. However, most of those were recovered jobs in that they returned after pandemic closures and restrictions came to an end. Across industries, people were rehired when their shuttered workplaces were reopened or after remote workers began to return to their offices. According to congressional analysis, that amounted to a whopping over 70% of the jobs in 2021.

An unprecedented 20 million jobs were lost in the first days of the pandemic alone.

. President Biden wants to take credit for the latter while blaming his predecessor for the former. That is disingenuous at best.

There was never any assurance that those jobs were coming back. They did because of Biden plus millions more
Prove it! You are so brainwashed by ABC,CBS,NBC news that did the following:
“From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden,” it continued.
During these two months, our analysts documented 668 evaluative statements about the President, 95% of which (634) were negative, vs. a mere 5% (34) that were positive.”
In contrast, 67% of the evaluative statements about Mr. Biden are positive.
Do the math, and viewers heard 150 times more negative comments about Trump than Biden. That’s not news reporting — that’s a negative advertising campaign in action,” the study said.
BC,CBS,NBC gave Proof of the biased MSM that the donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!

Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs (2024)
The average commercial costs $105,000 for a 30 sec. spot.
Therefore in 32.7 hours , two 30 second commercials in a minute or total of 25,440 30- second commercials @ $105,000 or $2,671,200,000 In television advertising value.
The following from the Washington Times...
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

Seriously... don't you truly come to the conclusion that millions of Americans have like me that the BIASED MSM is totally misleading you!

A simple example is this: I'm sure you like millions of MSM users believe that Trump said
maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay—"

But Trump never said that!
Biden DID and the biased MSM to this day as this search..
2,690,000 results of "Trump said drink bleach"

But he never did! BIDE DID!
In Raleigh, President Biden said Donald Trump "told Americans all they had to do was inject bleach in themselves, remember that? Not a joke, you think I am making this up.
Trump lost 23 million jobs
Biden brought them back

Total LIE!!!
Screen Shot 2024-06-26 at 7.11.27 PM.png

Fact Check: Biden Misleads on Job “Creation” Statistics​

  • Recovery versus “Creation.” Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million.
    • On the other hand, prior to the pandemic, job creation under President Trump was 6.7 million—3 million more jobs than the current President.
Total LIE!!!View attachment 967925

Fact Check: Biden Misleads on Job “Creation” Statistics​

  • Recovery versus “Creation.” Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million.
    • On the other hand, prior to the pandemic, job creation under President Trump was 6.7 million—3 million more jobs than the current President.

People lost jobs under Trump and gained them under Biden
Prove it! You are so brainwashed by ABC,CBS,NBC news that did the following:
“From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden,” it continued.
During these two months, our analysts documented 668 evaluative statements about the President, 95% of which (634) were negative, vs. a mere 5% (34) that were positive.”
In contrast, 67% of the evaluative statements about Mr. Biden are positive.
Do the math, and viewers heard 150 times more negative comments about Trump than Biden. That’s not news reporting — that’s a negative advertising campaign in action,” the study said.
BC,CBS,NBC gave Proof of the biased MSM that the donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!

Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs (2024)
The average commercial costs $105,000 for a 30 sec. spot.
Therefore in 32.7 hours , two 30 second commercials in a minute or total of 25,440 30- second commercials @ $105,000 or $2,671,200,000 In television advertising value.
The following from the Washington Times...
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

Seriously... don't you truly come to the conclusion that millions of Americans have like me that the BIASED MSM is totally misleading you!

A simple example is this: I'm sure you like millions of MSM users believe that Trump said
maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay—"

But Trump never said that!
Biden DID and the biased MSM to this day as this search..
2,690,000 results of "Trump said drink bleach"

But he never did! BIDE DID!
In Raleigh, President Biden said Donald Trump "told Americans all they had to do was inject bleach in themselves, remember that? Not a joke, you think I am making this up.

Aww, poor cons, upset that Biden is trolling Trump. :itsok:
Total LIE!!!View attachment 967925

Fact Check: Biden Misleads on Job “Creation” Statistics​

  • Recovery versus “Creation.” Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million.
    • On the other hand, prior to the pandemic, job creation under President Trump was 6.7 million—3 million more jobs than the current President.

Liar. We've added over 6 million jobs over Trump's pre-pandemic high. And Biden added that in 23 months compared to Trump's 37 months
Prove it! You are so brainwashed by ABC,CBS,NBC news that did the following:
“From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden,” it continued.
During these two months, our analysts documented 668 evaluative statements about the President, 95% of which (634) were negative, vs. a mere 5% (34) that were positive.”
In contrast, 67% of the evaluative statements about Mr. Biden are positive.
Do the math, and viewers heard 150 times more negative comments about Trump than Biden. That’s not news reporting — that’s a negative advertising campaign in action,” the study said.
BC,CBS,NBC gave Proof of the biased MSM that the donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!

Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs (2024)
The average commercial costs $105,000 for a 30 sec. spot.
Therefore in 32.7 hours , two 30 second commercials in a minute or total of 25,440 30- second commercials @ $105,000 or $2,671,200,000 In television advertising value.
The following from the Washington Times...
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

Seriously... don't you truly come to the conclusion that millions of Americans have like me that the BIASED MSM is totally misleading you!

A simple example is this: I'm sure you like millions of MSM users believe that Trump said
maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay—"

But Trump never said that!
Biden DID and the biased MSM to this day as this search..
2,690,000 results of "Trump said drink bleach"

But he never did! BIDE DID!
In Raleigh, President Biden said Donald Trump "told Americans all they had to do was inject bleach in themselves, remember that? Not a joke, you think I am making this up.

Uh, you replied to the wrong user. I put these biden lovers in their place.

I dont watch TV, I was pure Rush, now all in on Levin.

We are on the same side
I've written several times..."I don't like Trump personally".
I can't stand his braggart, idiosyncratic, narcissistic among his personality.
So I agree with many of you with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
This doesn't mean I won't vote for Trump.
The reasons I'll vote for Trump is:

Illegal aliens
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " September 2019

Results of his above statement:
Illegal border crossings soared in the months after Biden took office and immediately rolled back many Trump-era restrictions.
View attachment 957437
Gas Prices
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

As of April 10, 2024, AAA’s national average cost for a gallon of gas is approximately $3.62, up from the $2.39 figure when Biden was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021.
Trump Versus Biden gas price average for 4 years
View attachment 957439

View attachment 957451

There are several more gross distinctions why Trump will be better than Biden but all Trump needs to do is to
re-instate his previous executive orders that Biden terminated on Biden's first day as president!.

Biden to pause border wall construction, issue protections for DACA recipients and roll back other Trump immigration policies​


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