I've written this several times... but no one seems to refute my comments...WITH THE FACTS!

I've written this several times... but no one seems to refute my comments...WITH THE FACTS!​

I have already given you some facts about Trump's evildoing.

Here are some more.

In 2016, the Trump Crime Family solicited donations to the Trump Foundation for the purpose of giving the donations to Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, City Meals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, United Negro College Fund, United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The Army, cancer kids, elderly shut-ins, the mentally ill, struggling families, blacks, and Jews.

What a nice bunch those Trumps are, right?

Donors gave $2.8 million for those causes.

But Trump took credit, claiming he was the source of the money. What a dick!

The Trump Crime Family then stole that money and used it for personal gain.

Trump doled out $500,000 at a rally just before the Iowa caucus, again claiming it was his personal money he was giving away. What a wonderful man that Trump is, giving away his money to the needy! He's got my vote!

Trump plowed the rest of the $2.8 million into his campaign and his businesses.

The charities didn't see a dime!

So, yes, boys and girls, Trump and his family really did steal from cancer kids. He stole other people's money intended for cancer kids and other charities.

Ivanka. Don Jr. Eric. All were in on the crime.

The best part? Trump used that money to buy a $10,000 portrait of himself.

Because that's the kind of egomaniac this creep is.

But they got caught. And the Trump Foundation was shut down. And none of the Trump Crime Family are allowed to run a charity in New York without close supervision ever again.

And they had to pay back the money and it was finally given to the charities the donors intended.

You wonder why Trump gets bad press?

I wonder why he doesn't get a fuck ton MORE bad press!

More facts about Trump.

Trump University

Trump University swindled me, says Iowa retiree

Among the key pieces of evidence in the class actions is an infomercial by Trump in which he presents the university as his own. In the infomercial, the billionaire claims he personally hired “professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific.”

“And honestly, if you don’t learn from them, if you don’t learn from me, if you don’t learn from the people that we’re going to be putting forward, and these are all people handpicked by me,” Trump says, “then you’re just not going to make it in terms of world-class success.”

Under oath, Trump told a different story. He testified in a 2012 deposition that, contrary to the Trump University sales materials and statements he made in the infomercial to the media, he neither selected the instructors nor oversaw the curriculum.

Trump U preys on the elderly.

This is the biggest SCAM I’ve ever seen! My 82 year old father went to a free seminar promising to make him rich through real estate. The seminar was solely for the purpose of upselling him into attending a $1500 three day workshop by promising him they would teach him how to buy and sell foreclosures for huge profits (which is totally unrealistic because the vast majority of foreclosures today are because people are upside down in their homes) Anyway, he goes to the 3 day workshop and when he comes home we find out that they pressured him into
spending $35k MORE! I don’t care who you are there is no real estate course worth $35k. Then he proceeds to tell us how the majority of people there were SENIORS like him! tricked into thinking they can make a quick profit! If this isn’t the definition of preying on the elderly then I don’t know what is.

Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market.
Trump literally bilked the elderly out of every penny of their retirement nest eggs.

He stole money from cancer kids.


Why do Trump's supporters turn a willfully blind eye to what an unmitigated piece of shit he is?

"Yeahbut the Democrats have a secret moon base where they ass-rape babies!"
You know why Trump has such bad press?

BECAUSE HE DOES BAD THINGS!!! And he hires bad people to do bad things for him.

Stealing from cancer kids. PROVEN IN COURT. Fact. Trump is lucky it was a civil court and not a criminal one.

That one thing alone should piss off EVERYONE. The guy steals from cancer kids, for fuck's sake!

Someone PLEASE tell me why he gets a fucking pass from the tard herd.

I seriously want to know.

The man tried to overthrow our democracy. This is not bad press. This is a FACT.

How anyone in their right mind can vote for an evil fuck who attempted a coup is beyond me. You have to be a fucking moron and want our country to live under a dictatorship.

Look, I'm not saying you should vote for Biden. I'm certainly not going to.

But if you have a soul, if you claim to be a moral person, your soul will not survive a vote for Trum

You know why Trump has such bad press?

BECAUSE HE DOES BAD THINGS!!! And he hires bad people to do bad things for him.

Stealing from cancer kids. PROVEN IN COURT. Fact. Trump is lucky it was a civil court and not a criminal one.

That one thing alone should piss off EVERYONE. The guy steals from cancer kids, for fuck's sake!

Someone PLEASE tell me why he gets a fucking pass from the tard herd.

I seriously want to know.

The man tried to overthrow our democracy. This is not bad press. This is a FACT.

How anyone in their right mind can vote for an evil fuck who attempted a coup is beyond me. You have to be a fucking moron and want our country to live under a dictatorship.

Look, I'm not saying you should vote for Biden. I'm certainly not going to.

But if you have a soul, if you claim to be a moral person, your soul will not survive a vote for Trump.
Regarding "Trump steals from cancer kids"

Hmmm... Yes that is truly despicable when done by ANYONE right?

"During the past decade, the Eric Trump Foundation has raised over $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research hospital while maintaining an expense ratio of just 12.3 percent," the statement reads. "The Eric Trump Foundation was also responsible for building a $20 million dollar ICU which treats the sickest children anywhere in the world suffering from the most catastrophic terminal illnesses."
money that skimmed from donations to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.

Explain to me how Trumps "stole from Cancer Kids" or as ABC news (MSM MEDIA said "skimmed"?
The Trump's foundation raise $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research hospital
Kept as expense for foundation fundraiser : the Eric Trump Foundation in 2012 spent $59,085 on its annual Golf Invitational fundraiser held at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York -- money that skimmed from donations to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Those expenses ballooned to $230,080 in 2013 and to $242,294 in 2014, according to the filings.
It is unclear from these tax forms how much of those payments went to the Trump Organization.

Where did cancer kids pay anything to the Trumps, i.e., the Trumps stole existing money from cancer kids? What was stolen?
Forbes reported that in 2011, costs for Eric Trump’s golf tournament fundraiser tripled because his father realized that the organization had not been charging for the event and there were no bills to prove it.
Please tell me where the Trump's charities expenses were higher than these standards:
Big Nonprofit Spending: Where the Dollars Go
According to the Charities Review CouncilExternal link:open_in_new,
at least 65 percent of funds should be spent on total annual expenses for programs,
and no more than 35 percent on fundraising and administration combined—although there could be acceptable reasons for deviation from that standard. CharityWatchExternal link:open_in_new considers a charity to be highly efficient when program spending is 75 percent or higher.
Again where is skimming when Trump foundation costs were 14%???

The charity did in fact raise a serious amount of money at the golf event that year, some $1.8 million, according to federal tax filings, while maintaining an impressive expense ratio of just 14%.

DUH!!! I am truly surprised at these business publications (Forbes) surprised at "expenses"!!!
But not all of the money went to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a renowned pediatric cancer center in Memphis, where the Eric Trump Foundation had been telling its donors their money went for years. In fact, St. Jude received $1.2 million, $240,000 covered expenses and more than $200,000 went to other organizations, most of which had no programs to help kids with cancer but did have strong ties to Trump family members and interests.

Explain to me how operating expenses for Eric Trump Foundation.. were... skimmed" from According to IRS filings, the Eric Trump Foundation in 2012 spent $59,085 on its annual Golf Invitational fundraiser held at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York -- money that skimmed from donations to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital."

"SKIMMED" is what the biased MSM called it. SKIMMED!
More importantly how did the Trumps "steal from kids with cancer"???
Seriously that is what pissed you off, Trumps having expenses which were modest compared to
the experts who give as an example above..
During the past decade, the Eric Trump Foundation has raised over $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research hospital while maintaining an expense ratio of just 12.3 percent.
Explain how?
Exaggeration for sure..
Homelessness in America spiked last year, reaching a record high, according to an annual count that provides a snapshot of one night in January. The report, released today by the department of Housing and Urban development, found more than 650,000 people were living in shelters or outside in tents or cars. That's up a whopping 12% from the year before.https://www.npr.org/homelessness-affordable-housing-crisis-rent-assistance#:~:text=Wire%20Via%20AP-,The%20latest%20national%20count%20taken%20in%20January%20found%20more%20than,in%20tents%2C%20cars%20and%20shelters.&text=Homelessness%20in%20America%20spiked%20last,of%20one%20night%20in%20January.
Trump literally bilked the elderly out of every penny of their retirement nest eggs.

He stole money from cancer kids.


Why do Trump's supporters turn a willfully blind eye to what an unmitigated piece of shit he is?

"Yeahbut the Democrats have a secret moon base where they ass-rape babies!"
Because you all are a cult that can’t be believed.
High housing prices, high interest rates, incredible inflation under the man who will become famous for the millions of Americans living in tents and cars, now known as Bidenvilles.

You think they are homeless because they can’t buy houses?
Where did cancer kids pay anything to the Trumps, i.e., the Trumps stole existing money from cancer kids? What was stolen?
I just showed you what was stolen. $2.8 million from donors which was supposed to go to those charities, including one for cancer kids.

The Trump Crime Family took that money and diverted it to daddy's political campaign and to buy himself a portrait of himself.

Your wall of words cannot hide this truth. Sorry.

If I helped an old lady cross the street 12 years ago, and then kicked an old lady down the stairs a few years later, I get a pass from you? Is that how your wormy little mind works!?!?

Um...retard? I provided the proof. The actual court documents.

Is this why you avoided looking at them? So you can stay stupid?

Oh, did Karen get angry with Norm.

We don’t believe anything the cult of “Men in skirts and heals are really Women” types like the left believe.
I've written several times..."I don't like Trump personally".
I can't stand his braggart, idiosyncratic, narcissistic among his personality.
So I agree with many of you with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
This doesn't mean I won't vote for Trump.
The reasons I'll vote for Trump is:
Because you fail to understand the most important role of the President. We need a President committed to representing the entire country, and not just their party. That's why Trump is a horrible choice. That's why Biden is a horrible choice.

But, as a nation, we seem to be stuck on horrible choices. So, looks like you'll "win" again!
Oh, did Karen get angry with Norm.

We don’t believe anything the cult of “Men in skirts and heals are really Women” types like the left believe.
Again, you were provided with actual court documents.

I'm starting to see how the Trumptard mind words. Avoid facts at all costs. You absolutely, positively cannot look at anything which threatens the cult's delusions.


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