Assassination attempt of Trump in PA

Here is the issue with the assassination attempt that very few if anyone is talking about. Trump's head was turned at a specific angle and for the bullet to pass his head and only graze his ear would give the direction from where the bullet came from. Below is a recreation of the the shot and where the bullet came from:

Notice that the shot is fired from the far left of the top of the building the shooter was on. When the snipers shot the shooter, Thomas Crooks, his dead body was laying about 1/4 of the distance from the right side of the top of the building. Crooks couldn't have been on the left side of the top of the building taking shots. So my big question that nobody really addresses is whether the shot that hit Trump could have come from the right side area of the building? This why I think the following video has merit.

haha, every idiot rando is putting out an idiotic video about this.

"I watched CSI for two seasons! Watch my analysis..."
Yes the truth needs to be gotten too for sure, and especially for security reasons. Trump could have easily died in the event, and it would have been another JFK situation where forever and a day now, the truth about what Oswald was motivated by, and who sent him up to his perch has never been truly revealed. Some claim the mafia killed JFK, and some say the Russians had it done, but one thing is for sure - The FBI knows why and who.

We have Intel agent's signing on to a falsified document citing Russia Russia Russia in the case of Trump. This was after Trump would be elected or after him being elected. WTH is going on in this country ? I know they are thinking that on the weight scale they have to be careful not to upset the masses with to much of the truth, because they envision anarchy or chaos if the truth is truly known, so the needle is threaded painfully.
The truth will come out. There are too many witnesses and audio recordings to hide.
My hope is that investigators can use sodium-pentathol and polygraphs to get to the unvarnished truth and follow the dots wherever they lead.
The best shots could not replicate Oswalds.
There was another shooter,. (back and to the left...)

I want to see what snipers think about the kid's gun and red-dot sight "as-is".
Bet its way off target.
No way the kid made that perfect 1st shot.
There was not, and you guys are once again wasting your time and energy on batshittery.
haha, every idiot rando is putting out an idiotic video about this.

"I watched CSI for two seasons! Watch my analysis..."
The Deep State has no intention of telling the public what happened

That includes all the animals in the biden administration zoo, Homeland Security, the Secret Service and the FBI
Many theories out there, along with documentaries etc. One thing is for sure, and it is that we as American citizen's will never know the truth about who sent him to his perch that week.
Allof those theories have been DISPROVEN

Most do know the truth which is that OSwald acted lone the rest are just delusional
The best shots could not replicate Oswalds.
There was another shooter,. (back and to the left...)

I want to see what snipers think about the kid's gun and red-dot sight "as-is".
Bet its way off target.
No way the kid made that perfect 1st shot.

That is a LONG since disproven myth. The best shots and even the average shots who replicated it were EASILY able to match or exceed Oswald;s performance.

There was no other shooter.

The kid made no perfect shot at all
The best shots could not replicate Oswalds.
There was another shooter,. (back and to the left...)

I want to see what snipers think about the kid's gun and red-dot sight "as-is".
Bet its way off target.
No way the kid made that perfect 1st shot.
Yep, we have to sight our guns in prior to deer season, and it takes a few trips to the gun range to make sure.

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