The "warmers" here are not challenging the surface air pressure data, which shows no increase = Co2 Fraud completely busted on "warming/ice melt"

Dufus, it’s cold air that increase atmospheric pressure. Where did you get your education, from the grocery checkout counter ?

Typical science invalid "believer" in the Co2 FRAUD.

Better hope Donald Trump doesn't ask any climate questions to Kamala and the media....
Typical science invalid "believer" in the Co2 FRAUD.

Better hope Donald Trump doesn't ask any climate questions to Kamala and the media....
So, you didn’t know it was cooler air associated with higher atmospheric pressure ? Hilarious. No wonder you sound so strange
It is over. It was always over. Two days ago this topic started, and documented that Earth's surface air pressure shows a flat line slightly ticking down.

The warmers have all read it and have yet to even challenge it... because they can't. It isn't a speculation or a theory, this is a COMPLETE REFUTATION.

The warmers argue that

1. Earth temperature is rising. If so, that would push Surface Air Pressure higher

2. There is an ongoing net ice melt. If so, that would release a huge amount of compressed gas trapped in glacier ice, and in doing so would increase surface air pressure.

There is no dispute that we are taking hydrocarbons from the ground and burning, creating hydrocarbon + O2 = Co2 and H2O. The main issue there is Co2, and Co2 has increased in the atmosphere, and that would in theory increase surface air pressure too. But that is 1% of 1% of Earth's atmosphere, 0.0001 aka tiny and likely statistically insignificant. The equation for Co2 also doesn't increase the number of gas molecules, but rather increases the mass of each in the air from O2 to Co2. The excess H2O naturally joins the rest and should very slightly increase ocean levels. But the bias is still increasing atmospheric mass.

What would cause Surface Air Pressure to drop?

1. an INCREASE in Earth ice
2. a drop in temperature

So how can the Co2 Fraud explain how Earth is warming, ice is melting, but Surface Air Pressure is slightly down...???

This gets funny....

Well, since "we know temperatures are rising" then the ice must be increasing to counter that .... so Warming = increasing ice = LOL!!!!

And if "we know the ice is melting" then a massive temperature drop must be happening to counter the increase in atmospheric gas from the "melting glaicers" ... Cooling is melting glaciers now...


The conflict over Antarctic ice growth has been at the center of the Co2 Fraud all along. The Co2 Fraud cannot survive a conclusion that 90% of Earth ice on land mass Antarctica has been growing every year since Algore first originated the hoax. It knows it. But there is NO WAY TO EXPLAIN a flat to down surface air pressure reading without Antarctic ice growth. That's why the first thread got no response from the warmers here.

"When Physical Laws do not apply, there is no reality" = Mr. Spock

The Physical Laws state that if Earth is warming and ice is melting SURFACE AIR PRESSURE SHOULD BE RISING, but it isn't. Hence, there is "no reality" to the Co2 Fraud and there never was any.

We went to court in 2007.

"The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing."
NASA put this raw data out

The Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.

Bottom line - the Surface Air Pressure reading proves the Co2 Fraud's narrative of melting ice and warming is 100% fraud. Antarctic ice is increasing, which is why the oceans are not rising and why Earth is not warming.

Wrong. Stop lying and misrepresenting what people say about Global Warming & Climate Change.

Now the science:

Climate Change​

From the unique vantage point in space, NASA collects critical long-term observations of our changing planet.

You Are Here Poster​

Earth is more than a planet. Earth is home. As humans we are part of a broader, interconnected system and we share our home with over 8.5 million species. NASA studies our own planet more than any other. We observe Earth’s oceans, land, ice, and atmosphere, and measure how a change in one drives change in others

Download Here

What Is Climate Change?​

“Climate change” and “global warming” are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings. Similarly, the terms "weather" and "climate" are sometimes confused, though they refer to events with broadly different spatial- and timescales.

What Is Global Warming?​

Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are estimated to have increased Earth’s global average temperature by about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), a number that is currently increasing by more than 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade. The current warming trend is unequivocally the result of human activity since the 1950s and is proceeding at an unprecedented rate over millennia.

Weather vs. Climate​

“If you don’t like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.”​

- Mark Twain

It is over. It was always over. Two days ago this topic started, and documented that Earth's surface air pressure shows a flat line slightly ticking down.

The warmers have all read it and have yet to even challenge it... because they can't. It isn't a speculation or a theory, this is a COMPLETE REFUTATION.

The warmers argue that

1. Earth temperature is rising. If so, that would push Surface Air Pressure higher

2. There is an ongoing net ice melt. If so, that would release a huge amount of compressed gas trapped in glacier ice, and in doing so would increase surface air pressure.

There is no dispute that we are taking hydrocarbons from the ground and burning, creating hydrocarbon + O2 = Co2 and H2O. The main issue there is Co2, and Co2 has increased in the atmosphere, and that would in theory increase surface air pressure too. But that is 1% of 1% of Earth's atmosphere, 0.0001 aka tiny and likely statistically insignificant. The equation for Co2 also doesn't increase the number of gas molecules, but rather increases the mass of each in the air from O2 to Co2. The excess H2O naturally joins the rest and should very slightly increase ocean levels. But the bias is still increasing atmospheric mass.

What would cause Surface Air Pressure to drop?

1. an INCREASE in Earth ice
2. a drop in temperature

So how can the Co2 Fraud explain how Earth is warming, ice is melting, but Surface Air Pressure is slightly down...???

This gets funny....

Well, since "we know temperatures are rising" then the ice must be increasing to counter that .... so Warming = increasing ice = LOL!!!!

And if "we know the ice is melting" then a massive temperature drop must be happening to counter the increase in atmospheric gas from the "melting glaicers" ... Cooling is melting glaciers now...


The conflict over Antarctic ice growth has been at the center of the Co2 Fraud all along. The Co2 Fraud cannot survive a conclusion that 90% of Earth ice on land mass Antarctica has been growing every year since Algore first originated the hoax. It knows it. But there is NO WAY TO EXPLAIN a flat to down surface air pressure reading without Antarctic ice growth. That's why the first thread got no response from the warmers here.

"When Physical Laws do not apply, there is no reality" = Mr. Spock

The Physical Laws state that if Earth is warming and ice is melting SURFACE AIR PRESSURE SHOULD BE RISING, but it isn't. Hence, there is "no reality" to the Co2 Fraud and there never was any.

We went to court in 2007.

"The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing."
NASA put this raw data out

The Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.

Bottom line - the Surface Air Pressure reading proves the Co2 Fraud's narrative of melting ice and warming is 100% fraud. Antarctic ice is increasing, which is why the oceans are not rising and why Earth is not warming.

Jumpin' Jiminee

Temperature affects air pressure, which in turn affects the pressure at the bottom of a column of air:
  • Warm air
    When air is heated, the molecules become more active and spread out, which reduces the air's density. This makes warm air less dense and lighter than cold air, so it exerts less pressure. Warm air also rises, creating a vacuum that lowers air pressure at the Earth's surface.
  • Cold air
    Cold air is denser than warm air, so it has a higher pressure. Cold air also sinks, which increases air pressure.

  • Google AI

THAT is why there is no attempt to refute it.... but rather only to ignore, censor, and bury it....

Notice too how many self proclaimed "skeptics" are ignoring this while going right back to accepting clearly fudged data as "real." Toddster and the others are ALL FRAUDS..... the Zionist Fascist uber Pro Israel "RINOs" of climate science.
So, how does being corrected by so many different people make you FEEL?

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