Does this look like what dominated should look like? Because I'm really curious which body of heat - the atmosphere or the ocean - is the dominant heat source of the planet. Which body of heat do you believe transfers heat to the other one? Now what stupid ass thing were you saying, dummy?

View attachment 983740

Science says the Sun ... but I'm fucking off so don't mind me ... what are these numbers per second? ...

ETA: The Sun warms the ocean .. all 1,360 W/m^2 ... the ocean warms the air ... why RHs are high there ...
Density is caused by gravity ... are you seriously suggesting gravity is changing over climatic time periods ... talk about fruit loops ...

"Uneven heating" ... are you suggesting the sun flickers ... or is that the sugar pops talkin' ...

Sorry .. I should be fucking off ... don't want to let basic science interfere with your nonsense ... now do we? ... God forbid water should seek his own level ...
Density is caused by gravity? I'm thinking you should fuck off.
Just when it sounds like you meant the opposite of what you were saying.

You could have said, yes, the ocean does drive climate first, but you didn't. Now fuck off because you really don't know anything you are talking about.
You mad bro?

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