Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

budgets that are based on deficits cause inflation, the more money the fed prints the less each $ is worth, econ 101. high energy prices cause the govt to spend more, (fed print more) again econ 101
That is exactly why the Fed's Jerome Powell keeps saying that the Federal Budgets and deficits are "UNSUSTAINABLE". But none of the stupid coxuckers in the House or Senate knows what to do.
That is exactly why the Fed's Jerome Powell keeps saying that the Federal Budgets and deficits are "UNSUSTAINABLE". But none of the stupid coxuckers in the House or Senate knows what to do.
they are all on the take, both parties, we need a major house cleaning.
Dude, read my post #123 again. You are in wayyyyyyy over your head in this discussion.

Under Biden we've seen the highest domestic production for oil in the history of our country or any other. Ever.

So if 'drill baby drill' reduces inflation, why didn't it?

And Trump didn't add just 4 trillion to the national debt. But 8.4.

You're not ready for the debate, are you? Trump, a man who has made his entire career on massively leveraged debt is not a champion of budget cuts. The budget grew every year under Trump.

As did the debt, by an unprecedented amount.
We are not discussing obozo vs Trump, we are discussing senile joe's open border and the results of that policy. Obozo did a pretty good job with the border, not much else, but big mike still likes him and they got rid to the cook who was talking too much.
Then cite something.
Any simpleton with an abacus knows we need to raise tax revenue.
That is exactly half of the equation.
The other half is to cut Federal spending to the bone. Send Welfare and Medicaid to the states, end the Department of Education, that is a state concern, we can still block grant aid. There must be hundreds of other departments that can be eliminated.

My recommendation is to have another Grace Commission to study the Federal government and make recommendations how to get back to a balanced budget. Its probably too late, interest on the Debt is sinking us.

Keep those mouths runnin'....
was she Willie Brown;s sex toy or not? Was she photographed with Epstein or not? Was she Montel Williams side chick or not? Does her husband taste their dicks when he kissses her? Why did he do a lip lock with Jill at the SOT
Then cite something.
done, many times, your lack of comprehension is your issue not mine
You know that is only Trumper right wing's political, and misogynistic fake news rhetoric....

Faking Ignorance is bliss, eh?
Come on Care...it's no secret what happened back then between Harris and Brown. You may not like to admit it but the truth is that Kamala exchanged sex for advancement. She used Willie Brown.

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