Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

Until it does, all we're doing is discuss why I'm right.

And of course, even if Trump is number 2, the expectation of budget cuts after 4 years of record breakingspending is WILDLY unrealistic pipedream and laughably insuffecient as a inflation reduction policy.

And yet we didn't see the inflationary spikes that your argument assumes. If funding solar panels increases inflation then why didn't it?

You still haven't answered the question.

Worse, Trump NEVER reduced spending in his entire presidency. But this time is different? That's childishly naive.

And of course, even if Trump is number 2, the expectation of budget cuts after 4 years of record breaking spending

Yes, Biden broke that record. Crushed it.

And yet we didn't see the inflationary spikes that your argument assumes. If funding solar panels increases inflation then why didn't it?

Wasteful government spending that increases the cost of electricity always increases inflation.

Just because Obama didn't have Bidenflation levels of price increases doesn't mean his stupid, wasteful and inflationary actions weren't inflationary, wasteful and stupid.
Trump is a coward, and a loser. It's a shame that your brainwashing won't allow you to recognize that.
Cowards don't go alone to the enemies home court and take on a stacked deck, Bulldog. Trump did exactly that.

So let's see Kamala do the same.

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