What Kamala Harris has to do to win

Cool is relative

Trump does not relate to most young people who consider him like a Creepy Uncle
Nope .. Biden’s definitely the creepy uncle/spaced out grandpa type.

I’d say Trump’s the toe line and reap the rewards and adulation sorta grandfather.. which is the coolest.
Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
DEI Border Czar isn’t qualified to take orders at McDonalds.
Then post the link, why are you dodging this simple task.
You made the claim, you need to back it up.

Post it, then let's FOLLOW the new polls and see if there are changes.
Here are 3 election map predictions that are completely unrelated to each other.

Last edited:

#1 313-225

#2 302-226 with 10 WI

#3 330-208. Old News with Biden vrs trump

So, let's keep track and see and note the changes.

And the DEI Border Czar is in the honeymoon phase.
Is that the result you want?
Americans are not going to elect Kamala Harris to be president to turn all of America into how bad California is right now, retard. I want you to roll with that, because you support that, and because I want what's best for Americans, and that is NOT it, and I know America will not vote for that.
Harris has been the VP of the worst president the United States has ever seen. Voting for her is asking for more of the same, and fuck that! Also, they've been covering up his incompetence and it's been a shadow government for years now, so double fuck that! You Commie turd!
"She is not Trump!"
Best campaign ad ever.
Which, in my opinion, was the ticket-to-ride for Joe Biden in 2020.
Folks voted against Don Trump.
I'm not at all convinced that that vibe has diminished whatsoever.

"Line up boys and put on your condoms... Kamala will be right with you...."
That near universal schtick of the MAGA's just keeps popping up ----of course the 'schtick' is misogyny and their obsession to dis on women. Here we have the prolific poster, 'Rmbunctious' jumping into the wimmin-hatin' mosh pit.

It's sad.
Americans are not going to elect Kamala Harris to be president to turn all of America into how bad California is right now, retard. I want you to roll with that, because you support that, and because I want what's best for Americans, and that is NOT it, and I know America will not vote for that.
Ok pal.
CA GDP is larger than the entire South, East of Texas.
LOLLLOLLL.....Poor California.

CA is Great for America......Wyoming, the Dakotas, Mississippi......Not So Much.

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