What Kamala Harris has to do to win

Harris just has to take care of business...be intelligent and analytical instead of a carnival performer. We've had enough of carnival barkers and name calling con men.
I don't think she can fellate that number of people in the time available.
Kamala is a mere puppet to the Democrat Party. If she really wants to win (which I doubt she will), she will have to "unstring herself" from the party. But she won't be able to do that, she is power-hungry and she is willing to do whatever the Democrat Party tells her...

Talk about being enslaved to your own party.

They might let her talk about being her own boss as president. If they thought they couldn’t control her, they’d dump her also, and make the next one on the list the “presumptive nominee.”
81 million voters suggested otherwise
If they didn’t want Harris they would have said so

Harris was also elected as California Attorney General and Senator……Hardly DEI
Sre you suggesting 81 mollion votes were for Harris? That's far-fetched. She is terminally leftist. That's a qualification for a California politician.
Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
She has to BEND OVER for about 15 minutes on her knees......
Harris just has to take care of business...be intelligent and analytical instead of a carnival performer. We've had enough of carnival barkers and name calling con men.
Harris has never shown intelligence or analytical skills. She has shown she is a politburo mule with limited social graces and a willingness to trade sexual favors for employment gains.
I cant think of a worst example for a president.

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To win, Kamala needs to either turn into Trump or cheat like a bitch. She's actually worse than Biden, impossible as that seems. MAGA
The only difference between Biden and Kamala is she doesn't have as much baggage. But she's even more incompetent than Biden was.

She's dangerously incompetent and will cause us to be attacked by China and other enemies thru her lack of seriousness on anything.
I dont think she is confident or comfortable around people

And the video you posted suggests that

She has learned to pretend but its not really her
What she needs to show is energy and engaging common people in everyday situations
Not photo-ops but just engaging kids, young people and families

Something Trump cannot do
I cant think of a worst example for a president.

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Still playing the “Whore Card”

Criticizing Kamala’s sexual dalliances is impossible when you have Trump as your President candidate and former Porn Star Melania as First Lady
What she needs to show is energy and engaging common people in everyday situations
Not photo-ops but just engaging kids, young people and families

Something Trump cannot do
If Harris is genuine the public can tell

But when she is stiff and rehearsed they will see that too

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