What Kamala Harris has to do to win

Kamala Harris has to stop being Kamala Harris. She comes across as offensive and annoying to most everyone.
Because what you are looking at is against biden.
Keep up with the new polls and try to stay up to date.
Im not talking about Biden, retard. You see a single poll anomally that shows Harris up by 2 points nationally, and you uninformed fools think youre winning. You arent winning shit. Every election map prediction ive seen shows Trump up anywhere between 80-120 electoral votes.

If Dems are only up by 2 or 3 points nationally, they WILL lose the election, but the fact is you guys arent up 3, youre down 2.
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Nixon was never Cool
JFK was Cool

Trump is not Cool
How cool was Harris dropping to the bottom in 2019 and not overcoming her record on California prisoners that Tulsi Gabbard exposed?

Objectively, when Gabbard exposed Harris’ record, the best Harris could do was shift the goal posts to her views on the death penalty. It didn’t work.

This is going to come up in the 2024 debates.
Dems are only up by 2 or 3 points nationally, they WILL lose the election, but the fact is you guys arent up 3, youre down 2.

What really matters is who shows up to vote.
You have to get those most likely to vote for you to cast ballots

I don’t think young voters would have turned out for Biden.
Neither would black voters

I think Kamala can get out that vote
How cool was Harris dropping to the bottom in 2019 and not overcoming her record on California prisoners that Tulsi Gabbard exposed?

Objectively, when Gabbard exposed Harris’ record, the best Harris could do was shift the goal posts to her views on the death penalty. It didn’t work.

This is going to come up in the 2024 debates.

You guys keep saying that BS
Kamala Harris was in one caucus in Iowa
Iowa doesn’t mean shit

Kamala rose from the pack to get the VP nomination

Gabbard has done nothing since 2020.
Kamala was elected VP and is the Dem Candidate for President

Not too shabby
They seem to be with some of this younger generation.
Well the new generation of youth, collectivey speaking, are a self-loathing thug culture. And they're encouraged to be as such by the Harris types...

I kind of chuckled when OP framed them as ''cool.''

We were probably the last generation of cool kids, Duke.

We live in a world where virtue has systematically been erased from upbringing by design, largely by way of the institutions.

These days, ''cool'' is playing knockout games with senior citizens on the streets of America. Robbing. Looting. Rioting. Gangster rap celebrating murder, dope and general thuggery. Dying your hair green and chopping your pecker off. That sort of stuff.

Nope. Todays youth are a direct product of the anti-Americans like the Kamala Harris' of the world who have indoctrinated them into believing that common thuggery is ''cool.''
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You guys keep saying that BS
Kamala Harris was in one caucus in Iowa
Iowa doesn’t mean shit

Kamala rose from the pack to get the VP nomination

Gabbard has done nothing since 2020.
Kamala was elected VP and is the Dem Candidate for President

Not too shabby
Such are the wages of a DiE hire who watched as her boss was kicked to the curd by the Dem / Socialist party.
Kamala needs to get out the vote
Encourage voters who are tired with major parties trotting out geriatric candidates well passed their prime.

Voters hated the idea of Biden/Trump Part II

Kamala needs to show she is a young and dynamic candidate
Kamala needs to be “Cool”

I'm embarrassed for you that your cult is making you go out and try to tell us that Hillary, Jr. is "cool".

Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
Harris is cool! She is the total embodiment of cool!
Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
Maybe she will blow a bunch of the young men, she is good at that and that is about it
Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
You're talking about 'eye' appeal and Kamala doesn't have it, even though she's good looking enough to pass for the average or better.
The Dems can win points by putting up photos of Trump at his worst. Both sides will do that and end up neutralizing the personal good looks effect that Americans vote for first.
Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
Electing "cool" instead of qualified gives us WH "pizza parties", globalists, and failed border czars.
Vote for America this time and tell the WEF liberals to go to hell...
I love it make it about being cool with absolutely no policy. Trot out abortion and racismn that is all you have prove me wrong
What really matters is who shows up to vote.
You have to get those most likely to vote for you to cast ballots

I don’t think young voters would have turned out for Biden.
Neither would black voters

I think Kamala can get out that vote
No one is motivated over Harris. NO ONE! But Trump supporters are HIGHLY motivated.
Such are the wages of a DiE hire who watched as her boss was kicked to the curd by the Dem / Socialist party.

Run on that DEI nonsense Republicans

Declare any woman, black or minority who succeeds in life as a “DEI hire.”

The voters will love you

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