What Kamala Harris has to do to win

Kamala needs to get out the vote
Encourage voters who are tired with major parties trotting out geriatric candidates well passed their prime.

Voters hated the idea of Biden/Trump Part II

Kamala needs to show she is a young and dynamic candidate
Kamala needs to be “Cool”
No one cares about her age. The problem that she has is... she sucks. Her policies and positions suck, she is about as fake as a person can be, she has no charm or charisma, people find her annoying, and she is a TERRIBLE public speaker.

What Kamala Harris has to do to win​

Line up boys and put on your condoms... Kamala will be right with you....
Oh and please fill out your ballots....
She has to do something to appeal to young voters because recent polling by CNN shows she has a problem with those under 35, Hispanics, and, even blacks. To be realistic here, Trump has the contest sewed up. I suggest that Kamala can't really do anything to win. The contest is for Trump to lose, and he may be capable of that. But, I do appreciate that you realize the fact that trying to claim Trump will take democracy away is not the way to go. Biden already tried that.
LOL Perhaps this will help with the young voters.

No one cares about her age. The problem that she has is... she sucks. Her policies and positions suck, she is about as fake as a person can be, she has no charm or charisma, people find her annoying, and she is a TERRIBLE public speaker.

Yes, they do care about her age
They cared about Obama’s age vs McCain
They cared about Clinton’s age vs Bush
She has to do something to appeal to young voters because recent polling by CNN shows she has a problem with those under 35, Hispanics, and, even blacks. To be realistic here, Trump has the contest sewed up. I suggest that Kamala can't really do anything to win. The contest is for Trump to lose, and he may be capable of that. But, I do appreciate that you realize the fact that trying to claim Trump will take democracy away is not the way to go. Biden already tried that.
Recent polling shows she wins 18–34-year-old voters 60-40% and that will get worse for the orange bag of Big Macs.
Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
Bill Clinton was a flawed human-being, but he was 100 times better than Kamala Harris,
To win, Kamala needs to either turn into Trump or cheat like a bitch. She's actually worse than Biden, impossible as that seems. MAGA
She would need to know how to communicate and articulate effectively, which she doesn't possess today. Unfortunately for her, there are hours of videos that demonstrate her inability to do so.
There's also hours of video and pages of roll call votes with her espousing very unpopular positions (abolish ICE, abolish private insurance ...)

Although the media is doing their Stalinistic best to erase all of the history (Harris never had any responsibility for the border. LOL)
There's also hours of video and pages of roll call votes with her espousing very unpopular positions (abolish ICE, abolish private insurance ...)

Although the media is doing their Stalinistic best to erase all of the history (Harris never had any responsibility for the border. LOL)
The problem is that many voters in both parties are driven by emotion and know more about sports and pop culture than the people they vote into office. Low information voters, and this is what the Democrat party is leveraging to make her look "cool and hip."

Fortunately, she'll have to take interviews, press conferences, and other public speaking forums that demonstrate, in real-time, how non-communicative and ignorant she really is.
It's going to be interesting to see if young people turn out to vote, they are the wild card in most elections, and most elections they barely turn out.

Old people vote, and a majority of old people will probably be voting for Trump. Young people won't be.
Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Perhaps he was on Arsinio Hall in 1992, but I remember watching Clinton doing the same on the Tonight Show in 1988 to save his career. The night before, Clinton who was little known, gave a horrendous speech at the Democrat's convention. The following day he was the laughingstock on TV and radio. He was supposed give a short speech to endorse Michael Dukakis however he didn't know when to shut up. As he went on-and-on as those at the convention became more-and-more impatient. The enormous cheer Clinton got when he reached the part where he uttered, "In conclusion" was the highlight being played the following day. He went on Carson, played the sax, but most importantly humbled himself and accepted eating crow in good humor.
Now that Democrats are not saddled with a geriatric candidate who couldn’t associate with the people, Kamala has to follow the examples of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Bill Clinton was an unknown Governor from Arkansas until he appeared on the Arsinio Hall Show. Clinton wearing shades and playing some mean Sax appealed to young voters and made him…..The Cool One

Barack Obama was a relatively unknown Senator from Illinois until he broke from the crowd as a young, charismatic candidate. Obama was cool, Hillary was not.
John McCain did not appeal to the younger voters.

Harris needs to get out and appeal to younger voters. Be the “Cool” candidate compared to the MAGA Trump.
Harris needs to get out the young vote who had soured on Biden and Trump
Be Donald Trump, and she can't do that.

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