!!!Six Democrats In The House Just Voted To Condemn Kamala Harris!!!

There's still a good possibillity that if Trump can make it to president, he will end the war against Russia.

He's certainly not confused over the fact that America started it and is to blame!

Yeah. Trump would end the Ukraine War by forcing Ukraine to capitulate.

Some “ending” but Putler would love him some more
Russia went after Crimea when Obama was in office. They went after the Ukraine when Biden was in office. Who did they attack while Trump was in office? No one.

That's the point Trump is making. America is responsible for starting the war against Russia.
And Trump wasn't responsible for starting it.

Do you think Trump will end it or do you think Trump will have to nuke Russia?

I still think we should give Trump the benefit of the doubt on being able to end it!

I just don't think that the government would ever allow Trump to end it. The Dems don't even think there 'is' a war against Russia, while Trump makes it crystal clear that there is!

That's why I keep saying:

Regretfully, Trump is too much of a threat to America's war against Russia
Yeah. Trump would end the Ukraine War by forcing Ukraine to capitulate.

Some “ending” but Putler would love him some more
Most likely true! What other option could Trump have but to meet Moscow's demands for a peace settlement.

Putin would meet any other challenge by Trump by threatening nuclear war against America if he considers it necessary.

However, the hopes of peace can be based on the Ukraine becoming neutral.

Among other demands by Moscow.
Yeah, you don't do this when you have - like - the bestest candidate ever who's like a POC and a making history and stuff!!!

You do this when you are losing and attempting to distance yourself from being voted out of office.

Five of the last six polls released since she usurped the throne have all shown her losing to Trump; she's getting absolutely KO'ed in the swing states (worse than Biden in some cases), and the one poll showing her winning is from Reuters in which they over sampled Democrats.

Even there?

She was only winning the popular vote by two.

That is a Trump electoral college victory.

(To ignorant Lefties who don't understand, Democrats have to win the popular vote by more than three to even be competitive in the EC. For example, in 2020 when you stole the election but pretended the old man got a record vote - Biden was up in the popular vote by 4.5; yet barely scraped by in the EC.)

After the agonizing hell they've endured - much of it because of their gullible willingness to believe their own Pravda media - Dems are desperate to buy into the latest Orwellian gaslighting from the Project Mocking Bird liars AKA MSM.


You can live in tra-la-la land for the next few months if you wish.

Pretend we didn't warn you about Biden, pretend now that we're wrong and the people will choose Kamala.

It only makes our MAGA triumph in November that much sweeter.

Good luck with that. Anybody that believes she was ever actually in charge of the border, is a total dumbass. Joe called the shots and is responsible for his work, as you cannot delegate responsibility, if you do not delegate authority of action.
Most likely true! What other option could Trump have but to meet Moscow's demands for a peace settlement.

Putin would meet any other challenge by Trump by threatening nuclear war against America if he considers it necessary.

However, the hopes of peace can be based on the Ukraine becoming neutral.

Among other demands by Moscow.
Awww look at our little Kremlin stooge threatening nuclear war
Good luck with that. Anybody that believes she was ever actually in charge of the border, is a total dumbass. Joe called the shots and is responsible for his work, as you cannot delegate responsibility, if you do not delegate authority of action.
She was never in charge of the border … it was never her job. Period
Good luck with that. Anybody that believes she was ever actually in charge of the border, is a total dumbass.


So they lied to us.

And why wasn't she in charge?

They knew the hack couldn't hack it?

Is that really a better argument?

Regardless, she is losing in 6 out of the last 7 polls - and six Democrats just condemned their own Presidential candidate with less than four months to go.

So if your only play is "they lied about her being in charge", I think you don't have much pal.

Cheap Fake!!!

BTW, whatever happened to that?

Remember the same Dems who now say Joe had to go were denying it a month ago?

And still can't admit we were right, and the media was covering it up?

This is your brain on mainstream media politics, kids.

Nowhere did I see Biden making her the Border Czar.

She was tasked with an outreach program to Centeal American countries to try and deal with some of the problems that cause immigrants to come here.

THAT was the only job she was given.

That is NOT a “border czar” by any means
Nowhere did I see Biden making her the Border Czar.

She was tasked with an outreach program to Centeal American countries to try and deal with some of the problems that cause immigrants to come here.

THAT was the only job she was given.

That is NOT a “border czar” by any means
BS. You can't undo what's been done. She fucked up royally on the border.
Yeah, you don't do this when you have - like - the bestest candidate ever who's like a POC and a making history and stuff!!!

You do this when you are losing and attempting to distance yourself from being voted out of office.

Five of the last six polls released since she usurped the throne have all shown her losing to Trump; she's getting absolutely KO'ed in the swing states (worse than Biden in some cases), and the one poll showing her winning is from Reuters in which they over sampled Democrats.

Even there?

She was only winning the popular vote by two.

That is a Trump electoral college victory.

(To ignorant Lefties who don't understand, Democrats have to win the popular vote by more than three to even be competitive in the EC. For example, in 2020 when you stole the election but pretended the old man got a record vote - Biden was up in the popular vote by 4.5; yet barely scraped by in the EC.)

After the agonizing hell they've endured - much of it because of their gullible willingness to believe their own Pravda media - Dems are desperate to buy into the latest Orwellian gaslighting from the Project Mocking Bird liars AKA MSM.


You can live in tra-la-la land for the next few months if you wish.

Pretend we didn't warn you about Biden, pretend now that we're wrong and the people will choose Kamala.

It only makes our MAGA triumph in November that much sweeter.

Nowhere did I see Biden making her the Border Czar.

She was tasked with an outreach program to Centeal American countries to try and deal with some of the problems that cause immigrants to come here.

THAT was the only job she was given.

That is NOT a “border czar” by any means

Crazy Right Wing AXIOS even reported she was the Border Czar at the time.

Axios Accuses GOP of Fabricating Kamala Harris’s ‘Border Czar’ Title — 3 Years After Reporting She Was Biden’s Border Czar​

What you mindless DNC lackeys (who will repeat anything and everything the media tells you without one critical thought for even a microsecond), fail to comprehend is this:

Swing voters aren't stupid.

When you try to shove this revisionist history down their throats it's only going to get worse for you.

This Orwellian bologna only works in your own echo chambers.

You people just have zero integrity.

But hey, don't let us get in the way of your epic downfall.

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