!!!Six Democrats In The House Just Voted To Condemn Kamala Harris!!!

That's pretty huge. And 10 not voting.

So that's 16 House Districts that could be up for grabs for the GOP.

Meanwhile, the Republicans voted in unison.

What does that tell anyone with a mind even approaching objective rationale?

The Dems are losing on the issues.

And Kamala isn't saving them.

Quite the opposite:

She's being condemned for it.
After everything is said and done, there is the probability that the establishment in America won't allow Trump to become the president.

IMO, in fact either party could pick Ronald MacDonald for president and still be successful.

Regrettfully, Trump is too much of a threat to America's war against Russia, that is now severely threatened even without Trump's input.
Russia behaves when Trump is in power...
Russia behaves when Trump is in power...

The point is, Trump has never suggested that Russia has misbehaved!

If we're going to discuss the question then you're going to have to take a position on what Trump says about Russia not being to blame and about America starting the war against Russia.
So that's 16 House Districts that could be up for grabs for the GOP.

Meanwhile, the Republicans voted in unison.

What does that tell anyone with a mind even approaching objective rationale?

The Dems are losing on the issues.

And Kamala isn't saving them.

Quite the opposite:

She's being condemned for it.
Jeeze, even Ilhan Omar got 100% support from the Democrats after her antisemitic rants.
I agree. This "honeymoon" will be shortlived.

There is no "honeymoon".

At least not where it counts, in the polls.

The only "honeymoon" is our shameless Banana Republic media falling all over themselves in a masturbatory revelry to proclaim her the greatest thing since Jesus.

It's not only nauseating, it's downright embarrassing.
The cabal will be cannibalized.

It is good see a least a modicum of dissent amongst the dems.

Maintaining the "enthusiasm" through the rest of the summer and into the fall for the new puppet will become difficult. The contrived stuff is loud right now but it'll fade.
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Yeah, you don't do this when you have - like - the bestest candidate ever who's like a POC and a making history and stuff!!!

You do this when you are losing and attempting to distance yourself from being voted out of office.

Five of the last six polls released since she usurped the throne have all shown her losing to Trump; she's getting absolutely KO'ed in the swing states (worse than Biden in some cases), and the one poll showing her winning is from Reuters in which they over sampled Democrats.

Even there?

She was only winning the popular vote by two.

That is a Trump electoral college victory.

(To ignorant Lefties who don't understand, Democrats have to win the popular vote by more than three to even be competitive in the EC. For example, in 2020 when you stole the election but pretended the old man got a record vote - Biden was up in the popular vote by 4.5; yet barely scraped by in the EC.)

After the agonizing hell they've endured - much of it because of their gullible willingness to believe their own Pravda media - Dems are desperate to buy into the latest Orwellian gaslighting from the Project Mocking Bird liars AKA MSM.


You can live in tra-la-la land for the next few months if you wish.

Pretend we didn't warn you about Biden, pretend now that we're wrong and the people will choose Kamala.

It only makes our MAGA triumph in November that much sweeter.

We ALL agree that Hillary, Jr. SUCKS.

The point is, Trump has never suggested that Russia has misbehaved!

If we're going to discuss the question then you're going to have to take a position on what Trump says about Russia not being to blame and about America starting the war against Russia.
Russia went after Crimea when Obama was in office. They went after the Ukraine when Biden was in office. Who did they attack while Trump was in office? No one.
An American Dem woman said, show me a Repub woman who won't suck cock and I'll steal her man.
Wow, you actually said something sensible for once.

It's true, they could attempt to take out BIG T again.

But it won't happen in an electoral fight with this chuckle clown loser Kamala.

Bet on it.
Yes, he did for a change. I might have to take him off 'ignore'.

One problem with his scenario...... America is teetering on "The Edge" and they know it.

The next J6 could be catastrophic.

Look at how the Conservative audience reacted when Trump got shot. They stood their ground, tried to help, looked for the bad guy(s). Took care of their dead and wounded. A girl was shrieking but I think that was the murdered man's wife and/or daughter. I don't blame her. At all.

How do you think a dimocrap scum audience would have reacted? They would have stampeded in total panic. Their "Me First" instincts would have kicked in and there would have mass-casualties from the rush to the exits.

The powers that be know it and need to be carful of it. They thought (rightly) that they could get away with the theft of one election but not another. They expected to be able to put OMB in prison or to break him spiritually and/or financially.

They miscalculated. Not him so much as The American People. Sorry to be crude but they keep fucking around, they gonna find out. And it will be ugly. Real ugly. Something I want to avoid.

I've seen what War does to people. I don't want that to happen here. EVER. dimocrap scum also know that is how Americans feel as well.

But at some point, dimocrapism gets too much to bear.

They stole an election, they let our borders be overrun, they steal our money for themselves and to fund their pet projects -- One of which is to change the demographics of America so that we won't matter anymore. They start and fund overseas Wars that threaten to drag us into them, they stigmatize our children with their sexual fantasies when they can't butcher them with their Mengele surgeries, they've destroyed our Education System, they marginalize and look down on us with utter contempt, call us names, say we're a "basket of Deplorables" and lie to us like we don't matter..... I could go on and on but you get the picture.

Bad shit happening doesn't always come with a warning. Only in retrospect do you see it. But they're gonna push The People too far if they try to pull some shit this time. And I REALLY do not want to see that happen.

Problem is -- I'm not sure they care. The wealthier ones will simply Jet-Set off to Euro-Weenie land while the rest think their stupid Cities will protect them. Which couldn't be further from the truth. They will be the most vulnerable.

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