Why does "everyone" despise the homeless? Our Savior was Homeless

so, another one who thinks all homeless are zoned out on drugs.


guess you're also calling me a liar because I said I know homeless people who are not on drugs.

Well, when someone calls me a liar after I have told the truth, that's a sign I should click on Ignore
You live in a post christian society. People want to judge the homeless bec
ause they have "failed in life" and they live in fear at what these people will do.

You cant get a bank account without a home and you cant get a home without a bank account. Its a self fulfilling prophesy.
You are less likely to get a job as well..
Of course these are likely to be poor addicts. Rich addicts do their shit behind closed doors and live the good life.
But there is no scheme to sort this out. And you can see why reading this thread.
I certainly agree with you about raising kids. Since over 39% of all women that have abortions are below the poverty level, decreasing payments for more children would certainly encourage more abortions.
Its happened in the UK. Theree is a payment to mothers for every child they have. It used to be for all children. In 2017 the tories capped it for the first 2 children. Any further kids could starve I suppose.
The payment was only a few quid. The better off used to let it pile up in their account but the poor are at the post office at 5 to 9 so tjey can buy some food.

As a result the birth rate collapsed. Now we import people to do the jobs that there arent enough people to do. And immigrants are a big problem apparently.

Small things have a ripple effect.

Labour refused to restore the payment this week. It was a shameful decision that leaves millions of kids in poverty. It will be restored before xmas.
You live in a post christian society. People want to judge the homeless bec
ause they have "failed in life" and they live in fear at what these people will do.

You cant get a bank account without a home and you cant get a home without a bank account. Its a self fulfilling prophesy.
You are less likely to get a job as well..
Of course these are likely to be poor addicts. Rich addicts do their shit behind closed doors and live the good life.
But there is no scheme to sort this out. And you can see why reading this thread.
Well, this is probably the first time you've said anything I agree with, except that we are not entirely a post Christian society. The thing is, the TRUE Church is not what it used to be.. LONG story and so people are in false religions and that is what leads to.. Crooks and etc... You don't get this kind of thing for no reason.. there is cause and effect and most people just don't see the connection btwn a loss of Christian faith and... a demonic society
Its happened in the UK. Theree is a payment to mothers for every child they have. It used to be for all children. In 2017 the tories capped it for the first 2 children. Any further kids could starve I suppose.
The payment was only a few quid. The better off used to let it pile up in their account but the poor are at the post office at 5 to 9 so tjey can buy some food.

As a result the birth rate collapsed. Now we import people to do the jobs that there arent enough people to do. And immigrants are a big problem apparently.

Small things have a ripple effect.

Labour refused to restore the payment this week. It was a shameful decision that leaves millions of kids in poverty. It will be restored before xmas.
the thing is, if people were in the RIGHT Church (Jesus established only ONE), they would be taught that fornication is a mortal sin (meaning, if unrepented of, the person will go to Hell over it). I used to believe fornication was not a big issue w/ God. Was I ever WRONG. One of the biggest reasons it is wrong is that children can come from that act, and I've seen some crazy situations with illegitimate children, father-less children.. 70% of those in prison were raised w/o a father. It's almost like you have to outlaw fornication in order to protect the children who could be conceived from it.. and I can't help thinking that.. Aren't children worth it?

They absolutely are.. I am not one for outlawing a lot of things but my God.. something has to be done to protect children. Again, 70% of the people with long term prison sentences were raised w/o a father in the home. It is very sad.. and worst of all, people can end up in Hell.. not sure you believe in Hell, but I definitely do.
Its happened in the UK. Theree is a payment to mothers for every child they have. It used to be for all children. In 2017 the tories capped it for the first 2 children. Any further kids could starve I suppose.
The payment was only a few quid. The better off used to let it pile up in their account but the poor are at the post office at 5 to 9 so tjey can buy some food.

As a result the birth rate collapsed. Now we import people to do the jobs that there arent enough people to do. And immigrants are a big problem apparently.

Small things have a ripple effect.

Labour refused to restore the payment this week. It was a shameful decision that leaves millions of kids in poverty. It will be restored before xmas.
If the birthrate is down unemployment should be down as well. No need for handouts if you are employed.
I was discussing with my Christian colleague yesterday about the Bible. She had her tactics of how to ignore things, she was very will read one thing in the Bible and ignore another because it didn't fit with her theory.

I discuss on here with people, same thing.

I literally replied to a post where someone said after Noah's Ark God made new animals, because the Bible says two of every animal so they can't possibly do 2 million species so they have to make a lot less species in order to make the story fit.
If the birthrate is down unemployment should be down as well. No need for handouts if you are employed.
Unemployment is down as well. There are several hundred thousand vacancirs that nobody wants to take, Agriculture and hospitality. Low paid and irregular. I dont know anybody not in work. Its a first in my lifetime.
The whole economy is unbalanced.
the thing is, if people were in the RIGHT Church (Jesus established only ONE), they would be taught that fornication is a mortal sin (meaning, if unrepented of, the person will go to Hell over it). I used to believe fornication was not a big issue w/ God. Was I ever WRONG. One of the biggest reasons it is wrong is that children can come from that act, and I've seen some crazy situations with illegitimate children, father-less children.. 70% of those in prison were raised w/o a father. It's almost like you have to outlaw fornication in order to protect the children who could be conceived from it.. and I can't help thinking that.. Aren't children worth it?

They absolutely are.. I am not one for outlawing a lot of things but my God.. something has to be done to protect children. Again, 70% of the people with long term prison sentences were raised w/o a father in the home. It is very sad.. and worst of all, people can end up in Hell.. not sure you believe in Hell, but I definitely do.
People enjoy sex and always have. That ship has sailed and nutty abstinence measures make you look a bit silly.
People enjoy sex and always have. That ship has sailed and nutty abstinence measures make you look a bit silly.
But back before the "Sex, drugs, and rock and roll" era, people would actually wait till they were married to go and produce children that they could love and cherish. Not so much today.

I certainly agree with you about raising kids. Since over 39% of all women that have abortions are below the poverty level, decreasing payments for more children would certainly encourage more abortions.
People need to be taught that all actions have a reaction or consequence. You can't bring children in the world you cannot support and then expect the state to foot the bill, though people do it all the time. That does not make it right of course. As the Founders of our once-Christian nation said (paraphrase) America is great as long as America is good.. will cease being great when it ceases to be good

We're there.
But still, we don’t despise the homeless just because the money we pretend to spend on the poor doesn’t actually go to the poor.
Why are you blaming the poor ? Oh wait.. maybe you don't. Well in any case, here's for those who do despise them:

If you had problems getting or keeping a job (and there are many reasons some go through this) you would take a handout yourself..

Everyone has the burden of being human and having to deal with human nature in general. As the rock song said

So if you think your life is complete confusion
because your neighbor's got it made
Just remember that
It's a grand illusion
'cuz deep inside we're all the same
I wont take the risk anymore. I paid over $200,000 in taxes this year, if the poor wants a hand out, Uncle Sugar can give them some love. I ran out of it a long time ago, and will take care of my family first.

If the guy doesnt want to do any better, that is his fault, not mine.

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No doubt, some homeless do not want to work, but I've known situations where the person could NOT work, had valid reasons for not working a conventional job. I knew this one person who had PTSD so bad... scared of everything and everyone.. Other than that the person was rational and law abiding, a good citizen. Don't blame the poor for the stupid policies of people who want to get rich off them by claiming to help them. That's the way I see a lot of gummit programs.. just enriching people who already HAVE while ignoring the have nots.. .
Why are you blaming the poor ? Oh wait.. maybe you don't. Well in any case, here's for those who do despise them:

If you had problems getting or keeping a job (and there are many reasons some go through this) you would take a handout yourself..

Everyone has the burden of being human and having to deal with human nature in general. As the rock song said

So if you think your life is complete confusion
because your neighbor's got it made
Just remember that
It's a grand illusion
'cuz deep inside we're all the same
Nope, didnt take a handout when i lost my job, i just worked doubly hard to find a new one., instead of seeking sympathy from others to augment my lifestyle. And no, we are not all the same, if that was the case, then all of us would be Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk, but we arent, too many lazy fucks, whine about how their lives suck, and do nothing to make their lives better.
Yep. I generalize all the time.

Especially on forums like this.

Most of the time I write something, I'm not going to get into a detailed argument, because most people on this forum are, quite frankly, incapable of a detailed debate.

So I write generalizations. If someone reads my post and wants to get more detailed about it, we can. But if I write a detailed post now, I'm just going to be wasting half my life writing things that nobody will actually read.
can't argue w/ that. And this is the reason I don't respond to most lib posters.. They never seem to want to have a legitimate discussion.. No, it's always

You moron! You're wrong! Trump bad, all dims good

and other such rot..

Uh, yeh.. no thanks

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