Israelis vilified for lack of "sympathy" for Hamas savages

You feel it is condescending because you consider yourself inferior. You think it is obscurity because you don't understand it. The situation is extremely complex.
How do I consider myself "inferior", in what way? What am I not understanding? Go ahead.
What does your "moral equivalence" argument tell you about racist monsters who snipe children for Greater Israel?

American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza says IDF snipers shoot toddlers | MR Online

"An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza told 'CBS Sunday Morning' in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.

"'I had children who were shot twice,' said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May.

"Perlmutter added, 'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by "the world’s best snipers." And they’re dead-center shots.'

"Other foreign doctors who volunteered in Gaza gave a similar account to The Guardian back in April, saying Israeli snipers were shooting children in the head."
The Israeli diaper forces.
How do I consider myself "inferior", in what way? What am I not understanding? Go ahead.
If you feel I am being condescending then you must be hearing things said from a position of strength but I am not asserting any superiority. Since I am not being condescending, the only way that relationship could be established is if you considered yourself inferior. Hope that clears it up.
I wish America would keep our nose, money, and weapons out of Israel's business.
Crusaders Without a Cross

The jihad is America's business, and the Israelis have been fighting against it in our place for the past hundred years. Osama bin Laden was the first to see Israel as a decoy and bypass it to carry out Islam's ultimate goal.

Second, the Israelis were the first nation to fight the existential threat to all advanced nations from Third World savages. While the decadent leadership of the West was appeasing and surrendering to unfit races both at home and globally, Israel put evolution's sore losers back where they belong.

Logically, it can be nothing but anti-semitism to believe that the pioneering Jews have no more rights than the thrill-killing beasts who occupied and desecrated the Holy Land have.
If you feel I am being condescending then you must be hearing things said from a position of strength but I am not asserting any superiority. Since I am not being condescending, the only way that relationship could be established is if you considered yourself inferior. Hope that clears it up.
If you feel I am being condescending then you must be hearing things said from a position of strength but I am not asserting any superiority.

Since I am not being condescending, the only way that relationship could be established is if you considered yourself inferior. Hope that clears it up.

Me recognizing that you're being condescending, doesn't imply that I believe I'm actually inferior and you're superior, the fact you're unable to tell the difference underscores your lack of intellectual rigor or more bluntly, your stupidity.

Crusaders Without a Cross

The jihad is America's business, and the Israelis have been fighting against it in our place for the past hundred years. Osama bin Laden was the first to see Israel as a decoy and bypass it to carry out Islam's ultimate goal.

Second, the Israelis were the first nation to fight the existential threat to all advanced nations from Third World savages. While the decadent leadership of the West was appeasing and surrendering to unfit races both at home and globally, Israel put evolution's sore losers back where they belong.

Logically, it can be nothing but anti-semitism to believe that the pioneering Jews have no more rights than the thrill-killing beasts who occupied and desecrated the Holy Land have.
The Israelis create terrorism, making America and Jews more unsafe. They increase the danger for everyone.
Crusaders Without a Cross

The jihad is America's business, and the Israelis have been fighting against it in our place for the past hundred years. Osama bin Laden was the first to see Israel as a decoy and bypass it to carry out Islam's ultimate goal.
The US created radical Islam.
Second, the Israelis were the first nation to fight the existential threat to all advanced nations from Third World savages. While the decadent leadership of the West was appeasing and surrendering to unfit races both at home and globally, Israel put evolution's sore losers back where they belong.
But "third world savages" have never threated or invaded Europe or Britain or the USA. It was in fact first world savages who invaded and colonized Arab lands, so you have things back to front. Zionist Israel is just another example of that colonialism, migrating huge numbers of foreigners from Europe into the Levan and displacing the indigenous peoples.
Logically, it can be nothing but antisemitism to believe that the pioneering Jews have no more rights than the thrill-killing beasts who occupied and desecrated the Holy Land have.

Zionism has no rights, not Jews but Zionism, it is the ideology which like the Third Reich, must be wiped off the face of the earth.
Me recognizing that you're being condescending, doesn't imply that I believe I'm actually inferior and you're superior, the fact you're unable to tell the difference underscores your lack of intellectual rigor or more bluntly, your stupidity.
I can't tell the difference because I'm not being condescending. You're expressing a latent sense of inferiority if you think people are talking down to you. When you grow up, you'll understand.
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JWBooth said:
A strike lasting several hours vs. months of slaughter of women and children. No moral equivalence here.
Months of Gaza ministry of health preventing Arabs to evacuate. Shame on you.
What does your "moral equivalence" argument tell you about racist monsters who snipe children for Greater Israel?

American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza says IDF snipers shoot toddlers | MR Online

"An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza told 'CBS Sunday Morning' in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.

"'I had children who were shot twice,' said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May.

"Perlmutter added, 'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by "the world’s best snipers." And they’re dead-center shots.'

"Other foreign doctors who volunteered in Gaza gave a similar account to The Guardian back in April, saying Israeli snipers were shooting children in the head."
Nits Become Lice

It's typical of the hypcritical Zionists to say things like Dershowitz says "you Judge people by their actions, not by their words. The quotes from Prof. Dinstein [quotes calling for genocide] who's been retired for probably twenty five years, are quotes of individuals".

Dershowitz however would be amongst the first and loudest voices to scream "antisemitism!" at the mere verbal criticism of Israeli slaughter.

This is the nature of Zionism, lies, hypocrisy, smoke and mirrors, selective history and hand waving.

In Dershowitz's perverse mind Zionists can not, must not be called to account for their words but those who oppose Zionism can be, must be. This is the inherent sense of entitlement and special privilege which permeates Zionist fascism, all of which stems from the seed of Jew supremacism.
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I can't tell the difference because I'm not being condescending. You're expressing a latent sense of inferiority if you think people are talking down to you. When you grow up, you'll understand.
You're just dishonest and silly.
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The US created radical Islam.

Zionist Israel is just another example of that colonialism, migrating huge numbers of foreigners from Europe into the Levan and displacing the indigenous peoples.

Zionism has no rights, not Jews but Zionism, it is the ideology which like the Third Reich, must be wiped off the face of the earth.
Protocols of the Youngers of Zombieland

You're this self-righteous because you have a decadent and self-serving but pre-ordained hereditary ruling class backing you up with all its unearned political power and social influence. The Richkid Reich's New Age sewage is leading us down the drain to the toxic waste of Multiculturalism.
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Ooh look, how surprising, the Israelis pull out the antisemitism card again.


What a sense of entitlement, destroy someone's career because she likened a fascist to another fascist.

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I can just see the Zionists here typing "No, those kids were shot by Hamas"
Zionists have never hidden their long-term goal of exterminating or expelling a majority of non-Jews living in Palestine: murdering/maiming children isn't a new technique, but social medial allows the world to watch today.

Never Again :auiqs.jpg:

American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza says IDF snipers shoot toddlers | MR Online

"In his interview, Perlmutter, vice president of the International College of Surgeons, said what he saw in Gaza was worse than all of the disaster zones he’s seen combined.

"'Forty mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes. All of that combined doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,' he said.

"When asked if the civilians he saw wounded or killed were mostly children, Perlmutter said,

"Almost exclusively children. I’ve never seen that before. Never seen that. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week"

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