THIS, Is Identity Politics

I have read at least one assessment here that claims that the reason for the rise of Trump was due to leftist over use of poitical correctness and identity politics. Apparently that person missed at least 40 years of Republican use of identity politics starting at minimum with the Reagan story of the black welfare queen. Here is a classic example of Republican identity politics.

And then when Republicans are called on ths obvious racism, they whine about Democrats playing identity politcs and idiots actually cosign it blaming democrats with them.

Can you define racism?
I have read at least one assessment here that claims that the reason for the rise of Trump was due to leftist over use of poitical correctness and identity politics. Apparently that person missed at least 40 years of Republican use of identity politics starting at minimum with the Reagan story of the black welfare queen. Here is a classic example of Republican identity politics.

And then when Republicans are called on ths obvious racism, they whine about Democrats playing identity politcs and idiots actually cosign it blaming democrats with them.

What's racist about it IM#2?
This thread is from

He constantly lauds his self-identification as black, but then says others use identify politics. :laugh:
This thread is about how Repubicans use identity politics. You're the one talking about some kind of self identification in this thread. And YOU were the one who started a thread whining about how Whites were getting things taken from them. So once again we see how Republicans use identity politics then whine when they get called on their racist use of it.

OBTW, you're a sock. How many different names have you used now? 10 or 11?
Nope. There is no confusion. Repubicans have ALWAYS been the users of identity politics.
The Preachers that are Progs are the biggest frauds in Congress. All the problems in their districts or areas they serve, and they sold out to the extreme social justice agendas.
This thread is about how Repubicans use identity politics. You're the one talking about some kind of self identification in this thread. And YOU were the one who started a thread whining about how Whites were getting things taken from them. So once again we see how Republicans use identity politics then whine when they get called on their racist use of it.

OBTEW, you're a sock. How many different names have you used now? 10 or 11?
Uh, both terms have the same word (different forms):

Self-identify as black
Identity politics
I have read at least one assessment here that claims that the reason for the rise of Trump was due to leftist over use of poitical correctness and identity politics.

Yes, there have been a lot of changes in American society in the past 40 years. Many Americans are desperately clinging to the values that most Americans have abandoned.

They're rounding up the wagons for a last and final stand - Trump.

But the real reason so many white Americans are feeling trapped is that they long ago abandoned the principles that made America and Western civilization great.

Meanwhile, other races and cultures have adopted those principles. They are achieving and leaving white America in the dust.

White Americans were fooled - by Super-Wealthy European Conservatives -into believing that American was first and foremost a Capitalist/Opportunist country. That people should compete without limitations and under all circumstances. The Super-Wealthy European laughed as White American destroyed each other and themselves while they Super-Wealthy Europeans reestablished a defacto neo-monarchy.

That's what the current political climate is about: Whether America retains the New World Order that the founding Fathers established or whether we return to the Old World Order.
I'll tell what's funny about identity and politics ----------->

Yes, there have been a lot of changes in American society in the past 40 years. Many Americans are desperately clinging to the values that most Americans have abandoned.

They're rounding up the wagons for a last and final stand - Trump.

But the real reason so many white Americans are feeling trapped is that they long ago abandoned the principles that made America and Western civilization great.

Meanwhile, other races and cultures have adopted those principles. They are achieving and leaving white America in the dust.

White Americans were fooled - by Super-Wealthy European Conservatives -into believing that American was first and foremost a Capitalist/Opportunist country. That people should compete without limitations and under all circumstances. The Super-Wealthy European laughed as White American destroyed each other and themselves while they Super-Wealthy Europeans reestablished a defacto neo-monarchy.

That's what the current political climate is about: Whether America retains the New World Order that the founding Fathers established or whether we return to the Old World Order.
The racism that America was built upon advantaged whites, Deconstructing that racism has attempted to create balance and whites have not yet become accustomed to not getting everything they want.

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