Debate Now A Hard Look at the MAGA Movement

It seems to me the best way to stop illegal immigration is to stop them from coming. We spend over 150 billion a year trying to stop them at the border so it seems like it might be worth while to try another approach.
  • Require that applications for asylum be filed with US embassies and consultants, not at the US border. The first test for asylum should be done there.
  • Work with Mexico to screen crossing of Mexican Guatemalan border.
  • Change the admission policy to make it possible for people from central American countries to immigrate to the US. Today, for most people from Central American , there is no legal way of entering the US. It is not that the waiting list is too long. There is no list.
Those are all good ideas that will not interfere with the wall, combined with electronic monitoring, quick reaction patrols, and same-day deportations
Probably the most important element in MAGA is controlling illegal immigration, yet he has not explained how he will do this without violating our laws and the constriction. He has emphasized his mass deportation but very little about stopping illegal entry.

For example:
Turmp claims that he will deport 15 to 20 illegal immigrants in the country. The number is of course exaggerated but that is not my point. Both Citizens and Non-Citizens are guaranteed Due Process by the 5th and 14th amendment. Essentially what that means is the government can't do mass deportation as Trump pictured to his followers. Each person has the right to their day in court and that court will be immigration court unless the state has evidence that the person actually entered the country illegally.

Since being in the country without documentation is not a crime it has to go through the immigration court system. That will allow the person to claim asylum. If the person passes the initial test which is not very hard, the person has to be detained until an immigration officer investigates the claim. That can take 2 to 6 months. If the officer believes the person has a case for asylum a court date is set which will be over a year. If the claim is denied, the person can challenge the decision which would of course take months.

Even if the person does not claim asylum, there are many other legal routes to remain in the US which include family hardship, time to search for documentation, applications for correction of status, etc, etc.

Under the constitutional and current laws, no one reading this would be alive to see the end of the Trump deportation.

What happen to th great beautiful wall? I have heard no comment about the wall, however he does have a new plan to protect the United States. I wonder if it will keep illegal aliens out. It sounds like it might keep space aliens out.

"In my next term, we will build a great Iron Dome over our country, a dome like has never seen before, a state -of-the-art missile defense shield that will be entirely built in America," Trump said at a June rally in Wisconsin as the crowd applauded. "We're going to build the greatest dome of them all," I guess this will be a replacement for the great beautiful wall.
Over 10 milion on Bin Bidens watch. Asylum claim needs to go away. Its BS

They are working here with fake ids and SSNs. They have been doing it since Reagan.

IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
First let's look's at what MAGA is?
It is a political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of its putative leader, Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” which became a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during his candidacy, presidency (2017–21), and beyond.

The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies).

1. Is it true that America has lost it's status as a great country?
2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?
3. Assuming America is no longer a great country, will these policies work to restore America to it's former greatness?
Make America Great Again. What to debate? Unless you're an enemy of America there is nothing to debate.MAGA is self-explanatory
It seems to me the best way to stop illegal immigration is to stop them from coming. We spend over 150 billion a year trying to stop them at the border so it seems like it might be worth while to try another approach.
  • Require that applications for asylum be filed with US embassies and consultants, not at the US border. The first test for asylum should be done there.
  • Work with Mexico to screen crossing of Mexican Guatemalan border.
  • Change the admission policy to make it possible for people from central American countries to immigrate to the US. Today, for most people from Central American , there is no legal way of entering the US. It is not that the waiting list is too long. There is no list.

I have to disagree with this. If you are in an oppressive country, and you legitimately have a claim to asylum, the first thing that your government is going to ask is what you were doing at the US Embassy or Consulate today, Comrade?

My wife was an asylum seeker from China. She came here on a tourist Visa 7 years ago and claimed asylum when she got here. She had a valid claim; she had been arrested in China for attending the wrong Church. Still, despite that, seven years later, she hadn't gotten a hearing about her asylum claim. Fortunately, after we got married, we could put in for a relative sponsorship. That required us to pay $4000 in the application and legal fees and submit 200 pages of documentation and photographs proving that this wasn't a "Green card marriage."

That took about ten months before she finally got all of her papers, and the lawyer remarked that she was impressed how quickly the process went for us, and that USCIS waived an interview.
Over 10 milion on Bin Bidens watch. Asylum claim needs to go away. Its BS

They are working here with fake ids and SSNs. They have been doing it since Reagan.

Actually, we have asylum laws for a reason. During World War II, we refused admission to people from Europe, and they got sent back, and Hitler turned them into lampshades and bars of soap.

That's why we have asylum laws, you stupid twit.

As for fake ID's and SSN, there's a simple way to solve that problem. Make the SSN a national, biometric ID card. Problem fucking solved.

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