It’s not MAGA that’s a cult

It’s not MAGA that’s a cult

12 Jun 2024 ~~ By Noel S. Williams

Reflecting their typical disdain for intellectual diversity, discordant Dems are shrilling against MAGA. Despite the fifty-state movement attracting increasing numbers of converts, despondent Dems desperately label it a cult. They even assert that its members need to be deprogrammed.
Not long ago, hideous Hillary insisted that MAGA is a cult and its members need deprogramming. Sure, she’s a shriveled up, ghastly old has-been who couldn’t even parlay Bill’s political nous, but it’s not just she. Just last week, Dem Paula Collins, who is running against GOP rep. Elise Stefanik for New York’s 21st Congressional District (good luck with that), suggested that MAGA-supporters need to go to a re-education camp.
Then there are many in legacy media who are forever gaslighting their audience. Examples abound. Here’s one from the disreputable publication The Atlantic. And another from the equally disreputable Washington Post, whose slogan “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the height of irony.
It’s truly bizarre to label a movement comprising yuge swaths of the electorate as a cult. Sure, we have a charismatic leader, but that’s almost a requirement for the commander-in-chief — Joe Biden notwithstanding.
James Carville is a contorted caricature, the very manifestation of unpleasantness. In occult-like fashion, he has given up all semblance of objectivity. To wit, he said, “I don’t have anything against slanted coverage. I really don’t. I would have something against it at most other times in American history, but not right now. F--- your objectivity.”
Elements of the occult include magical or mystical beliefs and disinformation. Enter James Clapper. To this day, he bizarrely refuses to distance himself from the letter he signed asserting that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. So brainwashed is he that he’s achieved his own hidden knowledge, reminiscent of various occult movements. The problem is, the “laptop from hell” is manifest.
By either metric, they’d do well to repugn the repugnant, mind-numbing, spirit-sapping, cultish conformity the Dems impose — not by leftist gaslighting and deprogramming techniques, but by learning from life’s lessons.
Today’s leftists don’t really have a cult of personality because they have no charisma. Nevertheless, they are rife with cults that foment strife. Some even stray into the occult. Commonsense conservatism and MAGA tenets will set them free.

Leftists reliably blame those who disagree with them exactly what they themselves are guilty of.
Conservatives tend to be independent thinkers.
Leftists tend to groupthink like pack animals or lemmings, who all worship a leader. Chanting the same phrases in unison. Obama being the latest example of their sainted one.
There is even an official psychological term for what they do. It's been named "Psychological Projection". The folk phrase would be ‘the pot calling the kettle black’. See: (Projection: What It Is and More)
It is mind boggling that anyone would disagree that making America great again would be a good thing.
Speaking of Obama, wasn't it Democrats and the com[;pvot Media that attempted to deify Ovama for the eight years of his presidendcy?

When your reports are just excuses for insulting people.

This article is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as Trump is. Insult anything you don't like, then try and take the higher ground.
The leader of the cult:

So you went there.

Here is reality.

Not really. I do remember grown men and women storming the capitol on 1/6 because the blob told them to "fight like hell".
Then uou're either too young,to remember or yoo old and suffering from dementia like Joey Xi.
When your reports are just excuses for insulting people.

This article is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as Trump is. Insult anything you don't like, then try and take the higher ground.
You can always tell when a word stings them. They try desperately to deflect and turn it around.

Such as "cult", "Insurrection", "dictator", "fascist", "authoritarian". Like clockwork.

I suspect that, if things go their way in November, they may start being a little more honest about what they are.
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Nobody tried deifying Obama and there damn sure was no insurrection when he left.
Except for the fact that the leftists immediately started renaming schools, roads, bridges, parks, buildings ect after the bisexual Kenyan.

You are in the actual cult.

The OP NAILED your idiot ass.

Thus, you ignored it.
The article doesn't do much in terms of saying what is so "cultish" about the left. The one example is the letter from former intelligence officials which was measured and reasonable when it was written, which was a time when the laptop story was super fishy and unverified. Since that time, the laptop has become available to legitimate news media and the DoJ has provided information on it. We know more now than we did back then.

When new information is available, people change their minds. That's not a cult behavior.

On the other hand, the right harbors numerous conspiracy theories to this day, not just about big things like the 2020 election or Russian involvement in the 2016 election, but about smaller issues like the attacker of Paul Pelosi. No amount of new information changes your mind. The dogma remains.
I consider MAGA as a cult, not in a bad way, but in a fashion that make Hillary Clinton and the far left jealous.

A cult in style of Jimmy Buffet's 'Parrotheads'.

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