House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries Threatens ‘MAGA Extremists’ on Supreme Court, Warns Congress Must Get Them ‘Under Control’

Poor little commie, me thinks you wondered into the wrong thread. This one has nothing to do with the unconstitutional NPV. And nothing in the Constitution gives congress the power of oversight over SCOTUS, and if you bother to read the Constitution, it says if the power isn't granted specifically, they don't have it. The Constitution grants the two houses of congress the power to set their own rules, but nobody else. Why do you favor an extra constitutional government?

He wipes his ass with the constitution.

What do you expect with regards to his understanding.

He can't add 2 and 2.

Then he wants to kill the separation of powers.

Like most left-wingers he's power hungry.
Hakim is a centrist, establishment democrat. There's nothing far left about him. I think these days you ppl would even call Reagan far left. That's how far right you've ppl have gone.

What the hell are you smoking? There are no centrist commiecrats anymore. All the blue dogs were eliminated a long time ago.

OKTexas is a MAGAt commie fascist. He does not believe in American values. The Congress can indeed write a Canons of Conduct for SCOTUS. If SCOTUS won't comply, then defund their budget.

The poor little commie proves once again how delusional he is. Congress has the power to impeach a justice, not write rules for how they conduct themselves. Feel free to quote the clause that gives congress this imaginary power.

He wipes his ass with the constitution.

What do you expect with regards to his understanding.

He can't add 2 and 2.

Then he wants to kill the separation of powers.

Like most left-wingers he's power hungry.

Yep, congress has tried to expand their power from the very beginning, it's human nature. The Constitution is there to restrain those impulses.

Congress has no "control" over the Judicial Branch other than advise and consent of appointments to positions. :eusa_hand:
You are superficial as is Mike Griffin. Congress has a constitutional check and balance on SCOTUS, yes.

If SCOTUS refuses to accept a Canons of Conduct, then Congress is empowered to defund its operations
The poor little commie proves once again how delusional he is. Congress has the power to impeach a justice, not write rules for how they conduct themselves. Feel free to quote the clause that gives congress this imaginary power.

You are a MAGA commie fascist who wants a government without checks and balances. No, not just once more. Nothing in the Constitution impairs Congress from writing a Canons of Conduct for SCOTUS.
You are a MAGA commie fascist who wants a government without checks and balances. No, not just once more. Nothing in the Constitution impairs Congress from writing a Canons of Conduct for SCOTUS.

To quote your deal leader maobama, the Constitution is a charter of negative powers. Exactly what about that do you fail to understand? Show me in any article of the constitution that grants congress that power, if you can't find it, that means they don't fucking have it.. Now show me that grant of power, or just STFU. Your comrade couldn't do it and ran from the thread, let's see if you can provide a link, or do what your comrade did.

Did congressman Jeffreys fall asleep during Civics 101 or does TDS destroy your intellectual ability? The government of the United States consists of three equal branches. Congress has no power to "control" the Supreme Court and neither does the president.
Did congressman Jeffreys fall asleep during Civics 101 or does TDS destroy your intellectual ability? The government of the United States consists of three equal branches. Congress has no power to "control" the Supreme Court and neither does the president.
It has the right to oversight.

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