House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries Threatens ‘MAGA Extremists’ on Supreme Court, Warns Congress Must Get Them ‘Under Control’

As you might expect, Hakeem Jeffries chose far left MSNBC to whine about the Dem / Socialist politburo not having a USSC they can dictate to. Jeffries spends a great deal of time warning us about a real risk that "extremists" have hijacked the court. What he’s really saying is that the USSC has not been an entity that the Dems / Socialists control.

Jeffries is about as far left as the left can be. That’s why it is so laughable to hear this clown lecture anyone on a “code of conduct” that presumably would be a code he would hope to be implemented by the corrupt, retrograde left.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has launched a scathing attack against the originalist judges on the Supreme Court, describing them as “MAGA extremists” who need to be reigned in by Congress.

In an appearance on MSNBC’s Deadline, Jeffries warned that the Court must be controlled with a “legislative effort to implement an ethical code of conduct.”
If democrats take back the House he will be the Speaker
Somebody needs to tell that extremist commie that congress has no more authority to establish rules for SCOTUS, than SCOTUS has the authority to establish rules for congress, they are coequal branches of government. But hey, since when do the commies understand the Constitution?


I’m afraid that democrats have real contempt for coequal branches of government. That contempt is displayed by Jeffries presuming the democrats can “reign in” the USSC. They want the USSC to be a well behaved institution like the DOJ and FBI controlled by whoever is telling Biden what to do, what to say and where to stand.
… and he looks like a mental patient.

Oh I've read it and Jeffries is right.

What's with this compulsion to lie there race baiter. Of course you have the authority you speak of right at your finger tips, right commie? I'm sure an iron clad link will follow, ROFLMAO.

Who would have known after 250 years of American history that the opposing majority in Congress would have an Islamic first name?
Why doesn't someone tell that jerk the law should not change for anyone or any group. You can already see the damages from doing just that.

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