so much for the lefts claim that MAGA supporters are a violent cult !

So you hate the justice system, you hate the jury system, you hate elections Trump loses .. hate, hate, hate everything that makes America great.
Lol, this problem we have was brought on by hateful liberals. High up representatives in the democrat party. They rigged the court system in a liberal county and held a kangaroo court. I love our fair and balanced court system where duo representations are allowed. That's the American system I love.
You don't understand what "intent to defraud" means: that the records were corrupted so fraud was not obvious. That is intent.

…no…that the records were never going to be seen by public was how there was no intent to defraud.

Intent to defraud means you did something to make people believe something else. If the people are never going to see that thing,’then what you did has no intent.
The folks who did the crimes said so.

Just like yourself. Remember when you made a bet to leave the board if your blob lost? A real man would have honored his word. A wimpy effeminate emotionally triggered piece of shit like yourself would have to come back here for a 4 year whine-fest.

I guess you’re a leftist then because you embody them all.
I left the board for a month ... and I don't need a lecture on integrity from someone who supports the killing of over 50 million innocent babies in the womb ...

I see you got a new ass tattoo
I can't stand anything Antifa regardless of your love for anarchy.
I can't stand the far right, and the sheep, like YOU, that follow djt.
I despise ALL politicians, R and L, (D) or (R).

I tolerate the gays, you don't.
I accept BOOKS that are on your 'hit list', you are a commie.
I think it is the Racist Southerners that cause racial divide, you think it is Obama.

Am I clear?
yes ... clearly insane ..
The violent ones were pretty much rounded up for what they did on Jan 6.

The rest of the cultists aren’t stupid enough to do anything violent, but they wouldn’t mind if some of their people acted violently.

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