So Much For The Blacks Running to Trump Claim

Every election year we and read the same old story from Republicans: BLACKS ARE LEAVING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO VOTE FOR THE REPUBICAN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. We have read multiple threads about dems panicking because blacks are running to Trump, or how blacks finally are seeing some "truth" about Democrats as proclaimed by Republicans. And as usual, it's a bunch of malarkey.

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A new report from the Pew Research Center pokes a hole in the oft-repeated claim that a historic racial realignment is occurring within American politics, with nonwhite voters learning to love the GOP and Donald Trump.

In recent years — days, even — there’s been a seemingly endless deluge of news stories hyping up this purported realignment as fact. Trump and his allies have been touting similar claims as well (which seems like all the more reason to question them).

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Hispanic voters (61%) are Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, while 35% are Republicans or Republican leaners.

  • The Democratic Party’s edge among Hispanic voters over the last two years is somewhat narrower than it was in years prior.
Black voters continue to overwhelmingly associate with the Democratic Party, although the extent of the Democratic advantage among this group has fallen off over the last few years.

  • Currently, 83% of Black voters are Democrats or lean Democratic, while 12% align with the GOP.
  • As recently as 2020, the share associating with the Democratic Party was 5 percentage points higher. That somewhat larger edge in party affiliation had been in place for much of the last two decades.
About six-in-ten Asian voters (63%) align with the Democratic Party, while 36% are oriented toward the GOP.

  • The balance of partisan association among Asian voters has changed little over the last few years.
Another win for the good guys.

They said the same thing 4 years ago.

The reality?

Currently, with votes still being tallied, Trump has 8% support among Black voters, up from 6% in 2016.

How Government Policy Created White Wealth and Concentrated African American Poverty​


Trump's Chick-fil-A photo-op underscores his weakness with Black voters​

Donald Trump and his supporters’ attempts to curry favor with Black voters are getting more desperate by the week.

Whodathunkit? The same conservative movement that tried to attract Black youth with Drake- and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air-inspired stickers appears to be bereft of sane ideas to bring Black folks into the MAGA fold.

Instead, they've clung to stereotypes. Over the last year, we’ve seen them hype Trump-loving rappers, hawk Trump-branded sneakers, and promote Trump’s criminality in what Trump’s supporters suggested were surefire ways to make inroads with Black voters who could turn the tide of the election in his favor.

But last week’s stunt took the cake — or, perhaps, I should say, the chicken.

Trump's campaign claimed he showed up at a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta and bought attendees chicken and milkshakes. His supporters spread a video far and wide of a Black woman, who appeared to be a random customer, hugging Trump and claiming the media has downplayed his Black support.

But it was later revealed that the woman is a Republican operative with ties to the Georgia Republican Party and Charlie Kirk, the founder of right-wing activist group Turning Point USA. And as the liberal outlet Meidas Touch noted, Trump’s campaign has deployed similar theatrics to give the impression other groups of voters like him, too.

If you don't already know it, the Chick-fil-A con is evidence of the opposite of the woman's claim — if anything, Trump's support among Black folks isn't nearly as high as he or his followers suggest it is. (In fact, recent polling data indicates it’s not). After all, if it were, he wouldn’t have to stage ostensibly organic events to give viewers that impression. And his followers probably wouldn’t have to create A.I.-generated images of him with fake Black people either.


Trump's Chick-fil-A photo-op underscores his weakness with Black voters​

Donald Trump and his supporters’ attempts to curry favor with Black voters are getting more desperate by the week.

Whodathunkit? The same conservative movement that tried to attract Black youth with Drake- and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air-inspired stickers appears to be bereft of sane ideas to bring Black folks into the MAGA fold.

Instead, they've clung to stereotypes. Over the last year, we’ve seen them hype Trump-loving rappers, hawk Trump-branded sneakers, and promote Trump’s criminality in what Trump’s supporters suggested were surefire ways to make inroads with Black voters who could turn the tide of the election in his favor.

But last week’s stunt took the cake — or, perhaps, I should say, the chicken.

Trump's campaign claimed he showed up at a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta and bought attendees chicken and milkshakes. His supporters spread a video far and wide of a Black woman, who appeared to be a random customer, hugging Trump and claiming the media has downplayed his Black support.

But it was later revealed that the woman is a Republican operative with ties to the Georgia Republican Party and Charlie Kirk, the founder of right-wing activist group Turning Point USA. And as the liberal outlet Meidas Touch noted, Trump’s campaign has deployed similar theatrics to give the impression other groups of voters like him, too.

If you don't already know it, the Chick-fil-A con is evidence of the opposite of the woman's claim — if anything, Trump's support among Black folks isn't nearly as high as he or his followers suggest it is. (In fact, recent polling data indicates it’s not). After all, if it were, he wouldn’t have to stage ostensibly organic events to give viewers that impression. And his followers probably wouldn’t have to create A.I.-generated images of him with fake Black people either.

How can you take the crap seriously? Do you really think Blacks will vote to be shit on again?
Every election year we and read the same old story from Republicans: BLACKS ARE LEAVING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO VOTE FOR THE REPUBICAN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. We have read multiple threads about dems panicking because blacks are running to Trump, or how blacks finally are seeing some "truth" about Democrats as proclaimed by Republicans. And as usual, it's a bunch of malarkey.

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A new report from the Pew Research Center pokes a hole in the oft-repeated claim that a historic racial realignment is occurring within American politics, with nonwhite voters learning to love the GOP and Donald Trump.

In recent years — days, even — there’s been a seemingly endless deluge of news stories hyping up this purported realignment as fact. Trump and his allies have been touting similar claims as well (which seems like all the more reason to question them).

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Hispanic voters (61%) are Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, while 35% are Republicans or Republican leaners.

  • The Democratic Party’s edge among Hispanic voters over the last two years is somewhat narrower than it was in years prior.
Black voters continue to overwhelmingly associate with the Democratic Party, although the extent of the Democratic advantage among this group has fallen off over the last few years.

  • Currently, 83% of Black voters are Democrats or lean Democratic, while 12% align with the GOP.
  • As recently as 2020, the share associating with the Democratic Party was 5 percentage points higher. That somewhat larger edge in party affiliation had been in place for much of the last two decades.
About six-in-ten Asian voters (63%) align with the Democratic Party, while 36% are oriented toward the GOP.

  • The balance of partisan association among Asian voters has changed little over the last few years.
Nobody expects a majority of you people to see the light yet. It will take a while longer to get you all off the welfare plantation. But it doesn’t take all. And that really is your concern at this point. Is it enough?
Nobody expects a majority of you people to see the light yet. It will take a while longer to get you all off the welfare plantation. But it doesn’t take all. And that really is your concern at this point. Is it enough?
“You people”?

You mean non cult members.
Yeah, maga offers them what? I ride back to Africa?


What exactly?
They can go back if they want to.

Prison is a choice as well.

The option is the ability to build your own wealth and pass that on to your children.
Yeah, maga offers them what? I ride back to Africa?


What exactly?
The First Step Act and Opportunity Zones. And money in their pocket.


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