CNN: Polls Show Americans Don't Care About the Left's Kangaroo Courts Against Trump

Americans see these court cases for what they are. So Trump is well ahead in 6 key swing states.
Plan A failed, in addition Trump has picked up a lot of minority votes.

And the Democrats have no Plan B with Election Day just 6 months away.

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CNN chief national affairs correspondent Jeff Zeleny reports that swing-state voters are showing disdain and fatigue over the ongoing Trump trial, amidst polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in six key states.

Jeff Zeleny revealed that swing-state voters he interviewed feel "disgusted" and "tired" of the Trump trial, suggesting minimal political fallout against Trump so far.

Recent New York Times/Siena College polling indicates Trump is leading Biden in swing states like Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, with significant margins.

Voters are more concerned with economic issues rather than the trial, with inflation noted as a critical issue affecting voter sentiment.

In a recent commentary, CNN's Jeff Zeleny highlighted a significant disconnect between the media coverage of Donald Trump's ongoing trial and the concerns of voters in battleground states. According to Zeleny, despite exhaustive media focus, the trial has not resonated as a critical issue among these voters. Instead, economic issues, particularly inflation, are at the forefront of voters' concerns as they assess their choices for the upcoming election.


The polling also reveals a surprising shift in demographic support, with Trump making gains among Black and Hispanic voters, groups traditionally seen as Democratic strongholds. Biden's lead among these voters has diminished compared to previous elections, further complicating the electoral landscape for Democrats.

Zeleny notes that while the trial garners considerable media attention, the actual impact on voter decision-making may be limited. He suggests that unless the economic concerns are addressed effectively, the trial itself will likely remain a peripheral issue for many voters, overshadowed by more immediate personal and financial impacts.

Democracks are often not in the game to win wars, they look to win battles, so they make shit up feeding TDS. They often don't know how much duration their BULL SHIT will last, but they can drag many on for a long time. The Jan 6th false flag is one of their flagship operations. In the end that will fail too. Democracks can't do anything right, short of fooling people to achieve power and interests.
1. You can't prove that ANY of the NDAs were campaign expenses. There was $30,000 to the doorman, then $150,000 to Karen McDougle, then the $130,000 to Stormy. Trump was married with children, he was a TV celebrity, and he was running for office. Trump had more than one reason to pay for NDAs. The FEC said that there was no crime, Trump can do whatever he wants with HIS OWN MONEY (free speech).

2. "the crime they covered up is no secret"????? So WTF is it? The prosecutors never mentioned it, not in their opening statement, not in the indictment, not in the Bill of Particulars.


But, it's the crime! THE Crime. The CRIME The crime Trump covered up, but made no secret of!

THAT crime!

Read the indictment!

Orange Man Ba-aaa-aad! Baaaah Baaaah Baaahd!
LoL! But, it's the crime! THE Crime. The CRIME The crime Trump covered up, but made no secret of!
THAT crime!
Read the indictment!
Orange Man Ba-aaa-aad! Baaaah Baaaah Baaahd!
We'll soon see how it plays out.
A hung jury would be okay, but if he's "guilty" I hope the appeals process is expedited.
We'll soon see how it plays out.
A hung jury would be okay, but if he's "guilty" I hope the appeals process is expedited.

The appeals process won't be expedited, and the court will NOT overturn a jury verdict EVER unless the judge treated the defendant unfairly, which this judge has not.
The appeals process won't be expedited, and the court will NOT overturn a jury verdict EVER unless the judge treated the defendant unfairly, which this judge has not.
The appeals process will happen (if needed). Trump should never have been indicted. Read and learn:
The appeals process will happen (if needed). Trump should never have been indicted. Read and learn:

Jonathan Turley is a Constitutional Lawyer, not a criminal lawyer. He teaches law, and has never practiced criminal law. Added to which, the guy is completely for sale and a total DAW. Outside of the Trump Cult, the guy has no credibility whatsoever.
Jonathan Turley is a Constitutional Lawyer, not a criminal lawyer. He teaches law, and has never practiced criminal law. Added to which, the guy is completely for sale and a total DAW. Outside of the Trump Cult, the guy has no credibility whatsoever.
You can say the same about Dershowitz, he says that Bragg's case is nonsense too.

Lawyers are all guns for hire, that's what they do.

But the winning argument is that there is no felony, no indictments, no convictions, just Lawfare bullshit.

The misdemeanor bookkeeping counts already expired.

So the Bragg case is total bullshit.
The poll, released Wednesday from Bloomberg and Morning Consult, found that 53 percent of voters in key swing states would refuse to vote for Trump if he were convicted of a criminal offense. A slightly higher share, 55 percent, say they would reach that conclusion if he were sentenced to prison.
If those figures are accurate, they could easily decide the election, given how close Trump’s two elections so far, in 2016 and 2020, have been.
A conviction “is absolutely a potential dealbreaker in an election that either [Trump or President Biden] could win or lose for a whole variety of reasons,” said GOP strategist Doug Heye, a former communications director for the Republican National Committee.
The Bloomberg poll was conducted in seven states that will likely determine the outcome of the election: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Interestingly, the poll suggested 20 percent of voters from those states who had voted for Trump in 2020 would be either “somewhat unwilling” or “very unwilling” to vote for him again if he were convicted.
“The preponderance of polling out there shows that there is a chunk of Republican voters who say a felony conviction would be a bridge too far,” said GOP strategist Dan Judy. “Does that mean that Donald Trump still gets 80 to 85 percent of Republican voters, rather than 90 or 95 percent? Probably. But that could easily be the election right there.”

CNN's Enten: "No Change"

In Public Opinion About Trump During Trial, "Most Americans Don't Really Care"

29 May 2024 ~~ By Tim Hains

CNN poll analyst Harry Enten discusses new data showing most voters don't care about the court cases against the former president
"Most Americans don't really care that much," he said. "The percentage of Americans who think that the charges are 'very serious' in fact dropped from 40 percent to a little bit more than 35 percent during the course of this trial."
Read more: Breitbart News

Really! more propaganda from the Democrat Neo-Marxist Left and their compliant Media.
Rather the poll should have asked has it changed people's opinion about the Quisling Media, the Democratic Neo-Marxist Party, and this administration. But they are too afraid of the truth.

CNN's Enten: "No Change"

In Public Opinion About Trump During Trial, "Most Americans Don't Really Care"

29 May 2024 ~~ By Tim Hains

CNN poll analyst Harry Enten discusses new data showing most voters don't care about the court cases against the former president
"Most Americans don't really care that much," he said. "The percentage of Americans who think that the charges are 'very serious' in fact dropped from 40 percent to a little bit more than 35 percent during the course of this trial."
Read more: Breitbart News

Really! more propaganda from the Democrat Neo-Marxist Left and their compliant Media.
Rather the poll should have asked has it changed people's opinion about the Quisling Media, the Democratic Neo-Marxist Party, and this administration. But they are too afraid of the truth.

Has he been found guilty yet? Nope.

Funny, my die hard Republican nephew is liking RFK Jr. So it's true. RFK Jr. is stealing from Trump's base not Biden's.
Trump's poll numbers get better each day he is in court.

Did you say that before the verdict?

Most Independents And ‘Double Haters’ Want Trump To End Campaign, Poll Finds​

The polling comes days after Trump was convicted on 34 felonies.

So independents and people who don't like Trump or Biden and will have to hold their noses and vote for 1 say Trump should GTFO.

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