CNN: Polls Show Americans Don't Care About the Left's Kangaroo Courts Against Trump

Because the women (who had ~ten years to go public) knew their stories were only worth money after Trump got the nomination.
That's one paranoid nutter theory. That arises from the terminal cynicism you trump supporters all possess, as you must assume everyone in the world is as corrupt as the orange pile of crap is. It comes with the territory.
That's the brainwashing at work. The nutters see all of the "others" as a monolithic machine, hellbent on destroying everything they have ever liked.

So, in their highly tenderized brains, they see you and me as active players in, for example, stealing the 2020 election and the Trump prosecutions.
Americans see these court cases for what they are. So Trump is well ahead in 6 key swing states.
Plan A failed, in addition Trump has picked up a lot of minority votes.

And the Democrats have no Plan B with Election Day just 6 months away.

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CNN chief national affairs correspondent Jeff Zeleny reports that swing-state voters are showing disdain and fatigue over the ongoing Trump trial, amidst polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in six key states.

Jeff Zeleny revealed that swing-state voters he interviewed feel "disgusted" and "tired" of the Trump trial, suggesting minimal political fallout against Trump so far.

Recent New York Times/Siena College polling indicates Trump is leading Biden in swing states like Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, with significant margins.

Voters are more concerned with economic issues rather than the trial, with inflation noted as a critical issue affecting voter sentiment.

In a recent commentary, CNN's Jeff Zeleny highlighted a significant disconnect between the media coverage of Donald Trump's ongoing trial and the concerns of voters in battleground states. According to Zeleny, despite exhaustive media focus, the trial has not resonated as a critical issue among these voters. Instead, economic issues, particularly inflation, are at the forefront of voters' concerns as they assess their choices for the upcoming election.


The polling also reveals a surprising shift in demographic support, with Trump making gains among Black and Hispanic voters, groups traditionally seen as Democratic strongholds. Biden's lead among these voters has diminished compared to previous elections, further complicating the electoral landscape for Democrats.

Zeleny notes that while the trial garners considerable media attention, the actual impact on voter decision-making may be limited. He suggests that unless the economic concerns are addressed effectively, the trial itself will likely remain a peripheral issue for many voters, overshadowed by more immediate personal and financial impacts.

What it actually shows is that there really isn't a constitution. That money does indeed buy the judicial system. That's truly all this shows.
That's one paranoid nutter theory. That arises from the terminal cynicism you trump supporters all possess, as you must assume everyone in the world is as corrupt as the orange pile of crap is. It comes with the territory.
again, Trump never asked anyone to do anything. Cohen lead the entire drama with Pecker for extortion purposes. He revealed that under oath!!! That's the story!
1. You can't prove that ANY of the NDAs were campaign expenses. There was $30,000 to the doorman, then $150,000 to Karen McDougle, then the $130,000 to Stormy. Trump was married with children, he was a TV celebrity, and he was running for office. Trump had more than one reason to pay for NDAs. The FEC said that there was no crime, Trump can do whatever he wants with HIS OWN MONEY (free speech).

2. "the crime they covered up is no secret"????? So WTF is it? The prosecutors never mentioned it, not in their opening statement, not in the indictment, not in the Bill of Particulars. Therefore there is no "crime" being covered up.

3. There are no crimes, just Lawfare against Trump. Deal with it.
The doorman story is completely untrue.
Lynch Mobs going after one human was supposed to be against the law. So much for law.
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Americans see these court cases for what they are.
Yes, a legitimate prosecution of crimes.

majority of Americans (52%) believe former President Donald Trump “falsif[ied] business records
to conceal a hush money payment to a porn star” — the charge at the center of his ongoing criminal trial in Manhattan.

In contrast, just 22% of Americans say Trump did not falsify business records to hide a hush money payment to a porn star.

A majority of Americans now say that they would approve (51%) rather than disapprove (36%) of Trump being sentenced to prison if found guilty.

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That's one paranoid nutter theory. That arises from the terminal cynicism you trump supporters all possess, as you must assume everyone in the world is as corrupt as the orange pile of crap is. It comes with the territory.
Well it was in the testimony, and one of the calls from Davidson to Cohen, her lawyer was talking about how desperate she was getting.

The affairs were from 2006. Ten years before Trump ran for President.

davidson call.jpg
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It was in Pecker's testimony too.

The stories were worthless before Trump was the GOP nominee.

These are the State's own witnesses saying that...
But that's the point. He had no incentive to pay women off before he go into politics.

That he did during the election enlisting Pecker and Cohen to do so, and taking illegal in-kind contributions, is what the crime is. You've made Bragg's point.
But that's the point. He had no incentive to pay women off before he go into politics.

That he did during the election enlisting Pecker and Cohen to do so, and taking illegal in-kind contributions, is what the crime is. You've made Bragg's point.
It shows Pecker was right, there would be women coming out of the woodwork trying to cash in.

The DOJ actually considered bringing an extortion case against Stormy.

Pecker made the payoff to McDougal an in-kind contribution when he decided not to take the reimbursement. Cohen pled guilty under duress and will say whatever his handlers tell him to say.

Beyond a couple minor campaign finance violations (which take place in every campaign), there was nothing illegal about any of it.

That's why the DOJ never pursued it. Your star witnesses are a hooker and a serial perjurer. Nothing they say can be taken as "beyond a reasonable doubt" simply by virtue of the source.

Better luck next time...
It shows Pecker was right, there would be women coming out of the woodwork trying to cash in.

The DOJ actually considered bringing an extortion case against Stormy.

You mean Sessions considered it, trying to appease the orange blob, and then realized how stupid he'd look doing it.

Pecker made the payoff to McDougal an in-kind contribution when he decided not to take the reimbursement. Cohen pled guilty under duress and will say whatever his handlers tell him to say.

Um, Pecker made the payoff, and Trump stiffed him. Which is why he didn't make the payoff to Stormy.

Beyond a couple minor campaign finance violations (which take place in every campaign), there was nothing illegal about any of it.

Uh, sorry, guy, this isn't a "minor" thing. This is corruption. You guys impeached Clinton for a lot less.

That's why the DOJ never pursued it. Your star witnesses are a hooker and a serial perjurer. Nothing they say can be taken as "beyond a reasonable doubt" simply by virtue of the source.

Um, okay, and these are the people your Orange Jesus hung out with. I'm not sure why you think slandering their character somehow makes Trump look better.

Better luck next time...
Nope. Trump's getting convicted. Deal with it.

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