Yesterday did Bibi remind America of how important they are? Running towards values that some radicals in America are running from?

The invasion of Iraq was clearly damaging long term to the U.S and their reputation around the world.

This is why it is critical that America continues to be the leader on civil liberties and to support nations that support them be it Taiwan, Ukraine or Israel.

Did you know that China negotiated a peace agreement with rival Palestinian factions? This is better than war where possible, but if war is unavoidable you should support the nation that believes in liberty just as Americas enemies support Iran and others.

War is never unavoidable.
It was a good speech. Calling it Churchilian is a bit overkill, it's difficult to find orators with his linguistic skills and delivery, especially in our day and age; however, it was direct and powerful.

When he introduced the IDF soldiers who fought it pulled the heart strings. A man ran 8 miles with his rifle to protect his citizens, another man who lost a leg but pumped his fist a la Trump with some passion, perhaps just happy to be alive and still in the fight. Nothing appeals to me more than courage and it was nice to see the examples.

Was this a message to America to remember their values? Sometimes Americans forget and take for granted how vital civil liberty and religious foundations in their system matter. I would argue a Judeo-Christian foundation.

It was a pack of bullshit and lies from top to bottom. No mention of the more than 40,000 mostly women and children they'v butchered since last October.

Netanyahu LET that massacre happen to keep himself out of jail. Bombing hospitals and schools. Disgusting.

Using the soldiers as props. The man is sabotaging discussions to end this war because he knows he's out of power when it ends. The people want him GONE!
It was a pack of bullshit and lies from top to bottom. No mention of the more than 40,000 mostly women and children they'v butchered since last October.

Netanyahu LET that massacre happen to keep himself out of jail. Bombing hospitals and schools. Disgusting.

Using the soldiers as props. The man is sabotaging discussions to end this war because he knows he's out of power when it ends. The people want him GONE!

So you didn't like it then?
The invasion of Iraq was clearly damaging long term to the U.S and their reputation around the world.

This is why it is critical that America continues to be the leader on civil liberties and to support nations that support them be it Taiwan, Ukraine or Israel.

Did you know that China negotiated a peace agreement with rival Palestinian factions? This is better than war where possible, but if war is unavoidable you should support the nation that believes in liberty just as Americas enemies support Iran and others.

The USA has NEVER been a leader on "civil liberties". NEVER. Winston Churchill famously said "The USA will always do the right thing, after they exhaust all other possibilities". That remains true to this day.

In fact, women are still not equal to men under the Constitution, and the ERA has never been passed or added to the Constitution.

They're the only first world nation where abortion isn't legal, nationwide.

The USA was the last "first world nation" in the world to ban slavery. The rest of the first world banned slavery by 1820. It took the USA nearly 50 years more to do the same.

More than 20 nations in the world gave women the right to vote before men.

Black people still face systemic racism in housing, employment and education in the USA.

Canada gave gays the right to marry 10 years BEFORE the USA.

They still have a death penalty.
The USA has NEVER been a leader on "civil liberties". NEVER. Winston Churchill famously said "The USA will always do the right thing, after they exhaust all other possibilities". That remains true to this day.

In fact, women are still not equal to men under the Constitution, and the ERA has never been passed or added to the Constitution.

They're the only first world nation where abortion isn't legal, nationwide.

The USA was the last "first world nation" in the world to ban slavery. The rest of the first world banned slavery by 1820. It took the USA nearly 50 years more to do the same.

More than 20 nations in the world gave women the right to vote before men.

Black people still face systemic racism in housing, employment and education in the USA.

Canada gave gays the right to marry 10 years BEFORE the USA.

They still have a death penalty.

You have to be gas lighting me now.

Do you know which nation has the most immigrants every year? By choice, these new citizens flock to the U.S and I'm not even referring to the illegals.

This has been true for a century. The Titanic was famously full of people wealthy and poor looking for a new home and that was well over a century ago. There has never been a time in history in which a mass of Americans left for England, Germany or elsewhere. In fact, Canada has 1/10th the number of citizens America has but yet, we have 10x the nominal amount of citizens who emigrate to the U.S than vice versa. Why? Is it because they don't like freedom anymore and wanted to experience the alternative in the U.S?

America is the pinnacle of individual liberty and pursuit of happiness. Hell it is enshrined in their laws.
America isn't fighting a war for him and you won't be fighting a war for Israel either unless some other major power gets involved and/or Israel is attacked with numbers by an overwhelming force.

The message is clear to both sides of the aisle, the Middle East is a less important theatre than the Far East is. Bibi must understand this, he isn't blocked from intelligence reports.

He is only asking for the weapons and means He is only asking that America and the West NOT enrich Iran with money so that they in turn can fund Hezbollah and other.

It was all under control just a few years ago...

The Middle East only mattered to the USA when they needed the oil. Now that the USA is the largest oil producting nation in the world, they don't need the Middle East, but American oil companies still have substantial investments in the ME, so the US government will protect "American interests" there.

Please note that "American interests" nearly always relates to substantial corporate ownership of significant assets in a region. The US will go to war to protect American owned property in foreign countries. Noteably, the American PEOPLE are required to pay for this protection, not the companies whose property is being protected.
You have to be gas lighting me now.

Do you know which nation has the most immigrants every year? By choice, these new citizens flock to the U.S and I'm not even referring to the illegals.

This has been true for a century. The Titanic was famously full of people wealthy and poor looking for a new home and that was well over a century ago. There has never been a time in history in which a mass of Americans left for England, Germany or elsewhere. In fact, Canada has 1/10th the number of citizens America has but yet, we have 10x the nominal amount of citizens who emigrate to the U.S than vice versa. Why? Is it because they don't like freedom anymore and wanted to experience the alternative in the U.S?

America is the pinnacle of individual liberty and pursuit of happiness. Hell it is enshrined in their laws.

There is very little in your post that is true or accurate, especially when it comes to "personal freedoms" and "individual liberty". In fact, the USA is 61st out of 210 countries in the world Freedom Index, and it's entirely due to their low scores in personal freedoms (33/50), because they scored a perfect 50/50 for political freedom. Canada was 10th.

That's only reason that the USA has a high rate of immigration, is because the USA has the largest population by far of any of the First World nations. They NEED more immigrants than other nations because their economy is still expanding and birth rates are too low to replace population. They have 8 million job openings and no one to fill them. Immigration is their ONLY hope.

It's also one of the few nations in the world with sufficient land to accommodate immigration, and a reasonable climate for people to live there. Except for the Scandanvanian countries, there is little space in Europe for people to move to.

White people aren't emigrating from white European first world nations. They're not building a wall on the Canadian border to keep us out. I've turned down multiple invitations to move to the USA. I notice for all of YOUR claims of how great the USA is, you're not moving there.

European corporations are having problems finding executive willing to move to the USA to manage their branch operations there. These executives cite high health care costs, gun control, and a declining education system.

The the political instability in the USA, European and Asian corporations are now looking to Canada to set up branch operations in the North American free trade zone. Stable government, best educated work force in the world, better infrastructure, gun control, universal government funded health care, excellent education system.

The ONLY people who want to emigrate to the USA, are people from second and third world countries, and few, if any of them, have have a majority white population.
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There is very little in your post that is true or accurate, especially when it comes to "personal freedoms" and "individual liberty". In fact, the USA is 61st out of 210 countries in the world Freedom Index, and it's entirely due to their low scores in personal freedoms (33/50), because they scored a perfect 50/50 for political freedom. Canada was 10th.

That's only reason that the USA has a high rate of immigration, is because the USA has the largest population by far of any of the First World nations. They NEED more immigrants than other nations because their economy is still expanding and birth rates are too low to replace population. They have 8 million job openings and no one to fill them. Immigration is their ONLY hope.

It's also one of the few nations in the world with sufficient land to accommodate immigration, and a reasonable climate for people to live there. Except for the Scandanvanian countries, there is little space in Europe for people to move to.

White people aren't emigrating from white European first world nations. They're not building a wall on the Canadian border to keep us out. I've turned down multiple invitations to move to the USA. I notice for all of YOUR claims of how great the USA is, you're not moving there.

European corporations are having problems finding executive willing to move to the USA to manage their branch operations there. These executives cite high health care costs, gun control, and a declining education system.

The the political instability in the USA, European and Asian corporations are now looking to Canada to set up branch operations in the North American free trade zone. Stable government, best educated work force in the world, better infrastructure, gun control, universal government funded health care, excellent education system.

The ONLY people who want to emigrate to the USA, are people from second and third world countries, and few, if any of them, have have a majority white population.


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After they kill 1200 of your citizens and kidnap 200 of them it is unavoidable.

Some of these citizens are American among other nationalities.

Yes it is avoidable. Unless war is what you wanted all along. Netanyahu has been funding Hamas because every dictator needs an "other" to focus the nation's fear and anger, so they don't notice what a bad jobs he's doing.

Trump does that with "illegals", which is any non-white immigrant regardless of their status.
Yes it is avoidable. Unless war is what you wanted all along. Netanyahu has been funding Hamas because every dictator needs an "other" to focus the nation's fear and anger, so they don't notice what a bad jobs he's doing.

Trump does that with "illegals", which is any non-white immigrant regardless of their status.

Trump didn't allow 12M illegals into America, he negotiated an excellent "stay in Mexico" process. How can he be responsible for the worst border in the world that AMERICANS consider a major issue.

Just because you paint something the way you'd like doesn't change the reality. Americans feel the reality. If they didn't, the border would be something Harris would be proud of.

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