Trump Magic Bullet?

Why would you leave congealed blood on a roof?
Removing is not any priority to me. Investigating is priority. How many roofs (not even in a residential area or high traffic area) have you been on recently? Were they clean enough for you?
It's conceivable, although as I sit here right now, I don't know whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else,

Magic Bullet that struck Trumps ear and landed somewhere else?
It did not lodge in his ear, so it obviously continued onward and landed somewhere in Pennsylvania.
i'm wondering how trumps earlobe, massive as it is,( we love that ear lobe don't we folks. ) could deflect a flying bullet while barely drawing blood. defies conservation of momentum.
It was the top of his ear, not his tremendously beautiful earlobe. Some people say it's the most terrific earlobe they've ever seen. Even better than Lincoln's.
There are increasing questions about whether Trump was struck by a bullet or shrapnel
FBI Director Wray acknowledged the FBI still can’t be sure.
FBI is investigating the path of the bullet and where it ended up

what difference greta bird.jpg
Removing is not any priority to me. Investigating is priority. How many roofs (not even in a residential area or high traffic area) have you been on recently? Were they clean enough for you?

I am sure they gathered all the forensic evidence they needed before cleaning up the blood

What evidence do you expect from Crooks blood?
I will have to defer to some of USMBs gun experts on this one.

Is a high velocity round fired from an AR 15 capable of just nicking the ear without causing additional concussive damage?
Yes. The bullet would have to hit a solid mass to cause more damage. The ear is but a piece of tissue and cartilage. It has no stopping power.

Basic physics.
Conceal evidence from whom? From the exactly zero other peope allowed on the crime scene? So they waited a week? What you're saying is stupid. Think it through.
A special prosecutor?

One using retired forensic experts not controlled by the DOJ?
Why would they do that? Irrelevant.

Now back to you explaining why they would leave his brains and blood there forever.
Why not?

Someone already pointed out its not a high traffic area for women and children

The FBI has better reasons to conceal evidence than be tidy
A special prosecutor?
What? A special prosecutor was going to somehow send forensic experts to collect evidence months later?

None of what you are saying makes a lick of sense. The special prosecutor would rely on the experts who collected the evidence already.
No I just remember the russian collusion lie the fbi was telling for starters.
At least two people in the Trump campaign colluded with Russia and went to jail for it.

Don Jr. tried to collude, but he was too stupid to pull it off.

All caught up now?

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