Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

Under Biden we've seen the highest domestic production for oil in the history of our country or any other. Ever.

So if 'drill baby drill' reduces inflation, why didn't it?

And Trump didn't add just 4 trillion to the national debt. But 8.4.

You're not ready for the debate, are you? Trump, a man who has made his entire career on massively leveraged debt is not a champion of budget cuts. The budget grew every year under Trump. As did the debt, by an unprecedented amount.
1. Trump will produce way more energy than Biden, and actually LOWER the price of fuel.
2. The price of fuel needs to be lower to reduce inflation.
3. Trump's BUDGETs were $4T, Biden's BUDGETs are about $7.3T, Trump had <2% inflation, Biden has an average 6% inflation. The Debt/deficit and the Budgets are two different things dumbass.
4. True Trump added to the DEBT, his tax cuts were a mistake. Biden's spending added to the DEBT, his over-spending is a mistake.
5. Lets look at the DEBT Biden is adding, add the Budget deficits (from wiki)

Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit______TOTAL BIDEN $7.9T
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit______TOTAL TRUMP $5.3T
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit
Would that be the "coward loser" that accepted a debate at CNN hosted by two "moderators" that he knew hated his guts? The truth, Bulldog...is that Donald Trump took on Joe Biden, Dana Bash, Jake Tapper and CNN...and kicked their collective asses! That's not cowardice...that's being a BOSS! :)
Trump is a coward, and a loser. It's a shame that your brainwashing won't allow you to recognize that.
Why would ending funding to windmills and solar panels decrease inflation? How in the fuck would putting congress on the SS pool reduce inflation?

And what the keystone pipeline was never opened. So how could it be reopened? It would take close to half a decade to open it. How would that impact inflation in the interim?

Worse for your assumptions, under Biden we've seen the highest rates of domestic oil production in our nation's history. If increasing domestic oil production reduces inflation.....

.....why did we have inflationary spikes?

Your 'specific policies' either don't address inflation in the slightest (defunding solar panels? WTF?), wouldn't open until after Trump leaves and thus would have ZERO impact on inflation, or haven't historically reduced inflation as you assume it would.

So what specific policies has Trump proposed that would ACTUALLY reduce inflation?

Why would ending funding to windmills and solar panels decrease inflation?

Wasteful government spending that results in more expensive, less reliable electricity doesn't increase inflation?
reopen keystone and ANWR, allow drilling offshore and on govt lands, stop funding windmills and solar panels, kill the EV mandates, spend our tax money in the USA, cut the waste in the federal government, put congress in the SS pool. incentive companies to build and expand in the usa

obozo doubled it,
Keystone does nothing. That oil is already moving.
ANWR is a refuge and not particularly viable at this point.
Offshore drilling is not economically viable at current oil prices.
EV uses nat gas and oil until there is an energy boom of nuclear.

More US oil requires massive shale development. That WILL NOT happen given current oil prices.
Why would ending funding to windmills and solar panels decrease inflation?

Wasteful government spending that results in more expensive, less reliable electricity doesn't increase inflation?

You do realize that Trump was the single term record holder for adding to the national debt, yes? So expecting spending cuts under Trump to lower inflation is a WILDLY unrealistic dream.

And if funding solar panels increases inflation, why didn't it when that funding began under Obama?

Laughing.....try again.

Trumpworld Howls Over The Switch From Biden To Harris

Within hours of President Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing Kamala Harris to run in his stead, Donald Trump had a response: It was all very unfair.

It’s his classic MO, leaning wantonly into personal grievance when nothing else will do. Biden, Trump suggested, was lying about having COVID. The Republican Party, he said, should “be reimbursed for fraud” because it had been so grossly misled.

And, Trump added, he would no longer agree to the terms of the next debate. He’d rather it be held on friendly turf – Fox News – effectively signaling that he’s dropping out of the next debate as currently scheduled.

My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September. Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC. Thank you! DJT

Faux is not biased? Or is this a way to back out of debating Harris? Maybe he doesn't want to be on stage with a woman after he was found liable for sexual assault (rape in many states) for finger fucking Carroll against her will. Or because his party wants to force women to carry a fetus to term against their will.

Trump agreed to two totally unfair and biased debates on CNN and ABC and to all the rules laid down by Biden & Co because Trump knew how Biden would do in the debates. Now that Biden is gone, then any debates should be fair and unbiased and not stacked against Trump.
Keystone does nothing. That oil is already moving.
ANWR is a refuge and not particularly viable at this point.
Offshore drilling is not economically viable at current oil prices.
EV uses nat gas and oil until there is an energy boom of nuclear.

More US oil requires massive shale development. That WILL NOT happen given current oil prices.

Worse for their argument, under Biden we hit the highest rate of domestic oil production in world history. Not just our country. ANY Country. Ever.

If more domestic oil reduces inflation, why didn't it?
1. Trump will produce way more energy than Biden, and actually LOWER the price of fuel.
2. The price of fuel needs to be lower to reduce inflation.
3. Trump's BUDGETs were $4T, Biden's BUDGETs are about $7.3T, Trump had <2% inflation, Biden has an average 6% inflation. The Debt/deficit and the Budgets are two different things dumbass.
4. True Trump added to the DEBT, his tax cuts were a mistake. Biden's spending added to the DEBT, his over-spending is a mistake.
5. Lets look at the DEBT Biden is adding, add the Budget deficits (from wiki)

Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit______TOTAL BIDEN $7.9T
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit______TOTAL TRUMP $5.3T
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit
Trump will give the people relief.
You do realize that Trump was the single term record holder for adding to the national debt, yes? So expecting spending cuts under Trump to lower inflation is a WILDLY unrealistic dream.

And if funding solar panels increases inflation, why didn't it when that funding began under Obama?

Laughing.....try again.

About to be passed by Biden.

And if funding solar panels increases inflation, why didn't it when that funding began under Obama?

Electricity prices and deficits would have been lower without that wasteful Obama spending.
Please cite how. please cite when he did so in the past?

So apparently Trump, the single term record holder for adding to the national debt is not going act like Trump?

Again, we've seen what Trump actually did as President. It wasn't spending cuts. It was MASSIVE tax cuts that added to 8.4 trillion to the national debt while at the same time INCREASING government spending every year.

But this time its different?
Worse for their argument, under Biden we hit the highest rate of domestic oil production in world history. Not just our country. ANY Country. Ever.

If more domestic oil reduces inflation, why didn't it?
Progs are Sovietizing the nation. When we have government stores and a weak energy system, we are going to see people starving and freezing to death in northern cities. And to keep warm with illegal hook ups or heaters, major fires that can turn into conflagrations. We have to many cultures with some that have an ax to grind and the poorer which will expand greatly along with the working poor will bear the brunt of the suffering. Watching these liars, frauds and traitors every day is sickening. It's time for them to go. The things that Harris are proposing is going to add trillions to the deficit each year. Just print up the fiat currency.
About to be passed by Biden.
Until it does, all we're doing is discuss why I'm right.

And of course, even if Trump is number 2, the expectation of budget cuts after 4 years of record breakingspending is WILDLY unrealistic pipedream and laughably insuffecient as a inflation reduction policy.

And if funding solar panels increases inflation, why didn't it when that funding began under Obama?

Electricity prices and deficits would have been lower without that wasteful Obama spending.

And yet we didn't see the inflationary spikes that your argument assumes. If funding solar panels increases inflation then why didn't it?

You still haven't answered the question.

Worse, Trump NEVER reduced spending in his entire presidency. But this time is different? That's childishly naive.
Progs are Sovietizing the nation. When we have government stores and a weak energy system, we are going to see people starving and freezing to death in northern cities. And to keep warm with illegal hook ups or heaters, major fires that can turn into conflagrations. We have to many cultures with some that have an ax to grind and the poorer which will expand greatly along with the working poor will bear the brunt of the suffering. Watching these liars, frauds and traitors every day is sickening. It's time for them to go. The things that Harris are proposing is going to add trillions to the deficit each year. Just print up the fiat currency.


So nothing on why higher oil production didn't reduce inflation.

Well that was easy.

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