The Giggler

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Kamala was the border czar (and who cares if that’s not an actual title?):


Gee. It almost begs the question:

How did she do?

I’d say it’s obvious. She was a total fail. She sucks. (Just ask Willie Brown.)
Yet more:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ effort to tackle root causes of migration from Central America has yielded more than $4.2 billion in private sector commitments, but border crossings remain high amid mass migration in the Western Hemisphere.

In March 2021, during an influx of unaccompanied migrant children, President Joe Biden tasked Harris with overseeing diplomatic efforts with the Northern Triangle. At the time, most minors apprehended on the US southern border were from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras – a region where major hurricanes and the coronavirus pandemic took a devastating toll.

Republicans seized on the assignment, dubbing Harris the “border czar” – a title the White House rejected, arguing that her focus was on long-term fixes. ****

How did she do on that whole “focus” on “long-term fixes” thing?

All I see is a long term nothing and a history of her doing nothing but failing.
Is set to speak in Houston anytime now. Who knows what loony stuff she will say? Bound to be embarrassing.

perhaps if she brings up sharks, batteries, electrocution, & hannibal lector for the 10th time - she be called a stable genius? :heehee:
never trust someone incapable of feeling true joy & amusement. donny smiles & chuckles a bit from time to time - usually after using some 3rd grade playground bully insult... but he has never shown an honest belly laugh in his sad pathetic life.
Yea but can trump make it through the next 4 plus years? He's out of shape and 80.

And with JD saying you can't even get an abortion if you are raped or in cases of incest, I doubt even Trump would vote for JD Vance. He's probably screwed Ivanka and we know he's raped women because he's had to pay millions and he admitted it on tape.

Women for Kamala. This ain't Hillary you know. And Trump BARELY beat HILLARY CLINTON. Up until Trump, she was the most polarizing politician. Now Trump is and that's the reason people didn't vote for her.

Trump BARELY beat Hillary in 16. Remember that.
Where did you get the idea Trump is 80?
Are you saying that might have been her cocaine in the WH? That could explain a lot.

God knows what goes on in a dim White house.. Hitlery used to throw lamps or some such thing @ Bill... always throwing temper tantrums..

Well, it looks like maybe she at least blamed Bill SoME of the time for all his... uh.. defects of character? mostly, she blamed females
I listened to it. She was addressing the American Federation of Teachers who were enthusiastic about all her leftist points that had very little to nothing about better education and everything to do with strengthening unions, more gun control, bigger and more authoritarian government.

In other words, same old same old.

All I can say is she does have a better delivery using a teleprompter than Biden does. But they're aren't allowing her to do much extemporaneously as she pretty much consistently flubs the lines doing that.
you mean Nothing but cackling

The giggler or rapist. Even Trump's VP believes he's a rapist. Doesn't care, but agrees

In deleted likes from his Twitter account, reviewed by CNN, Vance had also indicated he believed Trump’s accusers and those who criticized Trump as a “serial sexual assault[er].”

“Maybe the Central Park 5 could take out a full-page ad to condemn the coddling of thug real estate barons who commit serial sexual assault,” read the post, again posted just after the “Access Hollywood” tape surfaced.

Another post liked in 2016 by Vance said, “I wish there was a 2nd Vice Presidential debate just to see @GovPenceIN deny that Trump said he grabbed p*ssy.”

And in October 2016, Vance shared on Facebook a Washington Post editorial by Russell Moore, then of the Southern Baptist Convention, criticizing Trump’s views on women.
Imagine Kamala at a G7 meeting, standing among world leaders just giggling like an idiot while everyone else tries to discuss economic matters.
Imagine Kamala at a G7 meeting, standing among world leaders just giggling like an idiot while everyone else tries to discuss economic matters.
How could Kamala be any more of an embarrassment than than acting like this on the world stage:


Or acting like this:

Trump consistently made an ass of himself on the world stage:


.....and you're worried about some giggling! LOL
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How could Kamala be any more of an embarrassment than than acting like this on the world stage:

View attachment 984083

Or acting like this:

Trump consistently made an ass of himself on the world stage:

View attachment 984085

You're a school teacher. I am sure you have seen more than a few toddlers sitting like that in your day.

But hey if that is what you want in a President. that's your prerogative.

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