Zone1 I am stepping away from Judaism

I have been posting here but rarely. I even walked away for a while. Recent events have made me understand my culture and faith on a higher level. I am a Jew, a son of parents whose parents fought the Nazis in the old Soviet Union. I lost a vast amount of my ancestors to WW2 and the Holocaust. There are very few of us left in the world. The vitriol against Jews remains high. With my kids ready for college, I cannot have them be under fire because of the hatred. We saw on our college campuses how most colleges took the side of protesters and even told Jewish students to study remotely. They cancelled graduations. They appeased those who would call for the end of Israel and for blatant antisemitism.

What unified both the far left and far right is their hatred of Jews. I get it form the Left. They see Jews as wealthy oppressors and white. That to them means evil. I see it from the Nazi alt right too. They want Hitler to finish what he started. What was troubling is that the moderates began to hate too.


Then it came to me. We bring this upon ourselves. People like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Alejandro Mayorkas (yes he is a Jew), etc.

Let’s take Schiff for example. He bashed Hur for calling Biden a senile old man only to now ask Biden to step down because, well he is a senile old man. Why? Their lies were exposed. Schiff always knew this but lied to the American people. This feeds into the hateful narrative that Jews are deceitful.

Many, hell most Jews still vote Democrat despite the party overtly telling us they don’t want our vote just our money.

The faith is no longer with me. I ll pretend while my parents are still here. But once they are gone, so goes my faith and allegiance to Judaism. Same for my kids.

We are all walking away.

I share this here because despite all the hate this site has, it also has honesty and I respect that.

Writing this will likely result in some posts slamming me. And that’s fine. Actually therapeutic. In the end while I despise low life antisemites, I have to admit that I despise Democrat Jews equally.

Its time to leave the faith.

Thank you for reading.
It is your choice we all have free will that is why the symbolism of Jacob’s ladder is so apt where people are moving up the ladder and people climbing down the ladder… If you are choosing to get off the ladder( Judaism) that is your choice and yours alone instead of working your way to the. Top….It is a tough time now I do not disagree but it is only through hardship and pressure that beautiful things are formed such as a diamond or a pearl that is why olives are squeezed so that the oil can be pure and unsullied by other elements such is the Jewish people… I wish you well in whatever you choose but I find it ironic that you chose “Azog” as your handle because some say that the orcs in Tolkiens books represent the Turks and it was the Turks who were particularly tough on the Jews in their midst and jailed shabatai Svi and his followers to convert to Islam in the 1600’s as they too “ stepped” away from their faith… Remember in the end in the hobbit it was the dwarves some say Tolkien compared them to the Jews that ended up killing the i
Orcs and Azog esp who was no more but only after much hardship and toil… Something you might want to keep in mind as this last indignation unfolds in a long line. Of. Indignations…. shalom to you…
Well not spineless AZ here. He is renouncing Judaism… haven’t you heard?!

The Pro Iran / Pro Arab Far Left & Left will drive 35-40% of the Jewish vote to Trump
The Pro Iran/Pro Arab fan is ---right now have all sorts of
ramifications politically, ESPECIALLY the Trump history which
is considered Pro Israel. An actual example is the decision by
pelousy of all skanks to sorta boycott Netanyahu---it's really
an indirect stab at Trump. Lots of the Netanyanu boycotting
is really ANTI-TRUMP

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