"Heroic" Arab Muslim Anti-Semites break teeth of 88-year-old woman in Paris…

You hate it Sayimanarse when your lies and Fake News are exposed .
Mossad lied about October 7th and all the extreme stories involving babies , mass rape etc .

You as a Hasbara Troll have been exposed as a Fake organisation and you are seen as vermin .

So go away Habara Troll and peddle your lies elsewhere



It's nice how isolated nazitroll luiza is and desperate.

It's why she replies to herself.

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I picked up a great book yesterday, written by Noa Tishby, titled “Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth.” It outlines the ancient history of Israel, how the nation was formed in 1948, dispels the anti-Jew lies such as stolen land, apartheid, genocide, etc., and gives excellent examples of double standards applied to the Jewish country.

Give me a week with it, and I will start a great thread dispelling all the antisemitic lies about Israel.

P.S. it’s not really a “simple” guide - it explores very complex issues in great detail
PS Noa isn't even a rightwinger
Did they shout Allah Akbar before or after?

Arabs attack grandmother of Israeli lawmaker in Paris suburb.
MK Sharren Haskel accused the French government of failing to protect the country's Jewish community from violence.
Amelie Botbol, Akiva Van Koningsveld.
(July 4, 2024 / JNS)

... "After Oct. 7, there has been an explosion of antisemitism, targeting and attacking the Jews, resulting in physical attacks, death and rape of Jews in France," Haskel told JNS, confirming a report by Israel’s Kan News public broadcaster on the incident, which took place earlier this week.

Two Arabs attacked the 88-year-old victim after she left her home in Val-d’Oise, just north of Paris, for a doctor’s visit, according to the report.

One of the assailants reportedly punched Haskel’s grandmother in the face, breaking her teeth and knocking her to the ground. After the fall, one of them was said to have continued to kick her in the back while shouting, "Dirty [sic] Jew, dirty old lady, this is what you deserve."

Haskel told JNS, "She tried to hide it from my family because she was embarrassed and ashamed, but she couldn’t. It could have ended far worse. Today, she went to the hospital to be examined as part of her filing a complaint with the police."

French authorities confirmed to Kan that a probe had been opened into the attack. In the complaint, the victim noted, "I think they saw my Star of David necklace, otherwise they wouldn’t know." She had to seek medical attention for pain in her back, knees, shoulder and right wrist.

“I have no hope in the French authorities for treatment,” the younger Haskel wrote in a post on X on Wednesday, charging that the government led by French President Emmanuel Macron’s ruling Renaissance Party “allows blood libels to be spread against Israel, and as a result, the Jewish community suffers from violence, rape, murder....
This is why the world needs to learn that rather than inviting muslims into your nation, you kill them instead. We need another GW Bush. The world has apparently forgotten what happens when you anger the west. Muslims need to be put back in check.

If several nukes went off in the Middle East, the world would be sooo sad about it, but lets be honest, the world would be a much better place if every muslim on Earth simultaneously died. It would be sad to lose the children, but you are getting rid of the shitty adults too, so its a wash in my book. :dunno:
All Jews must flee both France /UK or face disaster in the near future
Couldnt France just develop roving gangs of vigilantes and patriots who hunt muslims in public? Wouldnt that be the better solution? Moving is expensive, but baseball bats are cheap. :dunno:
Islam, Muslim, or any of those ideas have no place in a civilized western based country or society.

I'm not saying they are wrong, that they should be killed or anything like that. They can believe what they want, but they shouldn't be allowed to live in a western type society, they have no place it and will only serve to harm it.

I don't say this out of hatred but I don't believe Muslims or Islam should be allowed in America. They can visit, but they should not be allowed to live here. If you believe in that stuff you should not be living in America, you need to stay in a country where that is normal.
I'm not saying they are wrong, that they should be killed or anything like that.
Whoa, slow down man. There is no need to take anything off the table at this juncture. You never want to limit your options. :dunno:
Couldnt France just develop roving gangs of vigilantes and patriots who hunt muslims in public? Wouldnt that be the better solution? Moving is expensive, but baseball bats are cheap. :dunno:
I think there were some in the 1970s...
Noa is gtreat. Telling it like it is..

Since there is no justification for what ethical Jews and non Jews around the world are condemning as the Gaza genocide,(1) apologists for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda are forced to resort to slander.

For example, where would Israel's paid, trained and scripted apologists for genocide be without their "Hasbara Handbook", "Global Language dictionary" and extensive training on how to lie for pay.

Has anyone else noticed that all Posts written by Israel's army of genocidal shills sound alike?

1. If you join the rest of the rational world and write that you are condemning blatant Zionist genocide, Israel's Hasbara shills(2) are trained to accuse you of: "Supporting Hamas".

2. If you oppose Netanyahu's criminal expansionism / "Settlements" for which there is no excuse, Israel's paid shills call you a "Jew hater".

Yes, the destruction of Gaza and too many of its residents to count is, indeed, genocidal by any definition.
IDF is exterminating civilians "...more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes." (3)

3. Yes, Israel's illegal expansionism via criminal "Settlements" are proof that the Israeli government rejects peace and prefers to exterminate Palestine's native residents and steal their land for "Greater Israel" (aka Lebensraum).

Why should Israel want peace when it can exterminate Palestine's native residents, steal their land and still be rewarded with countless $ Trillions in US "aid" and weaponry?

It's long past time for ethical Americans to defund what is perhaps the most egregious and criminal mass slaughter of this century.

(1). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(2). "The new hasbara campaign Israel doesn’t want you to know about"

"Losing the war for public opinion abroad, Israel is relaunching a heavily-funded plan to disguise its own propaganda behind the façade of 'foreign agents.'"​

EXCERPT "The Israeli cabinet approved on Sunday a project that could inject up to NIS 100 million [$30 million] toward covertly funding government propaganda in the United States and other Western countries.

Led by Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, the initiative is expected to revive a failed plan entrusted until recently to the now-defunct Strategic Affairs Ministry, which closed in 2021. The plan is to transfer money indirectly to foreign organizations that will spread Israeli propaganda in the countries in which they operate, all while hiding the fact that they are backed by the Israeli government.

The project, which was initially established under the name “Solomon’s Sling” and is now known as “Concert,” was supposed to serve as the spearhead of the Strategic Affairs Ministry and change the global discourse on Israel, particularly online." CONTINUED

(3). "The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED
Jews need to stop running and just arm themselves and organize; it the State refuses to fulfill its obligations to citizens then it's obvious the citizens themselves are free to do so.

Those bourgeois Jews now fleeing Israel because they might have to defend themselves should never be allowed back in. Disgusting cowards. They're effectively just handing the state over to those ultra-orthodox nutjobs, the very Jews who had nothing to do with founding the state in the first place and are nothing but obnoxious deadbeats.
The orthodox don’t work
They collect huge welfare and most of them hate the country
This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at https://t.co/RP773XzDEP.


— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
Nazi Palestine

Outcast racist Luiza also likes to push conspiracy theories. As if users, posters don't post their own opinions individually.

Mapping "palestinian" Oct 7 massacres:

I think I recall it saying one time that it dumpster dives for its food.

The ghoul is REALLY an outcast.
Since there is no justification for what ethical Jews and non Jews around the world are condemning as the Gaza genocide,(1) apologists for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda are forced to resort to slander.

For example, where would Israel's paid, trained and scripted apologists for genocide be without their "Hasbara Handbook", "Global Language dictionary" and extensive training on how to lie for pay.

Has anyone else noticed that all Posts written by Israel's army of genocidal shills sound alike?

1. If you join the rest of the rational world and write that you are condemning blatant Zionist genocide, Israel's Hasbara shills(2) are trained to accuse you of: "Supporting Hamas".

2. If you oppose Netanyahu's criminal expansionism / "Settlements" for which there is no excuse, Israel's paid shills call you a "Jew hater".

Yes, the destruction of Gaza and too many of its residents to count is, indeed, genocidal by any definition.
IDF is exterminating civilians "...more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes." (3)

3. Yes, Israel's illegal expansionism via criminal "Settlements" are proof that the Israeli government rejects peace and prefers to exterminate Palestine's native residents and steal their land for "Greater Israel" (aka Lebensraum).

Why should Israel want peace when it can exterminate Palestine's native residents, steal their land and still be rewarded with countless $ Trillions in US "aid" and weaponry?

It's long past time for ethical Americans to defund what is perhaps the most egregious and criminal mass slaughter of this century.

(1). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(2). "The new hasbara campaign Israel doesn’t want you to know about"

"Losing the war for public opinion abroad, Israel is relaunching a heavily-funded plan to disguise its own propaganda behind the façade of 'foreign agents.'"​

EXCERPT "The Israeli cabinet approved on Sunday a project that could inject up to NIS 100 million [$30 million] toward covertly funding government propaganda in the United States and other Western countries.

Led by Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, the initiative is expected to revive a failed plan entrusted until recently to the now-defunct Strategic Affairs Ministry, which closed in 2021. The plan is to transfer money indirectly to foreign organizations that will spread Israeli propaganda in the countries in which they operate, all while hiding the fact that they are backed by the Israeli government.

The project, which was initially established under the name “Solomon’s Sling” and is now known as “Concert,” was supposed to serve as the spearhead of the Strategic Affairs Ministry and change the global discourse on Israel, particularly online." CONTINUED

(3). "The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED
There is no genocide occurring ,Islamist boy.

You should go back to whatever courtry first defecated you into existence
Islam, Muslim, or any of those ideas have no place in a civilized western based country or society.

I'm not saying they are wrong, that they should be killed or anything like that. They can believe what they want, but they shouldn't be allowed to live in a western type society, they have no place it and will only serve to harm it.

I don't say this out of hatred but I don't believe Muslims or Islam should be allowed in America. They can visit, but they should not be allowed to live here. If you believe in that stuff you should not be living in America, you need to stay in a country where that is normal.
I think western countries should allow in those people who wish to ESCAPE Islam. I would break bread with Ayaan Hirsi Ali any day of the week.

It is those who seek to spread their cult who don't belong here.
I think western countries should allow in those people who wish to ESCAPE Islam. I would break bread with Ayaan Hirsi Ali any day of the week.

It is those who seek to spread their cult who don't belong here.
The problem is they are taught it is OK to lie if it furthers the goal of expanding the caliphate. How can we believe a Muslim foreigner who claims to want to escape Islamism?
I think western countries should allow in those people who wish to ESCAPE Islam. I would break bread with Ayaan Hirsi Ali any day of the week.

It is those who seek to spread their cult who don't belong here.

I don't like throwing the baby out with the bath water but I'm going to in this instance I will. But that is because it's getting out of hand and we need to wipe the slate clean. Later one day in the future yes we could make exceptions but not now.

It's like the illegals thing. At this point we need to send everyone home that isn't an American, close the border and get everything under control for a year or two.

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