Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump

You filthy fucks are pretending she wasn’t hired for her skin color and vagina. Why?
She’s worthless, like all DEi hires and Justices who can’t define ‘woman’.
Bah ha ha ha

Tim Scott is token fuckup.

He’s your one DEI hire in the entire party!!!
That’s how we got to where we are…thats how the parties became so far apart, that’s how the left emerged.
My father’s generation didn’t have time for voting, they thought the weather was more important than who was running the nation. Thanks for that old-timer. Ya’ll really fucked us, your children and grandchildren real good.

What are you crying about? I have my political beliefs and don't surrender them to anybody and especially not to any political party. Participation trophies weren't a part of my upbringing and if the vote goes the way I want, then great. If not, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Learn to deal with it.
One of the Democrats talking points against Trump:

"The only ‘plan’ Donald Trump has to secure our border is ripping mothers from their children and a few xenophobic placards at the Republican National Convention,"

Most Americans know this statement by Kamala Harris isn't true at all.

But the Democrats will grab at straws, just to "convince" the American people that Trump is "Orange Man Bad".

They will continue to spew lies, no matter if they know (for a fact), the American people aren't stupid. But the Dems believe the American people are. That's why they fall for this crap - time over again.
How man? he didn't last time. What are they going to pay for?

If its simple you should be able to tell me.
Mandate that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) block entry at the border to anyone who doesn't have a visa, even if the individual has a legitimate reason to seek asylum. It would give the secretary of Homeland Security the discretion to block migrants from entering the country to "achieve operational control" over the border. If the secretary failed to block asylum seekers, the bill would allow state attorneys general to "bring an action" against him or her in a U.S. district court.

That would be the first step!
It's on. And there is no comparison for America. She is going to turn out the Black and Asian vote like no one since President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

The Republican Party is running an old, confused, mentally unhinged rapist and multiple felon.
The Democratic Party is running a young, energetic, accomplished woman, who is also a bit of a looker. Always important.

Let's check in with the Republican nominee, from the woman he was found guilty of raping:


I could not agree more! Kamala is the future of this country.
Mandate that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) block entry at the border to anyone who doesn't have a visa, even if the individual has a legitimate reason to seek asylum.
That would be illegal under current law. Congress would have to change said law first.

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