Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

Is there really a difference between 30 yrs older and 25 years older, as Trump is over Melania's age? Are you admitting that Melania was just a gold digging Ho and Trump simply used the Ho for sex?

She openly dated him 1994, 1995 then ended their relationship. Brown had been separated from his wife, and living separate lives for over 13yrs in 1994, he had been living a single man's life.

Brown says he helped her in San Fran...whatever that means....and this was years after they dated...but he claims to have helped a lot of politicians as a big political influencer in the region...


I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

That’s politics for ya.

The voters, voted for her to win, over and over and over again, the following years...she wasn't simply appointed by a higher up.

Now let me ask you....

Why is this 30 years ago past relationship important to you all? Do you think all this male trash talk about successful women is going to actually help Trump win the election?

YOU MEN, are surely mistaken! This crap of yesteryear slut bashing by y'all is going to bring near every woman out there, out to vote ...against your demeaning of women, white male, dominated side! Mark my words!

The "difference" Care is huge actually! It's a matter of whose money is being spent on an alleged gold digger. If Donald Trump wants to spend HIS money on a younger woman...that's HIS business! If Willie Brown is spending the taxpayers of California's money on a younger woman that's the PUBLIC'S business!
Is there really a difference between 30 yrs older and 25 years older, as Trump is over Melania's age?
Are you admitting that Melania was just a gold digging Ho and Trump simply used the Ho for sex?
Uh, did you miss the marriage part? 20 years. You don't see a difference? Sad
She openly dated him 1994, 1995 then ended their relationship. Brown had been separated from his wife, and living separate lives for over 13yrs in 1994, he had been living a single man's life.

Brown says he helped her in San Fran...whatever that means....and this was years after they dated...but he claims to have helped a lot of politicians as a big political influencer in the region...


I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

That’s politics for ya.

The voters, voted for her to win, over and over and over again, the following years...she wasn't simply appointed by a higher up.

Now let me ask you....

Why is this 30 years ago past relationship important to you all? Do you think all this male trash talk about successful women is going to actually help Trump win the election?

YOU MEN, are surely mistaken! This crap of yesteryear slut bashing by y'all is going to bring near every woman out there, out to vote ...against your demeaning of women, white male, dominated side! Mark my words!

You seem extremely defensive that Kamala used sex for her political advancement. Why? She's not ashamed.

Will there be a Harris/trump debate?​

Ooo, I'm on pins and needles. Should I call?

Actually what intelligent people believe is that the DEI Secret Service has become so incompetent under the left that it almost allowed a kid who can't shoot to save his life to assassinate a former President of the United States!

The head of the Secret Service was just one more Biden appointee that couldn't do the job...just like all of the rest of them.

Way off topic. The Orange Shit ran for hills rather than debate Ms. Harris. He Yellow Belly Lying Yankee Coward.
Can Trump defend his record?

He was in charge for four years, nothing changed.

At the Republican convention some dude with Trump's wall all the way across his land that borders Mexico was complaining that the immigrants were still getting through.

He did things in Israel, how'd that work out? He did things with Russia, how'd that work out?

What did Trump do that changed anything?
Israel was signing peace accords with 3 different Arab neighbors under Trump and Iran was being starved financially so it wasn't able to finance terror around the world as it's done under Biden.
Russia didn't invade anyone during Trump's time in office.
Trump was in the process of building the wall but he was obstructed by Democrats every step of the way on that. The border was SO much more secure back then though...the difference was massive.
Fox has offered a debate. Has Kamala Harris agreed?

You think a change of venue would scare a Woman who has been an Alameda County Assistant District Attorney, District Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco and Attorney General of the State of California?

He is a Convicted Felon, she is a career prosecutor who put fraudsters like him in jail. A change of venue does not in anyway, shape or form alters those facts. He is criiminal. He is a rapist. He is a pathological liar. Over 25+Women has accused him of Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault/Sexual Harssament and you think a change of venue with scare Ms. Harris off? He is the one who turned tail and ran way at the thought of debating her.

And of course, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that the Orange Shit Gibbon ran for hills rather than debate Ms. Harris. He is coward, there are not enough adult depends to handle the shit coming out of his fat, smelly pimpled ass at thought of having to debate her.

Epic failure on your part at attempted deflection. But being a mindless MAGA MAGGGOT LEMMING you must be use to failure.
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There was no audience because that's what Biden asked for. He got to pick the venue. He got to pick the moderators. He was given the questions in advance.

Trump STILL kicked his ass!

New Michigan Poll Shows Where Trump-Harris Stand After Biden Decision.

As you look at this poll, you will see there is zero African-American support for P01136809. No Black Voters for that Orange Shit Stain.
You think a change of venue would scare a Woman who has been an Alameda County Assistant District Attorney, District Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco and Attorney General of the State of California?

He is a Convicted Felon, she is a career prosecutor who put fraudsters like him in jail. A change of venue does not in anyway, shape or form alters those facts. He is criiminal. He is a rapist. He is a pathological liar. Over 25+Women has accused him of Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault/Sexual Harssament and you think a change of venue with scare Ms. Harris off? He is the one who turned tail and ran way at the thought of debating her.

And of course, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that the Orange Shit Gibbon ran for hills rather than debate Ms. Harris. He is coward, there are not enough adult depends to handle the shit coming out of his fat, smelly pimpled ass at thought of having to debate her.

Epic failure on your part at attempted deflection. But being a mindless MAGA MAGGGOT LEMMING you must be use to failure.
That thing that scares Kamala is someone bringing up her record. It's what Tulsi Gabbard did in their debate and Kamala was gone a week later.
All the bullshit about "saving Democracy"? You run on THAT because you don't want to run on your record! Kamala Harris is a California liberal Democrat...with all that entails. She was named the most liberal member of the Senate when she was there. So if you want America to be like California? Vote for Kamala. If you want nothing to do with the failed policies of the far left then vote for Trump. It's really that simple.
New Michigan Poll Shows Where Trump-Harris Stand After Biden Decision.

As you look at this poll, you will see there is zero African-American support for P01136809. No Black Voters for that Orange Shit Stain.
Trump is polling at over 20% of the black vote...a higher percentage than any Republican in decades.
So you think all of those Gen Z'ers who can't afford to buy a house and are living back with their parents are going to vote for Kamala? Got news for you, Billo...it hasn't been that long since interest rates were much lower and they had a lot more money in their pockets. That was when Trump was President. Those young voters have been told for much of their lives that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good but now they're out in the real world and they're living it. They're slowly coming to the realization that progressive policies aren't good for them...and that conservative ones are! They're moving to GOP run States because the quality of life there is better. So why would they vote for someone who's going to give them even MORE far left policies?
So you think all of those Gen Z'ers who can't afford to buy a house and are living back with their parents are going to vote for Kamala? Got news for you, Billo...it hasn't been that long since interest rates were much lower and they had a lot more money in their pockets. That was when Trump was President. Those young voters have been told for much of their lives that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good but now they're out in the real world and they're living it. They're slowly coming to the realization that progressive policies aren't good for them...and that conservative ones are! They're moving to GOP run States because the quality of life there is better. So why would they vote for someone who's going to give them even MORE far left policies?
GenZ' ers typically lean liberal, as a maxim however. They have also seen the Biden admin attempt to reduce school loan costs, which especially impact them.

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