Is Kamala's Candidacy a Test Balloon?

The polls are all over the place right now, and a handful that move as predicted are not terribly significant. This is her honeymoon, before the realities of her record get laid out for all to see, the inevitable black faces of the men she kept incarcerated past the time they were supposed to be released fill TV screens and endless loops of her cackling and word salads play over and over on social media. She will get another bump after the convention if they can prevent it from descending into chaos and violence, but then reality sets in.

So, grab gleefully onto whatever polls you want if they make you feel better. The truth is, as we are aware, the election will come down to a handful of swing states and independent voters. Overall popularity means nothing, as Hillary found out after ignoring vital parts of the country.
/---/ I heard on 710 iHeart Radio this am that most of her profiles and controversies are being stripped from the internet.
Unless/until Kamala Harris is actually nominated, her endorsement by President Biden may be a test balloon for how she might fare in the general election against President Trump. The first level of analysis will be whether she might actually win the election, but the second level of analysis will be her effect on down-ballot elections. It is one thing to concede the White House to Trump, but quite another to provide him with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate. If the latter appears likely during the next three weeks, we may see Kamala withdraw her candidacy in favor of another nominee.
/----/ Truth Social
America doesn't need a DEI Hire President

We need the best candidate for the job

Who is most qualified on Day One?

Who has the better the best record?

The American people deserve the best
/---/ I heard on 710 iHeart Radio this am that most of her profiles and controversies are being stripped from the internet.
Once something is on the internet it never really goes just becomes harder to find. Including Grandma's pictures/movies on OnlyFans...or the First Lady's nude pictures.
Unless/until Kamala Harris is actually nominated, her endorsement by President Biden may be a test balloon for how she might fare in the general election against President Trump. The first level of analysis will be whether she might actually win the election, but the second level of analysis will be her effect on down-ballot elections. It is one thing to concede the White House to Trump, but quite another to provide him with substantial majorities in both the House and Senate. If the latter appears likely during the next three weeks, we may see Kamala withdraw her candidacy in favor of another nominee.
It's not a test. They backed themselves into a corner with Harris and they are forced to try to make lemonade out of lemons.
It's not a test. They backed themselves into a corner with Harris and they are forced to try to make lemonade out of lemons.
/---/ I heard on 710 iHeart Radio this am that most of her profiles and controversies are being stripped from the internet.
I would be very surprised if anything was left 48 hours after she took over the campaign. They want as little as possible to get in the way, and inconvenient things she's done and said will get in the way. In the world of the internet, however, I'm sure everything is archived somewhere, and we just need the patriots to get it out there for public consumption.
No, a candidate’s honeymoon is the weeks immediately after their convention.

Her honeymoon is yet to come
That will be another bump, but this is about the best she's going to have, especially if the convention descends into chaos.
Why would it? Everyone in the party and its voters seems to want Harris over Biden.
Because she has nothing new to come out that will help her in the polls and all the new information will be a drag on her. She has no stellar accomplishments to point to and her stint on immigration was a dismal failure. Opposition research has only just begun, so expect a LOT of derogatory things to come out very soon. Of course, the party's voters prefer her over the crypt keeper, that's why the party elite forced him out.

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