Trump afraid to debate Harris?

Trump doesn't care about the opportunity to debate Kamala....

If she agrees to a debate, Trump will seize the opportunity to embarrass her completely. She can't win a debate and has never won a debate....ever!....even in the Democratic primary. She doesn't look good on camera or have a pleasant voice. Then her blatantly false accusations while screeching make her look even worse.

Harris has a better chance of not being embarrassed in November by not debating Trump than by engaging in the practice.
I don't who you have her confused with, but she would not tolerate the nonsense. She would say, "I am a prosecutor, you are a felon, and on 6 November, you are back in court."

Since "Sleepy Joe" has dropped out of the Presidential race, and Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee, the Trump saying of "I'll debate any time any place," is now looking very shaky. A cold wind is definitely blowing around Trump's ankles.

Going up against a black female and former prosecutor is suddenly not very palatable to Trump, knowing that Kamala will likely blow him off the stage.

Stay tuned; as Trump tosses various excuses to not debate against the wall to see what sticks.
No, Where do you get your illusions laser brain?
Yes. Trump is shaking.
Wishful thinking....

The odds haven't changed on Wall Street or Vegas. Then there's the whole illegal fundraising....many are reporting the millions of laundered money....people are likely going to Jail due to FEC investigations. Then there's the chance of war by other countries blatantly trying to influence Americans Iran, China, and Russia.
Thats what they all forget. They pretend like she is a great debater, but the truth is, she came out of the debates looking like an idiot. Her shitty performance in the debates is why she had to instantly drop out of the race.
Democrat supporters have the memory retention of goldfish. That's why they are so easily manipulated by the dishonest Democratic Party.

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