Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

So you think all of those Gen Z'ers who can't afford to buy a house and are living back with their parents are going to vote for Kamala? Got news for you, Billo...it hasn't been that long since interest rates were much lower and they had a lot more money in their pockets. That was when Trump was President. Those young voters have been told for much of their lives that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good but now they're out in the real world and they're living it. They're slowly coming to the realization that progressive policies aren't good for them...and that conservative ones are! They're moving to GOP run States because the quality of life there is better. So why would they vote for someone who's going to give them even MORE far left policies?
Our economy is growing at 2.8%, which is more than the Trump Presidency.
GenZ' ers typically lean liberal, as a maxim however. They have also seen the Biden admin attempt to reduce school loan costs, which especially impact them.
You mean they've seen the Biden Administration try to buy their votes by cancelling student debt despite the Supreme Court ruling that was illegal? For every rich college student Gen Z'er who's stoked they don't have to pay back their loans there are three Gen Z'ers that couldn't afford college or actually paid off their student loans. They know exactly what the left is trying to do and they know why!
That thing that scares Kamala is someone bringing up her record. It's what Tulsi Gabbard did in their debate and Kamala was gone a week later.
All the bullshit about "saving Democracy"? You run on THAT because you don't want to run on your record! Kamala Harris is a California liberal Democrat...with all that entails. She was named the most liberal member of the Senate when she was there. So if you want America to be like California? Vote for Kamala. If you want nothing to do with the failed policies of the far left then vote for Trump. It's really that simple.

Tulsi Gabbard is a non-entity. No cares what or why she says anything. She desparate attention she can get. Gabbard is an empty suit. Hated in Hawaii and she finds herself on outside looking in.

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