‘I think she’s an idiot’: MSNBC’s female focus group is devastating for Kamala Harris

MSNBC conducted a focus group of female voters and it didn’t go well for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Not that I disagree much with the ladies' opinions, but the brainless media article was totally misleading. If the linked article desired to be totally truthful it would have indicated that this was:

MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan talks with female Trump voters and right-leaning swing voters in the state of Wisconsin about the 2024 race and VP Harris running for president.

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As you claim Harris and Biden aren't?

Trump and his cult are the people that killed it.

Senate downs border bill for second time

View attachment 984531
The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › 4682181-senate-down...
May 23, 2024 — The Senate voted down the bipartisan border bill Thursday, marking the second time it has been blocked in a matter of months as Democrats ...

Your claim https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2 was introduced on 5/11/2023.
1) correct
2) They didn't kill the House bill that has been on Chuck's deak since mid-2023.
IMHO this is an all but explicit concession of the election. They have no one else that will volunteer to be the sacrificial lamb and lose to Trump. Running her solves their Kamala problem and leaves them wide open for 2028.
And that’s the next issue: Vance. His denigrating childless women as cat ladies who have no vested interest in the country’s future will come back to bite him in the ass. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it: either he does such a wonderful job as VP that it’s forgiven, or we get a healthy primary challenge.
And that’s the next issue: Vance. His denigrating childless women as cat ladies who have no vested interest in the country’s future will come back to bite him in the ass. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it: either he does such a wonderful job as VP that it’s forgiven, or we get a healthy primary challenge.
Repub bench is so deep, I'm not concerned.
MSNBC conducted a focus group of female voters and it didn’t go well for Vice President Kamala Harris.

With Harris gaining massive popularity practically overnight, it’s important to know if the enthusiasm shared on social media is reflected by people planning to hit the polls in November. If MSNBC’s focus group is anything to go by, the vice-president-turn-presumptive-nominee has a lot to fear.

Political analyst Elise Jordan asked the women how Harris compares to President Joe Biden, who was encouraged to drop out of the race by his own party.

“How do you perceive VP Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?”
I had a good LOL here. Thanks

But I think the dims are going to replace her

Newsom is doing conservative-looking things, I see (news reports) so yeh...

He doesn't realize it's too late... poor, deluded knucklehead
If you actually go to msnbc you'll see they were polling Trump voters, Moron. :laugh:
You dint finish yer convoluted Lie.You meant { as well }
MSNBC was Polling Trump voters AS WELL.
Which is literally baked into every waking moment
MSNBC does.Trump this ... Trump That.
Whatabout If Trump did this.Or Trump did that.
It's all Crapola.
I see where Michael Steele filled-in for Joy Reid
last night.I think Comcast is under extreme pressure to
can her.I mean,she deserves it a helluva lot more than
Chris Matthews ever did.Or even Cenk Uygur { 6 PM est. }
who got the axe Because I believe Michelle Obama dint like
his take on Issues.Like the way the Obama's are sweet talking
up to Kamala as if some version of a Princess Diana.
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You dint finish yer convoluted Lie.You meant { as well }
MSNBC was Polling Trump voters AS WELL.
Which is literally baked into every waking moment
MSNBC does.Trump this ... Trump That.
Whatabout If Trump did this.Or Trump did that.
It's all Crapola.
I see where Michael Steele filled-in for Joy Reid
last night.I think Comcast is under extreme pressure to
can her.I mean,she deserves it a helluva lot more than
Chris Matthews ever did.Or even Cenk Uygur { 6 PM est. }
who got the axe Because I believe Michelle Obama dint like
his take on Issues.Like the way the Obama's are sweet talking
up to Kamala as if some version of a Princess Diana.
What comes after the phrase, ASS WELL of Foolardi Angst? Is it right leaning swing voters perhaps? :dunno: :laugh:
MSNBC conducted a focus group of female voters and it didn’t go well for Vice President Kamala Harris.

With Harris gaining massive popularity practically overnight, it’s important to know if the enthusiasm shared on social media is reflected by people planning to hit the polls in November. If MSNBC’s focus group is anything to go by, the vice-president-turn-presumptive-nominee has a lot to fear.

Political analyst Elise Jordan asked the women how Harris compares to President Joe Biden, who was encouraged to drop out of the race by his own party.

“How do you perceive VP Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?”

“I think she’s worse,” one of the women said. “She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. That’s what she was supposed to be doing and in charge of. I mean as a school teacher if I did not do what I was supposed to be doing, you better believe my job would be in jeopardy. Well, it isn’t. Not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion.”

“I would never consider voting for her,” another voter responded as the rest of the panel murmured similar sentiments.

“I would consider RFK Jr. way before voting for her,” a third voter added.

Jordan then noted that Harris isn’t the first female to run for the Oval Office, so her gender likely wouldn’t sway the group to vote for her based on the historical implications of the first woman president.

“When do you think America will have a female president?” she wondered.

“When there is a competent one,” one lady said.

“I don’t get a good feel for her,” another mentioned.

“I think she’s an idiot,” piped up a third.

“Why do you think she’s not that bright?” Jordan grilled.

“Because she hasn’t done anything in the time that she’s had,” the voter responded. “We don’t know anything about her, as far as her three years so far in the White House. She’s not real smart.”

BJ -

wow and that is MSNBC people.

Dems are going to cry so hard

The media is remaking her as fast as they can, but -

MSNBC couldn't find any women who like Kamala. LOL!

‘I think she’s an idiot’: MSNBC’s female focus group is devastating for Kamala Harris​

OTOH, an idiot is a good thing from the democrats' point of view, they'll do whatever you tell 'em. Not much different from our current president.

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