‘I think she’s an idiot’: MSNBC’s female focus group is devastating for Kamala Harris

Thanks. He is going off the deep end, for sure.
You know we’ve seen your posts, right? You were the one that recently wanted to drive people of their first amendment rights and arrest them for criticizing dear leader.
It matters if you want to claim that Americans like Trump more than Harris, which was the point.
They do according to the polls. Harris is just disliked....she has one of the worst approval ratings in record history for a VP

Votes from voters, moron.

You can’t even say it. Because you don’t believe it.
um, who else votes? wait that is a dangerous question to ask a Dembot

I absolutely believe President Trump is going to get more votes for the Presidenancy then Harris....since that is what he is running to win.
um, who else votes? wait that is a dangerous question to ask a Dembot

I absolutely believe President Trump is going to get more votes for the Presidenancy then Harris....since that is what he is running to win.
He hasn’t the previous two times, so maybe third times a charm.
Excellent question but the answer isn’t straightforward.
It deserves a straightforward answer. She could say, "I traveled to this country and met with this dignitary. I traveled to that country and met with that dignitary. We discussed the issues, and these are the agreements we made". Things like that. If she didn't do any of that, we deserve to know that she simply blew off the assignment, thinking it would never come back to bite her.
No one is saying she did a great job or that she was wildly successful.
She was given a task, and it's very fair to ask:

1. What did she do?
2. How effective were her actions?

Let US judge for ourselves if she did a good job.
But you guys could start by acknowledging your lies about what she was tasked with. You’re avoiding this.
I'm playing the scenario you set out, remember? You don't want her saddled with the border, fine. What did she actually do to accomplish what she was given to accomplish?
I'm playing the scenario you set out, remember? You don't want her saddled with the border, fine
I just want you guys to be honest but we haven’t seen that yet.

If you want to acknowledge that the right wing talking point of her having authority over the border is a lie, we can move on to the other topics.
what the F are you talking about? are you still denying the 2016 election? geez, you dembots are something else
Clinton got almost 3 million more votes than Trump in 2016. He’s not that popular, even when running against someone as unpopular as Clinton.
I just want you guys to be honest but we haven’t seen that yet.

If you want to acknowledge that the right wing talking point of her having authority over the border is a lie, we can move on to the other topics.
why do you think it's a lie? She is literally VP of the United States, second in line of the executive branch, what branch of Govt do you think is suppose to be enforcing border security laws?

Are you that stupid?
I just want you guys to be honest but we haven’t seen that yet.

If you want to acknowledge that the right wing talking point of her having authority over the border is a lie, we can move on to the other topics.
I'm playing the hand you dealt and not tossing in aces I've been holding up my sleeve. Isn't that enough for you?
Clinton got almost 3 million more votes than Trump in 2016. He’s not that popular, even when running against someone as unpopular as Clinton.
what the F are you talking about? We are talking about the votes to win the Presidenacy

Trump got 304 votes, to Clinton's 227....Trump won...bigly, and will again in 2024 because nobody like Harris, she might be less liked then Clinton was
what the F are you talking about? We are talking about the votes to win the Presidenacy

Trump got 304 votes, to Clinton's 227....Trump won...bigly, and will again in 2024 because nobody like Harris, she might be less liked then Clinton was
Thanks for being as big of a troll as I expected you to be.

You do have to sympathize. Defending dementia Joe was one thing, can you imagine trying to defend the empty suit Kamala?
They’ve gone out of the frying pan into the fire. What in the world were they thinking when they decided that an airhead with a radical left wishlist, who couldn’t even get 1% of the vote in 2020, would be the answer to their prayers?

1) They are confident that the American electorate has been so dumbed down that the media could convince them Kamala is a cross between Joan of Arc and Mother Teresa, or….

2) They are confident with the voter fraud scheme they’ve set up for another steal.

3) They just have NOBODY else.
I have no idea what you mean by this tortured analogy.

All I want is honesty.
You said she wasn't given control over the border. I said, fine, let's talk about what she was actually tasked with doing. Thus far, you've admitted I had a great question, but have shown little curiosity about that answer. I mean, how much more honest can it get? I'm not claiming anything you said didn't happen.

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