‘I think she’s an idiot’: MSNBC’s female focus group is devastating for Kamala Harris

You’re an idiot. Did I just not say we need to concentrate on the needs of our own people?

If you are over 30, it’s time for you to grow the fuck up. We can’t feed the world’s poor, and certainly not when it makes our own people go more hungry.
It doesn’t hurt our people at all to try and improve the conditions of Central American countries, moron.

How about you grow the fuck up and start understanding that the world is more complex than the simple minded tripe you’re fed by political hacks.

Oh, and your concern about taking care of the needs of our own people? When the fuck is that ever been a part of the Republican Party platform. They couldn’t give a fuck about the needs of people.
It doesn’t hurt our people at all to try and improve the conditions of Central American countries, moron.

How about you grow the fuck up and start understanding that the world is more complex than the simple minded tripe you’re fed by political hacks.
Moron. Where is the money going to come from to hand out even more to Central American countries with horrible value systems?

You need to grow the fuck up and realize that redistributing money from Americans who earned it to lowlife foreigners who didn’t isn’t going to stop people from entering our country illegally.
The article linked in your text box explains you are lying.

Biden said during an immigration meeting at the White House that he had asked Harris to lead the administration's efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, countries that will "need help stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border."

A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration. Cabinet members, including the secretary of state, are expected to work closely with Harris on these issues.
Dude. Your cult leaders words. "Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on southern border"

How'd she perform at the task Biden gave her?
You’re an idiot. Did I just not say we need to concentrate on the needs of our own people?

If you are over 30, it’s time for you to grow the fuck up. We can’t feed the world’s poor, and certainly not when it makes our own people go more hungry.
Mar is having a hard time dealing with the screwing his cult has given to their own voters.
Moron. Where is the money going to come from to hand out even more to Central American countries with horrible value systems?

You need to grow the fuck up and realize that redistributing money from Americans who earned it to lowlife foreigners who didn’t isn’t going to stop people from entering our country illegally.
How much money are we talking about here? You don’t even know.

You need to grow the fuck up and realize that we don’t exist in isolation and that problems around the world do affect us. Maybe you don’t think our country is capable of achieving great things, but I do. If only we didn’t have a bunch of dead weight like yourself.
Dude. Your cult leaders words. "Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on southern border"

How'd she perform at the task Biden gave her?
Don’t be simple minded.

Maybe that’s not possible for you. I think it is, but you have to want to think for yourself.
Turning Central American countries around isn’t something with a high probability of success, but should be attempted.

Trump never even tried.
That's avoiding the question. She was given a task. What did she do to carry it out? What were the effects? If she did a great job why have we not heard what she actually did? By all accounts, she didn't even visit the border to see the facilities, review the policies, etc. so she could take that info with her to these other countries. Did she even visit them? These are the questions she needs to answer.
“we need to take care of our own people”

By cutting Medicare. Cutting Medicaid. Cutting education. Cutting housing subsidies. Cutting food stamps.

But we should build more tanks, right?
Don’t be simple minded.

Maybe that’s not possible for you. I think it is, but you have to want to think for yourself.
Yup it's all about me.

I won't bother asking you to defend the record of the vapid twit your party has saddled you with. It's an impossible task and you're not dealing well with it.

Have a blessed day
That's avoiding the question. She was given a task. What did she do to carry it out? What were the effects? If she did a great job why have we not heard what she actually did? By all accounts, she didn't even visit the border to see the facilities, review the policies, etc. so she could take that info with her to these other countries. Did she even visit them? These are the questions she needs to answer.
Excellent question but the answer isn’t straightforward.

No one is saying she did a great job or that she was wildly successful.

But you guys could start by acknowledging your lies about what she was tasked with. You’re avoiding this.
“Got mine, fuck you” is bad policy but sadly a centerpiece of MAGA ideology.
How much have you donated to South America? Oh nothing...people that ID as dembots are far more selfish and less giving.

Following scientific data collection and coding procedures, we identify 421 effect sizes from 31 empirical studies. Our meta-analysis results suggest that political conservatives are significantly more charitable than liberals at an overall level,
Yup it's all about me.

I won't bother you asking to defend the record of the vapid twit your party has saddled you with. It's an impossible task and you're not dealing well with it.

Have a blessed day
Its all about you and your ilk, who refuse to acknowledge reality and communicate like adults.

I’m just sick of your charade where you pretend to be reasonable then run away when you no longer have talking points to perpetuate.

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