Elon Musk: I Vowed to "Kill the Woke Mind Virus" After I Was Tricked Into Approving Transgender Surgery for My Son

it's all the topic. You can't segment it to suit your need to ignore the overall issue.

I am not demanding people pretend I am something I am not.
Youre demanding far more than that. Youre demanding they not “embarrass” you.

seems like you’re demanding that people pretend you aren’t a bigot.

Reality is that the brains of transgenders operate differently than cisgenders.

Some gay people are cowards, willing to appease the religious crazies...

We're talking about 16 year olds, who are already treated as adults in many states....
For the third time, all pedos think children are knowledgeable about sex and can make life changing decisions. Why do you support it?
Daughter. Sorry, if that bothers you. You should probably stop hanging out at that kind of bar.

Except no one has said that gay people can fix anything by being transgender. Transgender and Gay are two different things.

They can get married in 25 states at 16. They can be charged as an adult in most states for crimes. That indicates that the state recognizes their ability to make adult decisions.

You can't legally drink until you are 21. Are you going to seriously argue that you aren't an adult until you are 21? Then maybe the military should stop signing up 18 year olds.

Son. It's not reality.

They have been doing it by force in Iran for decades. How many gay kids are being convinced they should be the opposite sex instead?

They can't drink, but at 16 you think they should be able to get their dicks chopped off.....
Yes, I know, it gives you a sick thrill to misgender people.

That's just one reason why decent people avoid you.

I'm not misgendering anyone. It's reality. Cosplay doesn't change reality. Mutilation doesn't change reality.
This is what you said Marty....

They don't need you to speak on behalf of how they want to be treated. They can decide their own form of healthcare.

Why should trans people care about your ignorant recommendations when the level of your dialog is at twigs and berries?

They were normal physically. Then they get drugged and mutilated in an attempt to give them something they can never actually get.
Youre demanding far more than that. Youre demanding they not “embarrass” you.

seems like you’re demanding that people pretend you aren’t a bigot.

I'm not demanding anything, they demand others deny reality.

So say a lesbian that won't have sex with a declared "lesbian" that still has a penis is a bigot?
I know how you commies think too.

Doesn’t make me one of you.
So you believe you have the ability to know what others are thinking? How did you come by this super power? Vat of acid? Sent to earth from a dying alien race as it's last living progeny and gift to mankind?
No, medical professionals think that... Sorry.
Medical professionals who graduated from top tier universities:
I'm not demanding anything, they demand others deny reality.

So say a lesbian that won't have sex with a declared "lesbian" that still has a penis is a bigot?
Great. So you have no problem if someone embarrasses you and treats you poorly if you use the pronoun or name they don’t identify with. They can call you a bigot and attack you personally, because you aren’t demanding anything.

And therefore their behavior and identity doesn’t affect you whatsoever.

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